Criminology, Law & Justice Department

University of Illinois at Chicago (M/C 141)

1007 West Harrison St. Chicago IL 60607-7140

(312)-996-6679, email:


B.A. Psychology, Hamilton College, 1985

M.A. Social/Developmental Psychology, Brandeis University, 1988

Ph.D. Social/Developmental Psychology, Brandeis University, 1990

Postdoctoral Fellow, Health Psychology, UCLA, 1991-1993


Great Cities Faculty Scholar, Great Cities Institute, University of Illinois at Chicago,

2002- 2003 Academic Year.

Professor of the Year, UIC Department of Criminal Justice, 2001-2002.

Listed in Who’s Who in America, 2002 Edition – Present,

Who’s Who of American Women, 25th Silver Anniversary Edition.

Recipient of the 1990 fellowship for graduate research on women from the Brandeis

University Women's Studies Program.


Jan 2010-PresentDirector, Office of Social Science Research

University of Illinois at Chicago

Summer 2008-Associate Department Head

Winter 2010Department of Criminology, Law, & Justice

University of Illinois at Chicago

2005-PresentProfessor of Criminology, Law, & Justice

University of Illinois at Chicago

2009-PresentProfessor of Psychology (Courtesy Appointment)

University of Illinois at Chicago (Community & Prevention)

2010-PresentLead PI, UIC Center for Interdisciplinary Research on Violence

University of Illinois at Chicago

2005-2009Director of Graduate Studies in Criminology, Law, & Justice

University of Illinois at Chicago

1999-2005Associate Professor of Criminal Justice

University of Illinois at Chicago

1993-1999Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice

1993-2000University of Illinois at Chicago


Principal Investigator, Longitudinal Study of Social Support, PTSD, and Problem Drinking in Rape Victims,”National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. Revision of R01 resubmitted, $2,187,886, 4/1/2010-3/31/2015.

Principal Investigator, “UIC Interdisciplinary Center for Research on Violence: Changing Systems to Prevent Violence in Chicago and Beyond,” UIC 2010 Interdisciplinary Seed Grant Competition, $200,000, 1/1/06-12/31/08.

Principal Investigator, “Social Reactions, PTSD, and Drinking in Sexual Assault Victims,” National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, $916,505, 3/1/02-2/28/07.

Principal Investigator, "Social Reactions, PTSD, and Service Seeking in Sexual Assault

Victims," RISP Program for Mental Health Services Research on Women and Gender,

UIC Department of Psychiatry, $10,959, 1999-2000.

Principal Investigator, “Sexual Assault and PTSD in the National Comorbidity Survey,”

Campus Research Board, UIC, $14,976, 1999-2000.

Principal Investigator, "Developing a Measure of Social Reactions to Rape Victims,"

National Institute of Mental Health, $141,821, 1997-1999.

Principal Investigator, "Alcohol Use and Rape," Alcoholic Beverage Medical Research

Foundation, $44,673, 1997-1999.

Grant Recipient, UIC Campus Research Board Award, 1994-1995; 1996-1997.

Grant Recipient, UIC Office of Social Science Research, 1993-1994,1994-1995,

1995-1996, 1996-1997.

Co-PI, Research Grant, UCLA Center for the Study of Women, 1991-1993.

Principal Investigator, Research Award from the Society for the Psychological Study of

Social Issues (SPSSI) Grants-in-Aid Program, 1991.

RESEARCH GRANTS (in preparation)

Principal Investigator, Support and problem drinking in rape victim-support provider dyads, National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. R01 ($1,506,015 requested), currently being revised for resubmission.


Grant Reviews (selected, not including numerous invitations declined)

NIJ RFP Sexual Violence Research Panel, February, 2007

NIMH R13 Conference Grant Reviewer, July, 2005

National Institutes of Health Special Review Panel, RFA: Social Stigma and Global

Health, March, 2003

National Science Foundation, Sociology Program, 2000-2002.

Invited to join CDC’s NCPIC IRG, 2009 (declined)

NIH grant pre-reviewer, reviewed various NIH grant proposals as requested by

investigators at various universities prior to submission

Consultant on various grant applications for funding for faculty at various


Sexual Violence Applied Research Advisory Group ( 2008-present


Ullman, S. E. (2011, March). Writing and applying for social science research grants: A workshop for new investigators. UIC Office of Social Science Research

Ullman, S.E., Kassel, J., & Krysan, M. (2011, November). NIH or NSF: Where should I apply for funding: A workshop for new investigators. UIC Office of Social Science Research.

Ullman, S.E., Gordon, R., & Everett, B. (2012, November). NIH Funding for the Social Sciences. UIC Office of Social Science Research.

SERVICE (selected):

UIC Diversity Advisory Committee, Member, Fall 2007-Present.

UIC Campus Promotion and Tenure Committee Fall 2011-Present

UIC Vice Chancellor for Research, Community Disparities Advisory Council, Member, 2010-2011.

UIC Institutional Review Board Member, April 2001-December 2006.

Faculty Adviser, UIC Women’s Self Defense Association, 2002-2008.

UIC Faculty Senate Research Committee Fall 2011-Present

UIC Vice Chancellor for Research Search Committee, Member, 2011-2012

Tenure and promotion cases (3-5 annually, associate & full professor), various

universities. External Reviewer, 2000-Present.

Ad hoc advisory committee to Interim Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs Fall 2012


Scholarly Books & Edited Volumes

Ullman, S.E. (2010). Talking about sexual assault: Society’s response to survivors. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association Press.

Ullman, S.E., Foynes, M., & Tang, S. (2010). Sexual trauma disclosure:

implications for research and clinical practice. Special Issue of Journal of Trauma &

Dissociation, 11, 127-259.

Peer-reviewed journal articles

Ullman, S.E. Reflections on researching rape resistance. Paper accepted for special issue editors, Cermele, J. & McCaughey, M. on Rape and Sexual Assault Prevention, Resistance, Education, and Intervention: The Role of Self Defense and Resistance to Rape, Violence Against Women.

Schewe, P., Bell, C., Bennett, L., Goldstein, P., Mattaini, M., O’Brien, P., Riger, S., Risser, H., Rosenbaum, D., Schuck, A., & Ullman, S. (in press). UIC’s Interdisciplinary Center for Research on Violence: Changing Systems to Prevent Violence in Chicago and Beyond. Violence Against Women.

Ullman, S.E., Najdowski, C., & Adams, E. (2012). Women, Alcoholics Anonymous, and mutual aid groups: review and recommendations for research.Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly, 30, 443–486.

Alderden, M. A., & Ullman, S. E. (2012). Creating a more complete picture: Examining police and prosecutor decision making when processing sexual assault cases.

Violence Against Women, 18, 525-551.

Alderden, M. A., & Ullman, S. E. (2012). Gender difference or indifference? Detective decision-making in sexual assault cases. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 27, 3-22.

Bryant-Davis, T., Ullman, S.E., Tsong, Y., & Gobin, R. (2011). Surviving the storm of sexual assault: The role of social support and religious coping in the recovery of African American women. Violence Against Women, 17, 1601-1618.

Ullman, S.E., & Najdowski, C.J. (2011). Prospective changes in attributions of self-blame and social reactions to women’s disclosures of adult sexual assault. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 26, 1934-1962.

Ullman, S.E. (2011). Is sexual assault disclosure helpful? Comparing lab vs. field study results. Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment, and Trauma, 20, 148-162.

Ullman, S. E. (2011). Longitudinal tracking methods in a study of adult women sexual assault survivors. Violence Against Women, 17, 189-200.

Najdowski, C., & Ullman, S.E. (2011). The effects of revictimization on coping in women sexual assault victims. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 24, 218-221.

Brecklin, L.R., & Ullman, S.E. (2010). The roles of victim and offender substance use in sexual assault outcomes. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 25, 1503-1522.

Bryant-Davis, T., Ullman, S.E., Tsong, Y., & Gobin, R., Smith, K., & Tillman, S. (2010). Struggling to survive: Sexual assault, poverty, and mental health outcomes of African American women. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 80, 61-70.

Ullman, S.E., & Nadjdowski, C. (2010). Understanding alcohol-related sexual assaults: Characteristics and consequences. Violence and Victims, 25, 29-44.

Chen, Y., & Ullman, S.E. (2010). Women’s reporting of sexual and physical assaults to police in the National Violence Against Women Survey. Violence Against Women, 16, 262-279.

Ullman, S.E., & Najdowksi, C.J. (2010). Alcohol-related help seeking in problem drinking women sexual assault survivors.Substance Use and Misuse, 45, 341-353.

Najdowski, C.J., & Ullman, S.E. (2009). Prospective effects of sexual victimization on PTSD and problem drinking. Addictive Behaviors 34, 965-968.

Ullman, S.E., Najdowski, C.J., & Filipas, H.H. (2009). PTSD and substance use as predictors of revictimization in adult sexual assault survivors. Journal of Child Sexual Abuse, 18, 367-385.

Ullman, S.E., & Najdowski, C.J. (2009). Revictimization as a moderator of psychosocial risk factors for problem drinking in female sexual assault survivors. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 70, 41-49.

Ullman, S.E., & Najdowski, C.J. (2009). Correlates of suicidal ideation and attempts in adult female sexual assault survivors. Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior, 39, 47-57.

Mason, G.E., Ullman, S.E., Long, S.M., Long, L., Starzynski, L.L. (2009). Social support and risk of sexual assault revictimization. Journal of Community Psychology, 37, 58-72.

Najdowski, C.J., & Ullman, S.E. (2009). PTSD and self-rated recovery among adult sexual assault survivors: The effects of traumatic life events and psychosocial variables. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 33, 43-53.

Ullman, S.E., Starzynski, L.L., Long, S., Mason, G., & Long, L.M. (2008). Sexual assault disclosure, social reactions, and problem drinking in women. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 23, 1235-1257.

Ullman, S.E., & Long, S.M. (2008). Factor structure of PTSD in a community sample of sexual assault survivors. Journal of Trauma and Dissociation, 9, 507-524.

Ullman, S.E., & Townsend, S.M. (2008). What is an empowerment approach to working with sexual assault survivors? Journal of Community Psychology, 36, 299-312.

