Workshop on risk assessment and its institutional frame
- Conclusions and results -


Residence Boyana (tbc)


15. May2009

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Aim of the meeting:

At this workshop, experts from EU institutions, EU Member States and the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) -in this context called members of the international advisory commission-will present their conclusions and advice to the Bulgarian Government, Parliament and Scientists involved in an institutional setup regarding risk assessment for Bulgaria.

The current institutional frame in Bulgaria in the area of risk assessment has been analysed by the International Experts together with the relevant Bulgarian stakeholders in a workshop during March 2009.

On the basis of the results of the event in March the International experts have prepareda paper on the future Bulgarian risk assessment institution individually.

At the workshop a common paper will be elaborated and discussed with the Bulgarian side which then will serve as a guidance document for Bulgaria’s future risk assessment structure.

Friday 15May 2009

Chairman: Dr. Hinrich Meyer- Gerbaulet,

Counsellor of the Minister of Agriculture and Food, Bulgaria

08:00 / Registration of participants and welcome coffee
09:00 / Opening of workshop and welcome of participants
Valeri Tsvetanov, Minister of Agriculture and Food, Bulgaria
Representative from Bulgarian Parliament (tbc)
09:10 / Objectives of the workshop and introduction of themembers of the international advisory commission (speakers)
Dr. Hinrich Meyer- Gerbaulet, Counsellor of the Minister of Agriculture and Food
09:30 / Presentation of analysis of current risk assessment structures in Bulgaria and advice on its future design
Dr. Gijs Kleter, RIKILT - Institute of FoodSafety
WageningenUniversity and ResearchCenter
The Netherlands
10:00 / Presentation of analysis of current risk assessment structures in Bulgaria and advice on its future design
Dr. E. Haunhorst, President, LowerSaxonyFederalState Office for Consumer Protection and Food Safety, Germany
10:30 / Presentation of analysis of current risk assessment structures in Bulgaria and advice on its future design
Prof. N. Belev, President for Europe, OIE
11:00 / Coffee Break
11:15 / Presentation of analysis of current risk assessment structures in Bulgaria and advice on its future design
Dr. D. Sarigiannis, European Commission, DG JRC
11:45 / Presentation of analysis of current risk assessment structures in Bulgaria and advice on its future design
Mrs. Christine Majewski, European Food Safety Authority
12:15 / Roundtable - Questions and answers
Chairman and members of the international advisory commission
(Members: Prof. N. Belev, President Dr. E. Haunhorst, Dr. G. Kleter, Dr. H. Meyer- Gerbaulet, Dr. D. Sarigiannis, Mrs. Ch. Majewski)
13:00 / Light Lunch
13:30 / Conclusions of the international advisory commission
14:30 / End of workshop

This meeting is being organised by the

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of the European Commission
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