World History and Geography 2004-2005

World History and Geography 2004-2005





Section 1

1. Middle Ages

2. Franks

3. Secular

4. Carolingian Dynasty

5. Charlemagne ®

Section 2

6. Feudalism

7. Scandinavia

8. Longboat (picture)

9. Lord

10. Fief

11. Vassal

12. Knight

13. Serf

14. Manor

15. Tithe

Section 3

16. Caltrops ®

17. Chivalry

18. Tournaments

19. Siege

Section 4

20. Clergy

21. Sacraments

22. Canon Law

23. Excommunication

24. Interdict ®

25. Concordat of Worms


Section 1: Charlemagne Unites Germanic Kingdoms

1. How did constant invasions and warfare lead to the economic, governmental, and cultural changes in Western Europe? What happened to the cities?

2. What happened to learning and the Latin language and what took Latin’s place?

3. Explain why the Roman Governmental system would not work with the Germanic peoples. What was the only large institution that provided order?

4. Who was Clovis AND why was his conversion to Christianity an important decision for the future of Europe?

5. What are monasteries and convents, and who lives in each of these?

6. History Makers and the first two paragraphs on Page 355: Who was Benedict AND how did his book of rules affect monasteries? Who was Scholastica and what did she do?

7. Why were monasteries the most literate places in Europe?

8. How did Pope Gregory expand the power of the Papacy into the secular role?

9. Why was Charles Martel’s victory at Tours important for Western Europe?

10. How did Charlemagne effectively manage his empire? How did he reinforce the importance of teaching and learning?

11. How did the death of Charlemagne lead to the emergence of European feudalism?

Section 2: Feudalism in Europe

12. Where were the Vikings from? What were they like?

13. Invasions in Europe: How did the Viking, Magyar, and Muslim invasions affect Europe?

14. How did the area known as Normandy come into being? Where is Normandy located AND what was its significance in the 20th Century? (You may need to ask somebody or do research for the last part…)

15. Explain the rights and duties of both the lord and serf in a feudal contract.

16. What were the living and working parts of the manor?

17. Why would the manor have to be nearly self-sufficient?

18. In what ways did the lord have control over the peasants?

19. Describe the living conditions AND the overall life for a serf. Why did they accept their lot in life?

Section 3: The Age of Chivalry

20. How did leather saddles and stirrups change warfare in Europe?

21. How did the lord pay his knights? What were the obligations of the knights?

22. What were the purposes of the castles of the time? How did troubadours fit into this castle life?

23. Compare and contrast the lives of a noble woman AND a peasant woman.

Section 4: The Power of the Church

24. How did the church provide stability amidst turmoil?

25. How did the church create a bond in local communities?

26. Who was Otto I AND what eventually was the name of the empire he created?

27. Who was Frederick “Barbarossa” AND why did he fail in his attempt to unite Germany?


Mon. April 26: Do Unit 8, (Ch. 13) Map, explain the castle project.

Tues. April 27: Begin the Castle video and answer any questions about the Castle Project.

Wed. April 28: Continue the Castle video.

Thurs. April 29: Finish Castle video. Explain the idea of the Coat of Arms and start that project.

Fri. April 30: Show video about Vikings. Finish Coat of Arms and turn it in today.

Mon. May 3: Discuss knights and armor, and try on some armor. Show video clip about trial by combat.

Tues. May 4: Discuss the culture of feudal society.

Wed. May 5: Show parts of Trebuchet videos and demonstrate a trebuchet.

Thurs. May 6: Discuss the life of a medieval craftsman. Show Powerpoint on Chain Mail.

Fri. May 7: Begin class work on Chain Mail Project.

Mon. May 10: Continue class work on Chain Mail.

Tues. May 11: Continue class work on Chain Mail.

Wed. May 12: Continue class work on Chain Mail.

Thurs. May 13: Unit 8 (Ch. 13) Map Test. Finish Chain Mail.

Fri. May 14: Unit 8 Test.

Mon. May 17: Castle Projects are due. No exceptions!

CHAIN MAIL ARMOR: (50 pt total) A very good job from the Middle Ages that you get to experience.

For this project you are to follow directions and make a section of mail that will be joined with other sections to make a suit of armor (Hauberk). Our goal this year is for everyone to make a piece that is 20 rows wide and 8 rows long. Your grade depends on how much you get done and how carefully it is constructed. The grade will come from 3 points per row for getting them done, and 3 points for correct construction and correct joining of the links with no gaps and no offset where the ends of the ring butt together. The last two points will be awarded if your piece is perfect or almost so. You must follow instructions to be successful.