Appendix 2

LPT Bank

Workplace Induction for Bank Staff who are

Unfamiliar with the Area

Ward/Unit/Dept: Date:

Name of Bank Staff:


Name of Departmental Staff giving Induction:

Ward/Unit/Dept layout – show location of:

Staff room/lockers Y/N Staff lavatory Y/N

Fire exits and evacuation procedure Y/N Fire Alarm points Y/N

Kitchen Y/N Patient Areas Y/N Door exit/entry codes Y/N

Departmental Team

Introduced to staff by name Y/N Member of staff in charge identified Y/N

Service Users (if applicable)

Introduce clients Y/N Is nurse familiar with observation policy? Y/N

Identify clients on observations and rationales Y/N

Identify absconding risk Y/N Identify fire risk Y/N

Identify choking risk Y/N Identify other risk Y/N

Ward Routines (if applicable)

Give outline of tasks required Y/N Compose observation rota Y/N

Times and procedures for client meals Y/N Emergency Procedures Y/N

Qualified Bank Staff (in the case of Bank Nurses)

Procedures for medication administration Y/N

On-call procedures Y/N Co-ordinator procedures Y/N

Signature of Bank Staff:

Signature of Departmental Staff giving Induction:

Signature of Member of Staff/Supervisor in Charge:

Copy to Bank Staff

Copy to Ward File



This form is intended for use with bank nurses unfamiliar with the ward/unit/dept environment, routine and patients.

The responsibility for completion of this form should be the person in charge of the clinical area during the shift worked. The bank nurse should ask for this form to be completed.

It is the responsibility of the staff on the ward/area that are giving the handover/information, to ensure that the information given to the bank nurse is thorough enough to enable the bank nurse to provide a therapeutic and safe care to patients.

Ward Staff must ensure that Bank staff receive a handover, prior to commencing a shift. The hand over should include details of all of the patients; specific care plan instructions and risk management care plans. This should occur on all shifts worked by bank nurses.

Bank nurses should be introduced to the staff and patients they are working with.

Ward staff must ensure that bank staff are familiar with ward layout and routine.

A copy of completed forms should be kept in the Ward, Bank Staff Orientation Folder and a copy given to the bank nurse.

It may be necessary for two forms to be completed where photocopying is not available.