Liite 1


Student’s name: ______Destination ______

Deadline for the report ______Course code:______cr. ______



This course has been designed for those, who will do their work placement abroad or for those who are considering whether it’s worth leaving abroad. The aim is to improve student’s ability to work abroad in a foreign culture. Before starting the studies you have to decide where you want to go.

If your work placement abroad will be short, it’s important to get acquainted with the country before you leave there. Because the countries differ from each other, its important to choose the tasks which will benefit you most. You should negotiate with your tutor what kind and how profound knowledge is needed.

You will find information about different cultures and countries from books and articles in libraries and on the www-pages etc.


Four topics in the studies:








When you go abroad, where student evaluation will be based on different criteria than in your own country, your self-consciousness and self-esteem ought to be strong. You might feel insecure, because you don’t understand everything and you are not always able to take part in conversations. It’s important that you know who you are:
- what are your strengths and weaknesses?

- what kind of goals you have in relation to your work and personal life ?

  1. Task

When you are abroad you always represent your home country and it is important to know the basic facts about your own country and its history. Write down the following answers either in English or by using the language of the target country. You shouldn’t put too much effort in spelling or grammar. It is far more important to be able to express yourself in a foreign language.




Name three most important events in the history of your country.
Name some important events that have affected the life in your country during the recent years ?
When is the national day in your country and how is it celebrated ?
When has your country joined the EU?
Tell about the population of your country ?
(immigrants, minorities etc.)
What are the main products of export in your country ?
What are the main products of import in your country ?
Tell about the nature in your country ?
What can you tell about the education system in your country?
What can you tell about the social and health care services in your country?

2. Task

Write a short essay : me and my country


You’ll find information about the target country on internet. The only problem may be the language. You may find the information only in the language of the target country, but you’ll face the same problem when being abroad. It’s good to learn to solve problems without knowing the language. You’ll find information in English, too.

Try to find out whether there is an embassy or a consulate of your country in the target country.

3. Task

Make a list of important www-pages about your target country. Collect 10 addresses and write down the main contents of the pages.

www-address / main contents

4. Task

Name some main events in the history of the target country?
What are the main sources of livelihood?
What is the nature and climate like in your target country?
What have you found out about the social and health services in the target country and how do they differ from the services in your own country?
What have you found out about the work practices and working culture in the field you are doing your placement?

5. Task

It’s useful to read a travel report or a biography dealing with the target country. It is also possible to find travel guides.

Title of the book ______

Important information, which I have found:

  1. Task

You’ll find information about the target country and its culture from articles. Read at least three articles and write about the impressions you have got.

Name of the magazine and title of the article / Main contents
  1. Task

Try to find a video or go and see a film about the target country

Title of the film/ video ______

What kind of impression did you get?



You may find it frightening to speak a foreign language. It is important to be brave and speak and make mistakes. No one is concentrating on your mistakes, but he/she is interested in what you say. Sometimes it is difficult to make oneself understood, but then it is good to use body language and drawing skills.

  1. Task

If you are working in an environment where you cannot use the languages you know:

- Find out the most important words and phrases that you are likely to need in your work and free time.

Write down the sentences in your own language, in English and in the target language. If you cannot find out the translations, you can ask for help when you are in the placement.

words and sentences in your own language / In English / in the target language

9. Task

What is the currency of the target country and what is the exchange rate to euros? ______

You will get an idea of the currency if you count the price of a bottle of lemonade ______, cd ______,

jeans ______. What will be your salary after getting the degree? ______

Try to find out the average salary per month in the target country / average salary of a worker in a factory / monthly salary of a hotel receptionist





  1. Task

You will find information about the embassies of your country on the web -pages of the ministry of foreign affairs. What is the address and who are the contact persons in the nearest embassy of your target country?





What does your insurance cover ?. What does the school insurance cover ? What does your personal insurance cover ? Are you going to take an extra insurance ?


When you work abroad you need to have flexibility and tolerance. You have to accept that nobody is perfect. You have to be able to solve problems independently. If you face difficulties, it is important not to deny the problems but to solve them actively - not to withdraw or blame the others.

When you are facing a cultural shock you feel that other people’s way of living and acting is wrong or strange. You may have this feeling for even a year. You may face a new cultural shock when you come back home.

11. Task

What things in the target country may cause you a cultural shock? You will get some idea of these by reading about the life on the country or by interviewing someone who has lived in the target country.


What to do if I am home sick?

-Think of your previous experiences of being home sick. How long did it last ? What were your ways of coping with it? How did you succeed ?

-What kind of thoughts and feelings would you have in the following situation ?

You arrive in country X. There is a room waiting for you, furnished with items you don’t like and not properly cleaned up. There is neither television, nor computer. There is no micro-wave oven. You can get only cold showers. When you go to the toilet, you notice a couple of cockroaches. The first working day doesn’t make you any happier. The work placement isn’t what you have expected. Your colleagues are not especially interested in a student from abroad, who doesn’t even understand or speak the language well. First you have nothing to do and then they ask you to do something very tough but easy. When you go back into your room, you feel home sick and you would like to pack your things and take the first train back home.

- How do you cope in this situation ?


If you live with somebody in your home country and you are leaving your partner home, discuss the following issues:

-What does it mean to both of you to be separated?

-What are the “rules” in your relationship ?

-How do you cope with the feelings of home sickness ?

  1. Task

What are your reasons to go or not to go abroad ?

  1. Perehdy Moodle- kurssilla oleviin KV-osaajan avaintaitojen arviointikriteereihin. Millaista osaamista sinulla on seuraavien KV-osaajan avaintaitojen kohdalla;
  • Oppiminen ja ongelmanratkaisu
  • Vuorovaikutus ja yhteistyö
  • Viestintä ja mediaosaaminen
  1. Aseta itsellesi tavoitteet näistä avaintaidoista tulevaa kv- liikkuvuusjaksoa varten.
  • Oppiminen ja ongelmanratkaisu
  • Vuorovaikutus ja yhteistyö
  • Viestintä ja mediaosaaminen
  1. Luo itsellesi blogipohja, jonka kautta viestit liikkuvuusjaksosi aikana. Blogin kautta ollaan yhteydessä muihin opiskelijoihi ja opettajiin. Blogi toimii myös valmennus- ja ohjaus ja mahdollisesti arviointivälineenä.