Hibaldstow Parish Council
Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting
Minutes of the meeting of Hibaldstow Annual Parish Meeting held at 7pm on Thursday 13th April 2017 at the Village Hall, Hibaldstow.
Present: Cllr Broomhall, Cllr Brooks (Chair), Cllr Borrill, Cllr Charlton, Cllr Coulson,
Cllr Elletson, Cllr Pennington, Cllr Stothard & Talliss.
Also Present: 1 resident, PCSO Horsfall & Clerk to the Council – Deb Hotson
1. Apologies
Apologies received from Cllr Swallow.
2. Minutes
The minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held on 11th April 2016 were approved as a true and correct record.
3. Chairman’s report
Cllr Brooks read out his report.
During 2016/17, due to the resignation of John Wragg, Robert Borrill was co-opted on to the council in July and Andrew Elletson was co-opted in September following the resignation of John Ceisla.
There is a current vacancy due to the recent retirement of Ken `Chalky` White
200 Queen`s 90th Birthday commemorative coins were distributed to children and senior citizens of the parish.
Mirrors have been installed at the junction of Crockett`s Lane on West Street and at the corner of Hunt`s Lane and Beckside.
The council supported the Wheatsheaf Public House and Perry`s Bowls Club and Car Park facilities to be classified as Community Assets.
The PC supported a petition from Gainsthorpe Road residents regarding pollution from the Quarry activities and the residents of Pelham View with parking issues.
A Parish Community Emergency Plan has been produced and published with NLC.
Donations have been granted for the Open Gardens & Scarecrow Day in June, the Lindsey Lodge Hospice Appeal event in the Village Hall and the Short Mat Bowls Club.
The council supported Brigg Rotary Club with their `crocus project` to eradicate polio, thanks to Glanford & Lindsey Lions and other volunteers who planted the purple crocuses throughout the village.
With the assistance of a grant from NLC and donations from Merlin Renewables the Council have worked with the VHC to achieve the refurbishment of the play area - a special thanks to John Wragg for overseeing this project.
We have purchased 3 additional Dog Waste Bins, installed an additional flower bed at Pelham View and continue to enter the Best Village Competition with a view to assist the residents to take pride in their community which unfortunately is not appreciated by all as we continue to suffer antisocial behavior from certain individuals.
Future projects include the continued search for suitable land for allotments and discussions with NLC re the development of Dallisons park/play area.
This report all Agendas and Minutes are on the website to which your input would be welcomed.
4. Parish Council Accounts 2016/17
The Clerk summarised the unaudited accounts for 2016/17. These once audited by the Internal Auditor will be signed off by the Council and published at their next meeting.
The Clerk explained that the Transparency Fund was provided by Government to allow small Parish Councils to have and maintain a website and to publish relevant information to allow a transparent parish.
5. Village Hall Committee report
Cllr Stothard provided a report.
There have been 8 members serving on the Committee during 2016. Bryan Sheppard continues his role as Treasurer as a non-member and Cllr Broomhall carries on her role as Secretary and Booking Clerk. The AGM was held in February and the turnout was poor, considering the size of the parish. During 2016, the village hall as operated at a loss due to losing a number of regular users. However, whilst the private bookings are on the increase, the hall is still underused, having to compete with the other halls in the village which are more accessible. No social events have taken place during 2016 but a table top sale was held last November which raised sufficient money to purchase a new cooker for the kitchen.
New equipment and a Trim Trail have recently been installed on the playing field and thanks go to NLC and the Parish Council for making this possible. So far, the equipment has been well received by the younger members of the village although there have been a couple of vandalism incidents which have been reported to the police.
In May of this year the National Vintage A30/A135 Car Club are holding a rally at the Village Hall over a five-day period and between 200/250 people are expected from all over the UK and Europe. This event is likely to generate an income of £2,000.
A plan has been prepared showing an extension to the hall including an extra meeting room, improved changing facilities and storage facilities. In addition to this it is proposed to remove the existing containers and replace with new ones and to surround them with a high fence. These improvements will take place if the necessary funding can be found.
6. Cemetery / closed Churchyard report
The Parish Council has extended the footway at the entrance to allow more parking.
