CM Workmanship
1. Bay/Brown/Black
2. Grey/White
3. Chestnut/Sorrel
4. Roan
5. Palomino/Dun/Grulla/Buckskin
6. Double Dilute (cremellos, perlinos, champagnes, etc.)
7. Other Solid Colors (includes rabicano)
Champ/Reserve CM Solid Color
8. Blanket Appaloosa
9. Other Appaloosa
10. Tobiano Pinto
11. Sabino Pinto
12. Overo Pinto
13. Combination Colors (example: roan tobiano, roan overo)
14. Other "Loud" Color
Champ/Reserve CM "Loud" Color
Champ/Reserve Overall CM Color
15. Repaint CM only by owner
16. Repaint & hair CM by owner
17. Customized CM by owner
18. Pastel medium CM finish work
19. Acrylic medium CM finish work
20. Mixed medium CM finish work
21. Etched CM finish work
Champ/Reserve Medium CM
22. Simple Repaint Traditional
23. Simple Repaint Other Scale
24. Slight CM Traditional
25. Slight CM Other Scale
26. Moderate CM Traditional
27. Moderate CM Other Scale
28. Drastic CM Traditional
29. Drastic CM Other Scale
Champ/Reserve Customization
Overall Champ/Reserve Customization

AR Workmanship
30. Bay/Brown/Black
31. Grey/White
32. Chestnut/Sorrel
33. Roan
34. Palomino/Dun/Grulla/Buckskin
35. Double Dilute (cremellos, perlinos, champagnes, etc.)
36. Other Solid Colors (includes rabicano)
Champ/Reserve AR Solid Color
37. Blanket Appaloosa
38. Other Appaloosa
39. Tobiano Pinto
40. Sabino Pinto
41. Overo Pinto
42. Combination Colors (example: roan tobiano, roan overo)
43. Other "Loud" Colors
Champ/Reserve AR "Loud" Color
Champ/Reserve Overall AR Color
44. Repaint AR only by owner
45. Repaint & hair AR by owner
46. Customized AR by owner
47. Sculpted AR by owner
48. Pastel medium AR finish work
49. Acrylic medium AR finish work
50. Mixed medium AR finish work
51. Original AR sculpture work
Champ/Reserve Medium AR
52. Simple Repaint Traditional
53. Simple Repaint Other Scale
54. Slight CM Traditional
55. Slight CM Other Scale
56. Moderate CM Traditional
57. Moderate CM Other Scale
58. Drastic CM Traditional
59. Drastic CM Other Scale
Champ/Reserve Customization
Overall Champ/Reserve AR Customization
CM/AR Definitions
-Horses that are mostly plastic (75%) shall show in the CM
-Horses that are mostly resin (75%) shall show in the AR
-Slight AR/CM: change to mane and/or tail, and/or one or two ears.
-Moderate AR/CM: any slight changes PLUS a turned or tucked head or one to two minor movement of limbs.
-Drastic AR/CM: major body work including moving of two or more legs, a remade neck, rebuilt/remuscled body, a replaced head, or replaced limbs
OFP Matte/Semi-Gloss Regular Runs
60. Regular Run Matte/Semi-Gloss Mares & Foals - 1950s-1970s *
61. Regular Run Matte/Semi-Gloss Stallions & Geldings - 1950s-1970s
62. Regular Run Matte/Semi-Gloss Mares & Foals -1980s-2000
63. Regular Run Matte/Semi-Gloss Stallions & Geldings -1980s-2000

64. Regular Run Matte/Semi-Gloss Mares & Foals -2001-Present
65. Regular Run Matte/Semi-Gloss Stallions & Geldings -2001-Present
OFP Champ/Reserve RR Matte/Semi-Gloss
OFP Glossy Regular Runs/Unusual Models
66. Regular Run Glossy Mares & Foals - 1950s-1970s *
67. Regular Run Glossy Stallions & Geldings - 1950s-1970s
68. Regular Run Glossy Mares & Foals -1980s-Present
69. Regular Run Glossy Stallions & Geldings -1980s-Present
70. Regular Run factory-oops or unusual models **

