by David Klegerman and Cinnie Noble

This bibliography does not include extensive references to arbitration in the workplace.
General | Discrimination and Sexual Harassment | Ombuds | Dispute System Design | Workplace | Employment Disputes | Systems Design | Labour Management | Labour and Employee Relations | ADR and Workplace Journals
| Workplace Sites
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
- / Barrett, J.T., "In Search of the Rosetta Stone of the Mediation Profession", Negotiation Journal 15(3), July 1999, 219-228.
- / Bedman, W.L., "From Litigation to ADR: Brown & Root's Experience", Dispute Resolution Journal, 50(4), October-December 1995, 8-15.
- / Bingham, L.A., Mediating Employment Disputes: Perceptions of Redress at the United States Postal Service. Review of Public Personnel Administration, Spring 1997, 20-30.
- / Bishop, P., Winning in the Workplace: ADR Strategies for Employment Disputes, Carswell, 1995.
- / Blackard, K., Managing Change in a Unionized Workplace: Countervailing Collaboration, Westport, Connecticut: Quorum Books, 2000.
- / Blake, R.R., and Mouton, J.S., "Solving Costly Organizational Conflicts", San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1984.
- / Bohlander, G.W., "Alternative Dispute Resolution Policies: Current Procedural and Administrative Issues", Labour and Law Journal, September 1996, Vol.47, 619-626.
- / Braverman, M., Preventing Workplace Violence: A Guide for Employers and Practitioners, Sage Publishing Incorporated, 1999.
- / Brett, J.M., Barsness, Z.I., and Goldberg, S.B., "The Effectiveness of Mediation: An Independent Analysis of Cases Handled by Four Major Service Providers", Negotiation Journal, 1996, 12(3), 259-269.
- / Bridges, W., Managing Transitions: Making the Most of Change, Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley, 1991.
- / Briles, J., The Briles Report on Women in Healthcare, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1994.
- / Buono, A.F., and Bowditch, J.L., The Human Side of Mergers and Acquisitions: Managing Coalitions Between People, Cultures, and Organizations, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1989.
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- / Cloke, K., and Goldsmith, J., Resolving Conflicts at Work, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2000.
- / Cloke, K., and Goldsmith, J., Resolving Personal and Organizational Conflict: Stories for Transformation & Forgiveness, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2000.
- / Conlon, D.E., Carnevale, P.J., and Murninghan, J.K., "Intravention: Third Party Intervention with Clout", Organizational Behaviour and Human Decision Processes, 1994, 57(3), 387-410.
- / Cornelius, H., The Gentle Revolution: Men and Women at Work-What goes wrong and how to fix it, Simon and Schuster, 1998.
- / Costello, E.J., Jr., Controlling Conflict: Alternative Dispute Resolution for Business, Chicago: CCH, 1996.
- / Cousins, R.B., and Benitz, L.E., "The Manager as Mediator", Manage, 1996, 47(23), 8-10.
- / CPR Institute for Dispute Resolution, "Fortune 500 Companies Find Benefits in Adopting ADR Policy", May 12, 1997, Press Release,
- / CPR Institute for Dispute Resolution, "CPR Panels", Alternatives to the High Cost of Litigation, 43(4), 1994.
- / Cropanzano, R. (ed), Justice in the Workplace: Approaching Fairness in Human Resource Management, Hillsdale, N.J.: Erlbaum, 1993.
- / Csiernik, R., "Mediation and the Workplace: Creating an Awareness Within Employee Assistance Programs", Mediation Quarterly, 8(2), 1990.
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- / Dana, D. Conflict Resolution: Mediation Tools for Everyday Worklife. McGraw-Hill, 2001.
- / Dana, D., Managing Differences: How to Build Better Relationships at Work and Home, (2nd Ed.), MTI Publications, 1997.
- / De Dreu, C.K.W., and Van De Vliert, E. (eds), Using Conflict in Organizations, Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage, 1997.
- / Diekmann, K.A., Tenbrunsel, A.E., and Bazerman, M.H., "Fairness, Justification, and Dispute Resolution", in S. Gleason (ed) Frontiers in Dispute Resolution in Labour Relations and Human Resources, Michigan State University Press, 1997, 187-202.
- / Dibble, R.E., "Alternative Dispute Resolution of Employment Conflicts: The Search for Standards", Journal of Collective Negotiations, 1997, 26(1), 73-84.