The Parish Council has requested a survey from Anglian Water for the installation of a water tap.
Closed Churchyard - Awaiting a faculty from the diocese to carry out the memorial checks and a Tree survey is also due to be carried out in June.
7. Open Forum for Public Participation
PCSO Horsfall stated he was aware of several issues raised in the parish with regard to Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB).
PCSO Horsfall provided stats and comparative stats from the neighbouring parishes of Kirton and Messingham.
There were approximately 16 logs of ASB consisting of 8 of general nuisance which included ASB around the Doctors Surgery, Neighbourhood disputes and 3 logs of motorcycle disturbance.
Over the same period Kirton has logged 18 logs and Messingham 15.
Follow ups on the nuisance logs identified the youths and the parents have been visited who were proactive. With regard to the damage, 3 youths one of which had received a Community Resolution Order (CRO) which gave the youths one chance and provided one opportunity to stop them getting the crime recorded and causing future detrimental impact. The CRO was a paperwork exercise with conditions for example they youth could not go into a particular area of the parish. Once these conditions were broken the original crime report was reviewed. A further youth had received ‘strong words’ and the 3rd youth had been arrested.
The youths that had been causing regular ASB at the Co-op had been spoken to by the police and no further calls had been received. Kate Vickers stated that the youths were at the bus stop tonight as they were every night until about 10pm. PCSO Horsfall stated that any incidents should be reported via 101 but they could not be spoken to if not doing anything but hanging around.
For the Ridge over the past 270 days 77 crimes had been reported of which 7 were criminal damage.
PCSO stated he had worked in the Ridge area for the past 10 years. The new Community Beat Manager is PC Phil O’Neal and covers 3 areas – Ridge, Bottesford and Ashby.
Prior to the restructure (which was not a success) in 2015 PCSO Horsfall had been based in Brigg but is now based at Ashby. Keith Hunter is the new Police Crime Commissioner.
PCSO Horsfall attends the NATs meetings as does Cllr Charlton.
7.30pm Cllr Elletson joins the meeting.
Following the restructure the response time for calls to 101 we terrible but that has improved vastly and a further new system will be installed in June which will make the system more efficient.
PCSO Horsfall stated that all incidents MUST be logged on 101. There are lots of ways to report incidents.
With the new structure, more community engagement work is to be put in place including attending more meetings if and when possible. Also, more foot patrols are to take place – the dates are advertised on the website.
Kate Vickers stated that she had stopped reporting via 101 as she was fed it with doing it and the youths of 18+ keep coming back. She went on to say that the youths and their parents need engaging along with the schools and colleges and educating the youths on the impact of other from their actions.
PCSO Horsfall stated that these incidents still need to be logged on 101.
Cllr Brooks added that he was hoping Cllr Poole was present as lead at the NATs.
It was confirmed that a youth had climbed into one of the toddler swings and got stuck and fire fighters had to be called who damaged the new swing when cutting the youth from the swing. Clerk to obtain details of the parents and write asking for reimbursement to replace the damaged swing.
Cllr Stothard to install ‘no dogs’ signage as several are coming onto the field and are being allowed to run around.
Cllr Coulson stated that there had been a few incidents reported with regard to dogs on Ings Lane and these had been logged and were being dealt with by the Police and ONGO.
Cllr Charlton stated that the issues along Gainsthorpe Road had slightly improved with regard to mud on the road to which PCSO Horsfall stated that they would close the road if deemed dangerous due to mud on the road and if the Quarry or KORC would or could not clear immediately, NLC were called out and the contractor would be billed for the clean-up. Cllr Charlton went on to say that NLC do patrol the area twice a week to ensure there is no mud on the road.
Cllr Elletson stated that there was a van parking on the blind bend near to the fish and chip shop on Redbourne Road which was extremely dangerous – PCSO Horsfall to look into. There is also a Planning Enforcement issue here too, Clerk to report.
Any further issues can be emailed to PCSO Horsfall via the Clerk.
PCSO Horsfall was thanked for attending and left the meeting.
Kate Vickers left the meeting.
The meeting closed at 7.55pm.
3 Signed: Date: