Worksheet: How to Use the KSU Herbarium Database
Name: Date:
Follow the tutorial and write your answers in this worksheet
How to query the database by date
In the tutorial, it mentioned that you can use the “Date as written” or “DateInterpreted” fields to look for specimens based on when they were collected.
1) Why do you think there are two fields for date?
2) What is the difference between the two fields?
Find out how many collections were made one hundred years before you were born. Follow the steps in the tutorial and record your answers below:
3) How many specimens were collected one hundred years before you were born? ______
4) If you try a search on “Date as written” do you get the same results? ______
Query the database by county
5) How many specimens have been collected from your county? ______
Find data by species name
6) How many specimens of Helianthus annuus can be found at the KSU Herbarium? ______
Create a new query and download the data
7) Write down what fields you used in your query:
Work with Data in Excel
8) How many specimens of Rosa arkansana were collected in your county? ______
9) How many different species of the genus Rosa have been collected in Kansas? ______
10) Write the names of each of these species below. Next to each name, write how many specimens of each have been collected. The first name has been written for you.
Rosa arkansana ______
11) Determine how many specimens of Rosa were collected by Hitchcock each year starting with the earliest date. Record this data into a new worksheet. Then make a graph to visually display this information.
Design your own query:
Now, think of a question and design a query to answer that question. You can query by any fields in the database that you choose. The only requirement is that you at least two fields.
12) Write down your question (what you are trying to find).
13) Write down your query (what fields you searched on in the database).
14) Record your results: e.g. number of records, whether or not your search returned the data you expected based upon your question, etc.
Student Worksheet | KSU Herbarium Database / 1