- / Denenberg, R.V.V., Braverman, M., Denenberg, R.V., "The Violence-Prone Workplace: A New Approach to Dealing with Hostile, Threatening and Uncivil Behavior", CornellUniversity Press, 2001.
- / Denenberg, T.S., "Dispute Resolution and Workplace Violence", Dispute Resolution Journal, Vol. 51, 6-16.
- / Downie, B., Coates, M.L., and Furlong, G., "Meet Me Inside: Resolving Workplace Conflicts", Ivey Business Quarterly, 56, Summer 1998.
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- / Eaton, S.C., "The New Negotiations in the American Workplace", Negotiation Journal, Volume: 10 Number: 3, 1994.
- / Eaton, S.C. and Kochan, T.A., "A Grass-Roots Experiment to Resolve Workplace Problems", Negotiation Journal, 12(2), April 1996, 175-179.
- / Edwards, R., Rights at Work, New York: The Twentieth Century Fund, 1993.
- / Elangovan, A.R., "Managerial Third-Party Dispute Intervention: A Prescriptive Model for Strategy Selection", Academy of Management Reviews, 1995, 20(4), 800-830.
- / Ewing, D., Do It My Way or You're Fired: Employee Rights and the Changing Role of Management Prerogative, New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons, 1983.
- / Feuille, P. and Chachere, D.R., "Looking Fair or Being Fair: Remedial Voice Procedures in Nonunion Workplaces", Journal of Management, 1995, 21(1), 27-42.
- / Folberg, J., Taylor, A., Mediation: A Comprehensive Guide to Resolving Conflicts Without Litigation, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1984.
- / Furlong, G., "Quality of Employee Dispute Resolution Unknown in Many Canadian Organizations", Interaction, Spring 1998.
- / Furlong, G., "Dispute Resolution: Beyond the 'Open Door' in Large Canadian Companies", in Conflict Management and Dispute Resolution Systems in Canadian Non-Union Organizations, Kingston: Queen's University Press, 1998.
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- / Gleason, S. (ed), Frontiers in Dispute Resolution in Labour Relations and Human Resources, Michigan State University Press, 1997.
- / Gleason, S. (ed), Workplace Dispute Resolution, Michigan State University Press, 1997.
- / Harness, C.C. and Mook, J.R., "ADR: The Privatizing of Employment Dispute Resolution", Employee Relations Today, 1997, 23(4), 51-66.
- / Henry, J., and Lieberman, J., The Manager's Guide to Resolving Legal Disputes - Better Results Without Litigation, New York: Harper & Row, 1985.
- / Hirschsohn, P., "Negotiating a Democratic Order in South Africa: Learning from Mediation and Industrial Relations", Negotiation Journal, 12(2), April 1996, 139-150.
- / Hocker, J., and Wilmot, W.W., Interpersonal Conflict, 4th Edition, Dubuque, Iowa: W.C. Brown, 1995.
- / Hunter, L.W., and McKersie, R.B., "Can 'Mutual Gains' Training Change Labor-Management Relationships?", Negotiation Journal, 8(4), 1992.
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- / Karambayya, R., and Brett, J.M., "Managers Handling Disputes: Third Party Roles and Perceptions of Fairness", Academy of Management Journal, 1989, 32(4), 687-704.
- / Karambayya, R. and Brett, J.M., "Managerial Third Parties: Intervention Strategies, Process, and Consequences", in J.P. Folger and T.S. Jones (eds), New Directions in Mediation, Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage, 1994.
- / Katz Jameson, J., "Employee Perceptions of the Availability and the Use of Interests-Based, Rights-Based, and Power-Based Conflict Management Strategies",
Conflict Resolution Quarterly, 19(2), 2002.
- / Keashly, L., and Newberry, J., "Preference for and Fairness of Intervention: Influence of Third-Party Control, Third-Party Status and Conflict Setting", Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 1995, 12(2), 277-293.
- / Kochan, T.A., and Eaton, S.C., "New Ideas on Resolving Workplace Disputes: Examples from the U.S. and Abroad", Negotiation Journal, 12(2), April 1996, 113-117.
- / Kolb, D.M., "How Existing Procedures Shape Alternatives", Journal of Dispute Resolution, 1989.
- / Kolb, D.M., "Who Are Organizational Third Parties and What Do They Do?" in R.J. Lewicki, B.H. Sheppard, and M.H. Bazerman (eds), Research on Negotiations in Organizations, Vol.1, Greenwich, Conn.: JAI Press, 1986.
