WorldAcademy of Art and Science

Mem-Com Committee Meeting Agenda

March 13th, 2014


  1. Mila Popovich, Chair (MP)
  2. Gerald Gutenschwager (JG)
  3. Aitza Haddad (AH)
  4. Christina Hamilton (ChH)
  5. Craig Hammer (CH)
  6. Janani Harish (JH)
  7. An Krumberger (AK)
  8. Morley Lipsett (ML)


  1. MemCom reorganization update (Terms of Reference / Scope of Work review)
  2. Morley Lipsett update from the former MemCom
  3. E-Com update (Google 10K per month in Ad words) WAAS and WUC Image and Relations
  4. WUC Newsletter
  5. Newest members outreach – Personalized Letter
  6. Standardize the welcome and intro procedure for the new members (check list)
  7. Notification letter and outreach letter template
  8. Certification and pins
  9. Follow up and engagement
  10. Nomination notification to the nominee and the nominator
  11. Updating members list (existing members)
  12. Identifying members for potential partnership in WUC
  13. Outreach for publications and updates on programs (seeking potential conference hosts and organizers for the New Paradigm series)
  14. Membership fees reminder
  15. Plan of Action and Task Delegation


MP Update:

3 groups: New, Active and Accessible current info, Inactive and Inaccessible

Nebojsa Neskovic’s report – in the last ExecCom meeting from Jan 29t, 2014 – approximately 90 new members over the 2 years, only 10% active

Ivo Slaus’ recommendation – membership contingent upon participation in at least 1 WAAS event; slow down the election process; demonstrate active involvement

Emeritus Members – over 80, donations, and informed about Cadmus at least

Free membership in the corporate Google apps – doing email off of Google server, marked as but going off of Google server

WUC charter members - WAAS, MSS, IUC Inter-University Center Dubrovnik (Sigmund Gronmo), Institute for Cultural Diplomacy (Emil Constantinescu), Association of University Presidents (Neil King), Green Cross International (Alexandar Likhotal), Library of Alexandria (Ismail Serageldin), IACP Person-Centered Approach Institute (Alberto Zuconni), Foundation for a Culture of Peace (Federico Mayor), Nuclear Age Peace Foundation (David Krieger), Institute for Creative Thinking (Ralph Wolff)

MP suggestions for informing and supporting newest members:

a)Video – informational / tutorial (websites, dues, responsibilities, programs, publications, ways of contributing, engaging institutional partnership)

b)Group Forum held at set times

c)Online meetings for introduction and discussion:

  • introducing members to leadership and staff
  • introducing newest members to each other
  • hosting a member to lead the meeting and speak about the history of the Academy and the honor and responsibility of membership
  • get together virtually old and new members – address the whole spectrum to create a continuum of engagement and recognition