Submission Guidelines for Proposals
Vancouver Island University’s Teaching and Learning ConferenceMay 10-12, 2017
Use these guidelines to help compose your submission responses in an offline word processing environment. You can use this environment to count words, check spelling and ensure your submission meets the required components.
Overview:A workshop is a one-hour session where you can share an effective teaching idea or method, and during which you will engage participants actively in discussion or problem-solving activities. A workshop could include a description of a new teaching technique you have used and which you want to model for participants.
You might, for example, ask participants to actually do what you ask your students to do, so that they can directly experience the kind of learning experience you create for your students. Then you could describe in more detail what you actually did; what you were trying to achieve; and how well it worked. You might end the workshop with a group discussion about what participants liked about the idea, how they might apply it to their classes and what benefits you saw from using this idea in your class.
Ideally, participants will be able to leave the workshop with an idea they can use or modify for their own work.
The theme of the conference is assessment. Your workshop doesn't have to fit within the theme, but you are encouraged to consider a topic that might be related to the theme of assessment.
Name:(appears in conference program) Please supply your name as you’d like it to appear in the program.
Email:(does not appear in conference program) Please supply your email address for conference communication (will not appear online, only used for internal purposes).
Institution:(appears in conference program) Please provide your full institutional name. No acronyms please.
Department:(appears in conference program) Please supply your department or program name as you’d like it to appear in the program.
Title of Workshop:max 10 words(appears in conference program) This is what will appear as the title of your workshop in the program. This should be snappy enough to get people to want to attend and clear enough to communicate the topic of the workshop. Keep your title to 10 words or less please.
Abstract:max 100 words(appears in conference program) Please write a brief description of your one hour online workshop in 100 words or less. Give a 'flavour' of what the participant experience will be, why it is important and what the participants will be able to carry away with them (ideas, strategies etc.). Use an offline word processing program to write your description, count your words and then paste into this box.
Description:max 350 words(does not appear in conference program) Please tell us what your workshop will be about in 350 words or less. This will help the planning committee make decisions on which proposals get accepted and will give us an idea of what you are planning on doing. This section is a longer description that includes a plan for the entire hour.
It might include:
- How will you begin? What will you do to interest the audience in the topic?
- What will participants DO during the session (describe any activities, discussions, applications, etc.).
- What is the core concept participants will learn?
- How will you end the session?
- What supporting materials might you bring?
TechnologyRequired:(does not appear in conference program)Please check off all the items you will need to do your workshop.
Flip chart + Markers
Whiteboard + Markers
Laptop or Desktop Computer (for connecting to projector)
Projector (you have slides, video or something to display)
Speakers (you have audio, a video to play)
Submission and Confirmation Instructions
After completing your submission in the online form you will need to select the “submit” button. Once you press "submit” button you will see a confirmation message. In addition, you will receive an email confirming your submission. Please check your spam email folder if you do not see this email immediately after submitting
Proposal Timeline
All submissions are reviewed by proposal reviewers using the rubric found on the relevant conference web page. These are the dates for hearing from us about your proposal.
- Proposals Open: November 30, 2016
- First Round Vetting Proposals: January 2-4, 2017 (for all proposals submitted by January 1, 2017)
- Acceptance/Decline Emails: By mid-January, 2017
- Proposals Close: Friday, February 10, 2017
- Second Round Vetting Proposals: After February 10
- Acceptance/Decline Emails: By end of February, 2017
- Program Available Online: By mid-March
Opens early January | Cost: Free for Vancouver Island University; $60 per person for all 3 days for non-VIU participants
Questions:email us at or call us at 250.740.6167
Workshops: Submission Guidelines for Proposals | VIU Teaching and Learning Conference | May 10-12, 2017