This is my first newsletter as Secretary/Treasurer, so my first task is to thank Keith Rodger my predecessor for the umpteen years of hard work he has put into the role. I have big boots to fill!Keith, however, has boots to fill of his own, as he has been promoted to the role of President.
New Members
We have a number of new members joining us this year - welcome to you all! We believe that Barrow Angling Association has some of the best trout fishing in this area and we hope you all enjoy the waters as much as our longer serving members. If you want to be more involved in the club, please contact the secretary or any committee member.
There are still some vacancies for 2016 so if any existing members wish to propose a new member then please contact the secretary.
Open Day
Our Open Day this year will be held on Sunday 15th May starting at 10:00am at Poaka Beck. All are welcomeand we particularly want to encourage junior and new members. Fly-Casting instruction will be provided by Lee Cummings of Millom, a top class angler, AAPGAI qualified instructor and distance casting specialist.This year we are looking to build on the successful event we held last year but the itinerary isn’t yet finalised. To this end a programme will be placed in the notice boards and on the website nearer the time.A free barbeque will be provided and I hope you will come and join us in what has always been a hugely enjoyable day. Last year the event was sponsored by two members; Thomas Hird (butchers in Dalton) who provided the excellent burgers and sausages, and Tim Errington from Angling & Hiking who sponsored prizes.
Stocking & Working Parties
Pennington, Poaka Beck and Ireleth will each receive 2 March stockings as usual. Thereafter, these 3 waters will receive monthly stockingsthrough to September. The first stocking has already taken place and there are some fine quality fish there for the sport. Harlock will receive 2 stockings this year one in April and one in May. Ireleth will have an additional stocking in October.All the dates are listed in your permit. We always need stocking party volunteers so if you are available please come along. We usually start at Pennington around 10:30 to 11:00am.
In addition, we will probably need support with working parties through the season with various jobs. Please keep an eye on the website for any parties being organised.
Poaching and Checking of Permits
We will be continuing the action we took in previous years, when it became evident that we needed to take action to discourage both poachers and fishing by our members that is against our rules. Accordingly, please do not be offended if you are approached by a member of the Associationand asked to produce your BAA permit. You may also be asked to prove that the hook you are using is barbless (or de-barbed). I would like to remind you all we do not appoint bailiffs nor do we intend to: it is the responsibility of all members to help in the policing of our waters. If you see anyone acting suspiciously or who you believe is fishing illegally, please make a note (in the back of the signing-book if necessary) obviously car registration numbers are particularly valuable. If you suspect the suspicious party is a poacher approach him only if you are confident in your own abilities.Under no circumstances should you put yourself in a position that makes you feel vulnerable or uncomfortable.
Taking of Fish
Following reports last year to the committee of contraventions to the fish killing and taking rules, the committee wishes to re-iterate for all members the rules relating to these issues:
- 2 fish in total per day, 6 per week. Sunday starts the week. All injured or dead fish,after these limits have been reached, are to be returned to the water. Any member found with more than 2 fish for any reason will be expelled from the Association
- All tagged fish in Ireleth ponds are to be returned to the water no matter what condition. Anyone caught with a tagged fish or seen killing a tagged fish will be expelled from the Association. It is each member’s responsibility to look for a tag.
Any member wishing to report a dead or distressed fish in our waters please contact a member of the committee.
Day Ticket Agreements with other Associations
The free day ticket arrangements we have had for our members over the last few years are available again this year as follows. Further information can be obtained from our associated clubs’ websites at the addresses given
Kirkby Stephen
Millom AA
Ulverston AA
Hawkshead Angling Association
Two free permits per day are available from each of the above Associations. However, if you want to fish Esthwaite on the Hawkshead AC exchange, bank fishing is also free but boats must be paid for at a cost of £22.00 per day. All permits must be booked in advance and can be obtained as follows:
The Administrator of the scheme is Turner Walker
- E-mail Turner (), requesting your permit specifying the host’s water you would like to fish and providing your rod licence number.
- Back up the e-mail with a phone call to Turner (07976594204) to ensure the e-mail will be opened.
- An e-mail will be sent to you enclosing an e-permit which you should print off and take with you. This e-mail will be copied to the operator of the host association’s scheme to ensure he is aware of your visit.
I would ask you to remember that the opportunity for our members to fish these Associations' waters is a privilege and should be treated as such. Please ensure you have a copy of the host Association’s rules with you when you go fishing. Also please note that the secretaries of the host waters should NOT be contacted – in case of query please contact Turner orChris Adams.
Rod Licence
Before you fish you must be in possession of a current Environment Agency Licence. New members please note the licences commence on 1st April. If you fish before that date, you must obtain a day licence if you don’t already hold a full licence. The EA have made it as easy as they can. Licences are available at most post offices, by Direct Debit, by phone and through the internet.
Car Parking
Please use the designated car parking areas at Harlock and Pennington rather than parking on the roads.
Website & email etc.
The website is now up and running, We are also trialling a facebook page, but this is a work in progress and when fully operational will be for club members only. We are also trying to send out as many communications by email now. If you have an email address but haven’t submitted it to the secretary, please do so as in the long run it saves the club money in postage.
The beck that feeds Ireleth bottom pond from the wind turbine field has shown some serious erosion over the winter. This means that the banks of the gully which is 20’ deep in places are severely undercut. Members and or their guests should in no circumstances approach the edge of the gully for whatever reason.
Wishing you all the very best for the coming season.
Chris Adams
(Secretary/Treasurer) email:
Please note that members and their guests’, taking part in Association activities, do so at their own risk. Please read the previously issued H&S booklet issued with your permit. This information is also on our website. Any incident that could result in a claim against the Association must be made known to our Health and Safety Consultant Keith Dacre, or a member of the committee as soon as possible.