- / Kolb, D.M., and Sheppard, B.H., "Do Managers Mediate, or Even Arbitrate?", Negotiation Journal, 1985, 1(4), 379-388.
- / Kramer, R.M., and Tyler, T.R., Trust in Organizations: Frontiers of Theory and Research, Thousand Oaks: Sage, 1996.
- / Kuretzky, B., and MacKenzie, J., Mediating Employment Disputes, Aurora, Ontario: Canada Law Book, 2001.
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- / Landau, S., Landau, B. and Landau, D., From Conflict to Creativity: How Resolving Workplace Disagreements Can Inspire Innovation and Productivity, John Wiley & Sons Canada, 2001.
- / Lax, D. and Sebenius, J., "The Manager as Negotiator". The Free Press, 1986.
- / Lewin, D., "Conflict Resolution and Management in Contemporary Work Organizations: Theoretical Perspectives and Empirical Evidence", Research in the Sociology of Organizations, 1993, 12, 167-209.
- / Lewin, D., "Dispute Resolution in the Non-Union Firm: A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis", Journal of Conflict Resolution, September 1987, Vol.31, 497.
- / Lipsky, D.B., and Seeber, R.L., "The Use of ADR in U.S. Corporations: Executive Summary", Joint initiative of Cornell University, Foundation for the Prevention and Early Resolution of Conflict (PERC), and Price Waterhouse LLP [ 1997.
- / Macfarlane, J. (ed), Rethinking Disputes: The Mediation Alternative, Toronto, Canada: Emond Montgomery Publications Limited, 1997.
- / Macfarlane, J. (ed), Dispute Resolution Readings and Case Studies, Toronto, Canada: Emond Montgomery Publications Limited, 1999.
- / Mahan, B., "Why Corporations Hesitate to Mediate", California Lawyer, 1989, 42.
- / McCabe, D.M., "Alternative Dispute Resolution Mechanisms and Procedural Fairness in Non-Union Employment Disputes," in Society of Professionals in Dispute Resolution, 22nd Annual International Conference, Chapter 10.
- / McDermott, E.P., "Survey of 92 Key Companies: Using ADR to Settle Employment Disputes", Dispute Resolution Journal, 1995, 50(1), 8-13.
- / McDermott, E.P., "Using ADR to Settle Employment Disputes", Dispute Resolution Journal, 50.
- / McDermott, E.P., with Berkeley, A.E., "Alternative Dispute Resolution in the Workplace: Concepts and Techniques for Human Resource Executives and their Counsel", Westport: Quorum Books, 1996.
- / McDowell, D. S., "Alternative Dispute Resolution Techniques: Options and Guidelines to Meet Your Company's Needs." WashingtonD.C.: Employment Policy Foundation, 1993.
- / Morrill, C., "Vengeance Among Executives", in J. Tucker and D. Black (eds), Virginia Review of Sociology, Vol.1: Law and Conflict Management, Greenwich, Conn.: JAI Press, 1992.
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- / Nicarthy, G. et al, You Don't Have to Take It, Seattle, Washington: Seal Press, 1993.
- / Noble, C., "Resolving Co-Worker Disputes Through Coaching Conflict Management", Canadian HR Reporter, September 24, 2001.
- / Phillips, B.A., The Mediation Field Guide: Transcending Litigation and Resolving Conflicts in Your Business or Organization, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2001.
- / Picard, C., Mediating Interpersonal and Small Group Conflict, Ottawa, Canada: Golden Dog Press, 1998.
- / Potapchuk, W.R., Laue, J.H., and Murray, J.S., "Getting to the Table: A Guide for Senior Managers". Fort Belvoir, VA: Institute for Water Resources, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1990.
- / Reder, D.B., "Mediation as a Settlement Tool for Employment Disputes", Labor Law Journal, Volume 43, 1992, 602-607.
- / Rowe, M.P. and Ziegenfuss, J.T., "Corporate Ombudsmen: Functions, Caseloads, Successes and Problems", Journal of Health and Human Resources Administration, 15(3), Winter 1993, 261-280.
- / Ritzky, G.M., "Reducing Employment-Related Litigation Risks", Risk Management, 1994, 41(8), 49-52.
- / Reilly, M., and MacKenzie, D., ADR in the Corporate Environment, Toronto, Canada: CCH Canadian Limited, 1999.
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- / Sessa, V.I., "Using Perspective to Manage Conflict and Affect in Teams", The Journal of Applied Behavioural Science, March 1996, Vol.32, 101-115.