71. Regular Run Chalky and Pearly Models (this class includes all models, even those with saddles)
OFP Champ/Reserve RR Glossy/Unusual
OFP Special Runs
72. Mail Order Catalog/Mass Retailer *** (Aldens, Penneys, Spiegels, Sears, Wards) SRs runs of 501 or greater

73. Mail Order Catalog/Mass Retailer (Black Horse Ranch, Riegseckers, etc) SRs, runs of 500 or less
74. Breyer Dealer, Special Show/Event (i.e.: Congress, Jamboree) SRs (runs of 201 or over)
75. BreyerFest "Tent/Store" Models
76. BreyerFest Dinner Models (Celebration Horse)
77. JAH SRs (Non-Connoisseur)
78. Tour Stop & Web Special Models (no decorator colors)
79. Other SRs not specifically described anywhere here (including TH Series Hucks, foals & glossy honey bay Lady Phases, VaLes)

OFP Champ Reserve Special Runs
OFP Special Detailed Models
80. Breyer Conn (2001-2005)
81. Breyer Conn (2006-2011)

82. Breyer Vintage Series (including club gifts and additional special offers)

83. Premier Club Series (including club gifts and additional special offers)
84. SRs from Premiere Event, Velvet Rope Event, Lone Star Event, Sunshine, and so forth

85. SRs from *any* other Breyer sanctioned event or contest

OFP Champ/Reserve Special Detailed Models
OFP Limited Runs (of ANY COLOR)
86. BreyerFest/BreyerWest Volunteer Models
87. BreyerFest/BreyerWest Raffle Models
88. BreyerFest/BreyerWest Prize/Award Models (from contests or live shows)
89. Undocumented OOAKs (ie Marney W. tests, factory escape tests)

90. Documented OOAKs, BreyerFest Auction Models

OFP Champ/Reserve Limited Runs
OFP Special (Decorator, woodgrain) Finish Runs
91. RR and SR Decorators (gold or blue) Pre-1990
92. RR and SR Decorators (gold, blue) 1991-Present

93. Woodgrain Mares & Foals
94. Woodgrain Stallions & Geldings
95. Other Decorator Color Regular Runs

96. Other Decorator Color Special Runs of 201 or greater

97. Other Decorator Color Special Runs of 200 or fewer

OFP Champ/Reserve Special Finish Runs
Miscellaneous Other Runs
98. Porcelain or Resin Models
99. Lamps, Nightlights & Clocks
100. Horse & Sulky/Wagon Sets

101. Horse & Rider Sets (including Music Boxes)

102. Horse & Saddle/Grooming Kit Sets

103.Flocked Models (lone horses from JcPenneys, Riegseckers,Sears, or Wards) (includes rockers, no fantasy models allowed)

104. Longears/exotics (regular line)
105.Longears/exotics (special runs)

OF Champ/Reserve Miscellaneous

Non-NAN Qualifying Runs

106. Fantasy (Pegasus, unicorn, Halloween, etc.) (non-NAN qualifying)

107. RR Wildlife / non-domestic (elk, deer, moose, buffalo, elephant, bear, wolf, etc) (non-NAN qualifying)

108. SR Wildlife / non-domestic (elk, deer, moose, buffalo, elephant, bear, wolf, etc) (non-NAN qualifying)

109. Domestic Animals (Bulls, cows, pigs, dogs, etc) (non-NAN qualifying)

110. SR Domestic Animals (Bulls, cows, pigs, dogs, etc) (non-NAN qualifying)

111. Decorator/Woodgrain Animals (all animals) (non-NAN qualifying)

112. OOAK/Raffle Animals (all animals) (non-NAN qualifying)

OF Champ/Reserve Non-NAN Qualifying Runs
Overall Reserve/Champ OF Collectability
113. OF Breyer Collector Display Class – Love That Mold

114. OF Breyer Collector Display Class - Theme