7th Grade World Cultures Syllabus
Mr. Mayger
What you will be learning:
- Map/Globe/Graph skills and analysis
- Five Themes of Geography
- Overview of the five major religions Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism
- Cultural analysis of major regions and countries within them:
- Europe
- India
- Africa (If time allows)
- Embedded in this curriculum are problem solving, critical thinking, content reading, and expressive writing as it pertains to real world applications.
Materials Needed:
- Pencil
- Highlighter
- ONE - 1” regular Three Ring Binder. This will be used daily.
- At least FIVE insertable index dividers (The insertable tab dividers) to go into your binder. Label Tabs “Section 1, Section 2, Section 3, Section 4, Section 5.”
- Notebook paper or one subject notebook to fit in the binder.
- Text Book **Students will be notified if books are needed for the following day.
- Two-pocket Folder to keep various papers throughout the year.
- Assignment Book
Grading: **Grading will be according to the policies established in the Student Handbook.
- Homework
- Quizzes
- Exams
- Projects
- Classwork
- Common Assessment
- Class Participation
Class expectations:
- Listen to directions the FIRST time they are given.
- Enter and exit the room prepared and on time. You will not be permitted to go to your locker once class has begun.
- Always try your best.
- Respect yourself and others. Bullying of any form will not be tolerated.
- No excuses!
- Keep food and drinks in the cafeteria and out of the classroom. Including gum.
- No personal technology (cellphones, Ipods, etc…) used during class.
- I will dismiss you from class not the bell.
Make-Up Work:
- It is the STUDENT’S responsibility to find out what work they missed while they were out. Students should come and see me before school, during homeroom, or as soon as they enter class to see what assignments they have missed.
- Students will have one day to complete makeup work, provided they missed one day of school. Arrangements will be made for students who have missed more than one day. Please do not contact the Guidance Department for assignments unless the student has missed three or more days.
- If you are missing school or class due to a planned sporting event, field trip you MUST contact your teacher at least one school day before the event (The night before does not count).
- *If a student cannot complete a project or assignment on time due to illness, emergency, family being out of town, or an unforeseen circumstance, additional time will be granted as long as the parent or guardian provides a written and signed excuse for the student.
Locker and Restroom Tips:
- Once the bell rings you will not be permitted to go to your locker. This can be a big problem, so it is important that you remember to bring your materials and assignments to class with you. You will be given THREE passes per quarter. You will not be permitted to go to the restroom or locker without one of these so use them wisely. Several guidelines are listed below:
- You must ask for permission first, fill out the pass, sign out by the door, and sign back in upon return.
- Once you run out of your three passes you will not be permitted to leave for the rest of the quarter unless in an emergency.
- The BEST solution to this problem is to use the restroom and get materials between classes, during lunch, study hall or outside of the school day.
- Left over passes may be turned in to me at the end of the quarter for extra credit.
- Lockers are to be used for storing YOUR materials ONLY. All cell phones, Ipods and other electronic devices are to remain in your locker and turned off during the school day. Sharing lockers and combinations causes many problems and thefts of expensive property. So it is best to keep your own locker to yourself and locked at all times. Materials left on top of lockers will be removed so keep your materials in and not on top of your lockers.
Technology Use:
Throughout the year you will be required to utilize online, computer-based materials and to maintain contact through your school email account. So keep your username and password information in a safe place for reference the entire year. The use of Remind 101 is another option that I might use to help remind students of upcoming activities and events.
NOTE TO PARENTS: It is my priority to have an open classroom policy. Please feel free to contact me for any reasons regarding your child dealing with classroom issues. You may email me at the above email address or contact me by calling the school at 724-539-4265. I will contact you with any problems or concerns I may have. On a final note, please know that I expect a lot of my students. If they do their work and give it their best effort, then they should have no problem getting the grade they strive for.
Signature Form:
Please take this syllabus home and review it with your parent or guardian. Both parent/guardian and student must sign to indicate they have read the course syllabus. This signature form will be collected the first week of school and will be worth 5 points. If you have any questions please contact me by phone or by email.
Student Name______
Student Signature______
Parent Name______
Parent Signature______
Parent Contact Information
Name: (Please print) ______
Phone Number: ______
Email Address: ______
Home Address: ______