- / Sheppard, B.H., Lewicki, R.J., and Milton, J.W. Organizational Justice: The Search for Fairness in the Workplace. New York: MacMillan, 1992.
- / Simon, H.A., and Sochynsky, Y., "In-House Mediation of Employment Disputes: ADR for the 1990s", Employee Relations, 1995, 21(1), 29-51.
- / Solstad, K.E., "The Role of the Neutral in Intra-Organizational Mediation: In Support of Active Neutrality", Mediation Quarterly, 17(1), 1999.
- / Stuci, H.U. How Motorola Measures Economic Benefits of ADR. Alternatives to the High Costs of Litigation. CPR Institute for Dispute Resolution, 1996, 14 (7), 91.
- / Sunoo, J., "Some Guidelines for Mediators of Intercultural Disputes", Negotiation Journal, October 1990.
- / Thomas, K.W., "Conflict and Negotiation Processes in Organizations", in M.D. Dunnette and L.M. Hough (eds), Handbook of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Vol.3 (2nd ed.), Palo Alto, Calif.: Consulting Psychologists Press, 1990.
- / Tjosvold, D., The Conflict Positive Organization: Stimulate Diversity and Create Unity, Don Mills, Ontario: Addision-Wesley, 1992.
- / U.S. General Accounting Office. Alternative Dispute Resolution: Employers Experiences with ADR in the Workplace. U.S. General Accounting Office, B-274297, Aug. 1997.
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- / Volkema, R.J., Bergmann, T.J., and Farquhar, K., "Use and Impact of Informal Third Party Discussions in Interpersonal Conflicts at Work", Management Communication Quarterly, 1997, 11(2), 185-216.
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- / Weise, R.H. "The ADR Program at Motorola", Negotiation Journal, 1989, 5(4), 381-394.
- / Wells, J.C., and Liebman, W.B., "New Models of Negotiation, Dispute Resolution and Joint Problem Solving", Negotiation Journal, 12(2), April 1996, 119-138.
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- / Ziegenfuss, J., Organizational Troubleshooters: Resolving Problems with Customers and Employees, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1988.
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Discrimination and Sexual Harassment
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- / Bryson, D., "Mediator and Advocate: Conciliating Human Rights Complaints", Australian Dispute Resolution Journal 1, 1990, 136-141.
Discrimination and Sexual Harassment
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- / Clarke, G.R., and Davies, I.T., "Mediation - When is it Not an Appropriate Dispute Resolution Process?", Australian Dispute Resolution Journal 3, 1992, 70-80
- / Cornish, M., Achieving Equality: A Report on Human Rights Reform. Report of the Ontario Human Rights Code Review Task Force, Ontario: Government of Ontario, 1992.
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- / Department of Justice Research, Statistics and Evaluation Directorate, Complaint and Redress Mechanisms Relating to Racial Discrimination in Canada and Abroad, Volume I, Ottawa, Canada: Department of Justice, 1994.
- / DeShazer S.H. and Cohen, J., "Mediating Employment Disputes under the Disabilities Act", Dispute Resolution Journal, February 1998.
- / Devereux, A., "Human Rights by Agreement? A Case Study of the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission's Use of Conciliation", Australian Dispute Resolution Journal 7, 1996, 280-301.
- / Dunlop, J.T., and Zack, A.M., Mediation and Arbitration of Employment Disputes, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers, 1997.
- / Edelman, L.B., Erlanger, H.S. and Lande, J., "Interal Dispute Resolution: The Transformation of Civil Rights in the Workplace", Law and Society Review, 1993, Vol.27, No.3, 497-534.
Discrimination and Sexual Harassment
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- / Gadlin, H., "Careful Manoeuvres: Mediating Sexual Harassment", Negotiation Journal 7, 1991, 139-153.
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- / Gutek, B., Sex and the Workplace, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1985.
- / Gwartney-Gibbs, P.A., and Lach, D., "Gender and Workplace Dispute Resolution: A Conceptual and Theoretical Model", Law and Society Review, 1994, 28(2).
- / Gwartney-Gibbs, P.A., and Lach, D., "Workplace Dispute Resolution and Gender Inequality", Negotiation Journal, April 1991, Vol.7, No.2, 187-199.
- / Gwartney-Gibbs, P.A. and Lach, D., "Sociological Explanations for Failure to Seek Sexual Harassment Remedies", Mediation Quarterly, Summer 1992, 9(4), 365-373.
