Works Cited Questions Worksheet

  1. Part A: Create your Works Cited page here. Remember to follow the formatting instructions in the lesson.
    Juba, South Sudan. “Half of the Girls in South Sudan Forced to Marry.” The Associated Press. Copyright 2013. Plan-Uk. “Early and Forced Marriage.” United Nations Population Fund. Breaking Vows Plan UK 2010. UN Publications. “The Universal Declaration of Human Rights.” United Nations 2013.

Part B: Identify specific information from your sources that can be used as supporting evidence in your essay.

Source 1: Re-type or copy and paste the information for your first source (alphabetically) here. Use correct MLA format.
Juba, South Sudan. “Half of the Girls in South Sudan Forced to Marry.” The Associated Press.Copyright 2013.

Source 1: Answer the following questions about your first source here:
What information from this source seems the most important? Include at least two specific quotations, facts, statistics or pieces of evidence.
The information from this source that seems most important to me is the reason that the girls are being forced to marry. In this article it states, “They are among 39,000 girls forced into marriage every day around the world, sold like cattle to enrich their families.” Also, the article has evidence of uncles forcing their niece to marry, “This man went to my uncles and paid a dowry of 80 cows. I resisted the marriage. They threatened me.”
Explain how this information supports your essay.
This information supports my essay because in my novel Janie is being forced to marry a man when she is very young. Also Janie’s Nanny is forcing her to marry because Janie’s mother Leafy was a disappointment and she wants Janie to be safe and happy. Also, Janie did not have equality in her household because women were expected to behave a certain way.

Source 2: Re-type or copy and paste the information for your second source (alphabetically) here. Use correct MLA format.
Plan-Uk.“Early and Forced Marriage.” United Nations Population Fund. Breaking Vows Plan UK 2010.

Source 2: Answer the following questions about your first source here.

What information from this source seems the most important? Include at least two specific quotations, facts, statistics or pieces of evidence.
The information from this source that seems most important is why early and forced marriage happens. A quotation from the article is “In countries where the legal age of marriage differs by sex, the age for women is always lower.” Also, another quotation from this article that provides evidence of forced marriage is, “The 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that marriage should be ‘entered only with the free and full consent of the intending spouses’. Where one of the parties getting married is under 18, consent cannot always be assumed to be ‘free and full’.”

Explain how this information supports your essay.
This information supports my essay because in my novel Janie is forced to marry Logan and then she marries Jody. In the end she finally has her say in who she would like to marry and she decides to marry Tea Cake. Also in the article on source 2, it talks about why early forced marriage happens and one of the reasons is that there is gender inequality. Janie experiences gender inequality with Jody because he expected her to act a certain way because he was the male in the house.
Source 3: Re-type or copy and paste the information for your third source (alphabetically) here. Use correct MLA format.
UN Publications.“The Universal Declaration of Human Rights.” United Nations 2013
Source 3: Answer the following questions about your third source here:
What information from this source seems the most important? Include at least two specific quotations, facts, statistics or pieces of evidence.
The information from this source that seem s most important is that it talks about the rights of humans and that people should have equality. An example of equality for any person is, “Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether it is independent, trust, non-self-governing or under any other limitation of sovereignty.” Also evidence of laws that prevent forced marriage and they grant equality is “Men and women of full age, without any limitation due to race, nationality or religion, have the right to marry and to found a family. They are entitled to equal rights as to marriage, during marriage and at its dissolution.”
Explain how this information supports your essay.
This information supports my essay because it states all the rights of a human being. Also it talks about that a person should have the right to marry who they please. In the articles, women have to have the same rights as men do. There should not be any discriminations between blacks and whites and men and women. Janie has several things that are not right for her.