AP Human Geography
Cedar Creek High School
Mrs. Margaret McBride
Classroom Procedures:
These particular classroom procedures will determine your success within our learning community. By choosing to ignore these procedures, you may find yourself lost and quite possibly in trouble with either myself or your fellow peers. It is of your best interest to, not only, learn these procedures, but consistently practice these procedures as you enter and exit our learning community.
When Entering the Classroom Environment:
- Upon entering my classroom, turn in any homework assignment in your designated class tray and obtain any classroom materials needed for the day’s lesson.
- Walk to you Class Period Carton (in the front of the room) and obtain your Student File/Student Tool Kit.
- Walk to your assigned seat and place yourself, and your belongings in or underneath your seat.
- Place your classroom materials on top of your desk.
- Look at the board for the following items:
- Lesson’s Objective
- Needed Materials
- Daily Schedule
- Warm-up
- Promptly (and quietly) begin and complete your daily warm-up
- Once your daily warm-up is complete, quietly wait for Mrs. McBride’s instructions.
(Helpful hint: Talking to your classmates during this time will not only distract your fellow classmates from completing their assignment, but will infuriate your teacher.)
How to appropriately respond when your teacher needs your attention:
At any given moment for any given reason, I will need to obtain your and your peers’ undivided attention during the class period. When I need your undivided attention, I will quietly raise my hand and begin to count down from the number five. Once you see me raise my hand, I am asking you to:
1. Face the front of the classroom
2. Place your hands and feet underneath the desk
3. Place your eyes facing me
4. Keep your Ears’ listening
5. Keep your minds open
If you and your peers fail to obtain my undivided attention in less than FIVE SECONDS, I will begin to time how long it takes you and your class to follow the dictated procedure. I will, then, add that time to the end of each class period. I will hold each and every one of you to that time to guarantee you receive your 50 minutes of valued instruction every day.
What to do when your pencil breaks:
At any given moment, your pencil is sure to break. If your pencil does break in the middle of instruction, please follow the dictated procedure below:
- If the teacher is speaking to the class, quietly raise your hand and patiently wait for the teacher to stop speaking and addresses you.
- Politely address the teacher, and request to sharpen your pencil at an appropriate time during the class period.
A. Appropriate times to sharpen your pencil: Before the tardy bell rings, when the class is independently working, or when the teacher gives you permission to sharpen your pencil.
B. Inappropriate times to sharpen your pencil: After the tardy bell rings, when you and your peers are working on your warm-up, during the teacher’s instruction, or when the teacher has NOT given you permission to do so.
3. Only ONE person is allowed to be at the pencil sharpener at a time.
4. If your pencil breaks during instruction, I will either give you a hand sharpener to use, or a community pencil. YOU MAY NOT SHARPEN YOUR PENCIL DURING INSTRUCTIONAL TIME!
How to write an appropriate heading: (I refuse to grade assignments with an inappropriate heading.)
- Put your first and last name on the top left or right hand corner of the notebook paper, or hand out.
- Put the subject and class period underneath your name
- Then, write the full date under subject and class period
When you finish your work early:
- Reread the directions.
- Review your work completely to guarantee the directions were correctly followed and turn the assignment into your designated class tray.
- Quietly return to your seat in a manner that does not disrupt the classroom environment
- Once you are in your assigned seat, look at the board for the next assignment
- Begin the assignment
- If you need assistance, please feel free to ask me by RAISING YOUR HAND!
When you are absent:
Disclaimer: It is your responsibility to find me and hand any important documents to me before entering the class. I will not, by any means, chase you down and remind you to turn assignments in, or complete any missing work due to your absence.
- When entering the classroom, return any homework that you may have not submitted due to your absence
- Then, look at the board in the front of the class.
- Read what was done and assigned throughout the duration of your absence
- Take any missed assignment from the file folder located by my desk.
- Obtain your student file folder, walk to your assigned seat and place yourself and your belongings in, or underneath your seat
- Place the appropriate classroom materials on top of your desk
- Look at the board and begin your daily warm-up
- Once instruction is given and your peers are working on their assignment, you may then quietly approach me and ask any questions regarding your missed assignments.
- Quietly return to your assigned seat and begin that day’s assignment that is due at the end of the class period. You MAY NOT, FOR ANY REASON, work on any of your missed work during class. All of your missed assignments can be completed when you are finished with your daily class assignment or for homework.
- According to the Bastrop ISD’s District Student Policy, you have THREE DAYS to complete your missed work. If you have an extenuating circumstance, we will come to a compromise that will better help you complete the assignment with ease.
When the bell rings to release you to your next class period:
Once I give you permission,
- First, close and deposit the classroom textbooks and materials located in its designated area. You may not leave my room until I have collected ALL of my materials.
- Submit all paper work in the class tray
- Gather your things and wait for your teacher to dismiss you from the learning environment. Please note: THE BELL DOES NOT DISMISS YOU, I DO!
When you are tardy to class:
- If you are tardy for any reason, you may not enter my room until I received a signed pass from the Personal Accountability Center (PAC).
- When the tardy bell rings, I will shut the door. If you are late, you MAY NOT enter my room for any reason.
- You will walk to the Personal Accountability Center.
- You will obtain a tardy pass from the responsible adult in the center.
- You will promptly walk back to my classroom.
- You may enter my classroom with a completed pass
- Then proceed in the classroom following the dictated classroom procedures.
- Please Note: Entering my class late is a violation of my classroom policy as well as the school’s policy. As a result, there will be consequences endured from both myself and your assistant principal.
When you need to leave the classroom:
You are given time between each class period to take care of any business that is not related to instruction. With that being said, you will NOT granted permission to leave the classroom environment during the academic period. Before you choose to panic, please note there are some exceptions to this particular rule. Please note the following exception:
- Each semester, you will be granted two hall passes to use at your discretion. If you choose to not use these passes, you may redeem these passes for extra credit at any given time throughout the semester.