Living Well
Workshop Planning Guide
Thank you for your commitment to the WIHALiving Well programs. This worksheet is a guide to help local partner organizations and programLiving Well leaders work together to schedule, organize and implement their workshops. Please complete the worksheet together and bring it with you to the Living Well Leader Training. We encourage you to repeat this exercise for future workshops as well. We thank you!
Local County,Tribal Aging unit or Aging and Disability Resource Center Partner Organization Name and Address:
Contact Individual: ______
Contact’s Phone and E-mail: ______
Leaders (Name, Address, Phone, E-mail):
- ______
- ______
Below is a listing of tasks to be completed. It is recommended that a Leader(s) hold their first workshop within 3 months of training. Please review the tasks and identify whether the leader(s), local partner organization or both will be responsible for each of the tasks.
- Select the dates for the workshop: ______
- Select the times for the workshop: ______
- Select and reserve site, room, room arrangement: Location: ______
- Is the location accessible by public transportation?
- Is there public parking near the site?
- Are the building, room and restrooms at your site accessible to people with mobility challenges?
What options are available to you for participants that have challenges with hearing and low vision? Do you need assistance with making accomodations with assisted devices? ______
- Is there storage space available at the site between sessions? ______
- Who will submit the class notification to WIHA? Electronically or paper[HAE1]?
- Outreach/Marketing Plan for the Workshop. Note: This is the most critical set of tasks. The list below is organized in order of proven effectiveness. Please let us know which of these options you are planning to pursue.
Local OrganizationLeader #1Leader #2
- Personal invitations______
- Brochures______
Who will make them? How will they be distributed?
- Posters______
Who will make them? Who will distribute them? Where will they be distributed?
- Presentations______
What will be the content? Who will make them? In what sites?
- Radio announcements______
What will be the content? How will they be distributed?
- Newsletter articles______
What will be the content? Who will write them? How will they be distributed?
For what newsletters?
- Who or what agency will receive workshop registrations?
- Are the Living Wellcharts with the designated information already available at this agency? If not, who will prepare them?
- Who will arrange for supplies needed in the workshop? (easels, blank flipchart pads, tape and markers)
- Who will purchase/arrange for workshop refreshments if planned?
- Will a designated person or the leader be able to make copies of necessary documents used in the class at the site? Who will be responsible for this? (There are approximately 15 pages per person that are used throughout the program.)
If the local partner organization is not the county or’s Aging and Disability Resource Center, has is the organization contacted willing to work with that agency to provide basic demographic information needed for their reporting purposes? (example: NAPIS information for Older Americans Act reporting requirements into SAMS) ______
We want to help you have a successful Living Well workshop!
For assistance with any of the tasks, please contact Anne Hvizdak, Wisconsin’s Statewide Coordinator for Evidence-Based Prevention Programs for Healthy Aging, at 608-266-3111. ( Michelle instead?)
For more information about the WIHA Living Well programs, please visit our website:
Leader #1Leader #2
Date: ______Date: ______
Local Partner Organization RepresentativeDate
[HAE1]Isn’t it all electronic now?