- / Hodges, A.C., "Mediation and the Americans With Disabilities Act", Georgia Law Review 30, 1996, 431-507.
- / Human Rights Research & Education Centre, Complaint and Redress Mechanisms Relating to Racial Discrimination in Canada and Abroad, Vol.1, Ottawa: Department of Justice Canada, 1994.
- / Irvine, M., "Mediation: Is it Appropriate for Sexual Harassment Grievances?" OhioState Journal on Dispute Resolution 9, 1993, 27.
Discrimination and Sexual Harassment
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- / Keri, C., "Personal Harassment: The Cautious New Workplace", National, October 1997, 12-16.
- / Kolb, D.M., and Putnam, L.L., "Through the Looking Glass: Negotiation Theory Refracted Through the Lens of Gender", Workplace Dispute Resolution, 1997, 231-257.
- / Lach, D., and Gwartney-Gibbs, P.A., "Sociological Perspectives of Sexual Harassment and Workplace Dispute Resolution", Journal of Vocational Behaviour, 1993, Vol.42, 102-115.
- / Landau, E.C., "Conciliation as a Mode of Settlement of Discrimination Complaints (The Experience of the Employment Discrimination Committees)", Adelaide Law Review 11, 1988, 257-284.
- / Marshall, M.A., and Reif, L.C., "The Ombudsman: Maladministration and Alternative Dispute Resolution", Alberta Law Review 34, 1995, 215-239.
- / McDowell, L. (ed), Human Rights & Equity Report, Carswell, October 1997, Vol.9, No.1.
- / Mendes, E., Rudner, K.L., and Jourdain, P., Alternative Dispute Resolution Mechanisms in Human Rights Commissions and Analogous Institutions in Australia, The United Kingdom, The United States and Canada, Ottawa: Department of Justice Canada, 1994.
- / Parker, T. and McHale, J., Designing a Quality-Based Human Rights ADR Program: Issue Paper, Victoria, B.C.: British Columbia Human Rights Commission, 1998.
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- / Rifkin, J., "Mediation from a Feminist Perspective: Promise and Problems", Mediation, 1984, 2(2), 21-31.
- / Roberts, K. and Lundy, C., "The ADA and NLRA: Resolving Accommodation Disputes in Unionized Workplaces." Negotiation Journal, 11(2), 1995.
- / Rowe, M.P., "Dealing with Harassment: A Systems Approach", in P. Stockdale (ed) Sexual Harassment: Perspectives, Frontiers, and Response Strategies, Women and Work, Volume 5, Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications, 1996.
- / Rowe, M.P. "Dealing with Sexual Harassment", Harvard Business Review, May-June 1981, 59(3), 42-47.
- / Rowe, M.P., "People Who Feel Harassed Need a Complaint System with Both Formal and Informal Options", Negotiation Journal, 6(2), April 1990, 161-172.
- / Shemberg, A., "Mediation as an Alternative Method of Dispute Resolution for the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act: A Just Proposal?", OhioState Journal on Dispute Resolution 12, 1997, 739-757.
- / Silberman, R.G., Murphy, S.E., and Adams, S.P., "Alternative Dispute Resolution of Employment Discrimination Claims", Louisiana Law Review 54, 1994, 1533-1558.
- / Silverman, R., "Mediation as Part of a Mulit-Process System for Resolving Sexual Harassment Disputes", The Proceedings of the Conflict Resolution Symposia: 1992-1994, The Mediation Centre at CarletonUniversity, January 1995, 230-245.
- / Singer, L.R., Mediating Civil Rights: The Age Discrimination Act, Washington, D.C.: National Institute for Dispute Resolution, 1986.
- / Singletary, C.,R., and Shearer, R.A., "Mediation of Employment Discrimination Claims: The Win-Win ADA Option", Labor Law Journal, 1994, 338-345.
- / Stamato, L., "Sexual Harassment in the Workplace: Is Mediation an Appropriate Option?", Arbitration Forum, VI(2), Summer 1992.
- / Stamato, L., "The Case for Mediating Sex Harassment", New Jersey Law Journal 16, 1994.
Discrimination and Sexual Harassment
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- / Taylor, C.A., "Signing off Human Rights: Wrongful Dismissal Settlements and the Ontario Human Rights Code", Advocates' Quarterly 11, 1990, 422-435.
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- / U.S. General Accounting Office. "Employment Discrimination: Most Private Sector Employers Use Alternative Dispute Resolution." U.S. General Accounting Office/HEHS-150, July 1995.
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