Koss, M.P., Abbey, A., Campbell, R., Cook, S., Norris, J., Testa, M., Ullman, S., West, C., & White, J. (2007). Revising the SES: A collaborative process to improve assessment of sexual aggression and victimization. Psychology of Women Quarterly 31, 357-370.

Ullman, S.E. (2007). Asking participants about abuse and trauma. American Psychologist, 62, 329-330.

Ullman, S.E., Filipas, H.H., Townsend, S.M., & Starzynski, L. (2007). Psychosocial correlates of PTSD symptom severity in sexual assault survivors. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 20, 821-831.

Long, S., Ullman, S.E., Long, L., Mason, G., & Starzynski, L. (2007). Women’s experiences of male-perpetrated sexual assault by sexual orientation. Violence and Victims, 22, 34-51.

Long, L., Ullman, S.E., Starzynski, L., Long, S., & Mason, G. (2007). Age and educational differences in African American women’s sexual assault experiences. Feminist Criminology, 2, 117-136.

Starzynski, L.L., Ullman, S.E., Townsend, S.M., Long, L.L., & Long, S. (2007). What factors predict women’s disclosure of sexual assault to mental health professionals? Journal of Community Psychology, 35, 619-638.

Ullman, S.E., & Townsend, S.M. (2007). Barriers to working with sexual assault survivors: A qualitative study of rape crisis center workers. Violence Against Women, 13, 412-443.

Ullman, S.E. (2007). A 10-year update on “Review and Critique of Empirical Studies of Rape Avoidance.” Criminal Justice and Behavior, 34, 411-429.

Ullman, S.E. (2007). Comparing gang and individual rapes in a community sample of urban women. Violence and Victims, 22, 43-51.

Ullman, S.E., Townsend, S.M., Filipas, H.H., & Starzynski, L.L. (2007). Structural models of the relations of assault severity, social support, avoidance coping, self-blame, and PTSD among sexual assault survivors. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 31, 23-37.

Ullman, S.E. (2007). Mental health service seeking in sexual assault victims: A review of the literature. Women and Therapy, 30, 61-84.

Ullman, S.E. (2007). Relationship to perpetrator, social reactions, and PTSD symptoms in child sexual abuse survivors. Journal of Child Sexual Abuse, 16, 19-36.

Ullman, S.E., Townsend, S.M., Starzynski, L.L., & Long, L.M. (2006). Correlates of Polysubstance use and comorbid PTSD in sexual assault victims.Violence and Victims, 21, 727-746.

Ullman, S.E., Filipas, H.H., Townsend, S.M., & Starzynski, L.L. (2006). The role of victim-offender relationship in women’s sexual assault experiences. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 21, 798-819.

Filipas, H.H., & Ullman, S.E. (2006). Child sexual abuse, coping responses, self-blame, PTSD, and adult sexual revictimization. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 21, 652-672.

Ullman, S.E., Filipas, H.H., Townsend, S.M., & Starzynski, L. (2006). Correlates of PTSD and drinking problems among sexual assault survivors. Addictive Behaviors, 31, 128-132.

Ullman, S.E., Filipas, H.H., Townsend, S.M., & Starzynski, L. (2005). Trauma exposure, PTSD, and problem drinking among sexual assault survivors. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 66, 610-619.

Ullman, S.E., & Filipas, H.H. (2005). Ethnicity and child sexual abuse experiences of female college students.Journal of Child Sexual Abuse, 14, 67-89.

Ullman, S.E., & Filipas, H.H. (2005). Gender differences in social reactions to abuse disclosures, post-abuse coping, and PTSD in child sexual abuse survivors. Child Abuse and Neglect, 29, 767-782.

Starzynski, L.L., Ullman, S.E., Filipas, H.H., & Townsend, S.M. (2005). Correlates of women’s sexual assault disclosure to informal and formal support sources. Violence and Victims, 20, 415-431.

Brecklin, L.R., & Ullman, S.E. (2005). Self-defense or assertiveness training and women’s responses to sexual attacks. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 20, 738-762.

Ullman, S.E. (2005). Interviewing clinicians and advocates who work with sexual assault survivors: A personal perspective on moving from quantitative to qualitative methods.Violence Against Women, 11, 1-27.

Brecklin, L.R., & Ullman, S.E. (2004). Correlates of post-assault self-defense/assertiveness training participation for sexual assault survivors. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 28, 147-158.

Ullman, S.E. (2004). Sexual assault victimization and suicidal behavior in women: A review of empirical studies. Aggression and Violent Behavior: A Review Journal, 9, 331-351.

Ullman, S.E. (2003). A critical review of field studies on the link of alcohol and adult sexual assault in women. Aggression and Violent Behavior: A Review Journal, 8, 471-486.

Ullman, S.E., & Brecklin, L. (2003). Sexual assault history and health-related outcomes in a national sample of women. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 27, 46-57.

Ullman, S.E. (2003). Social reactions to child sexual abuse disclosures: A critical review. Journal of Child Sexual Abuse, 12, 89-121.

Ullman, S.E. (2002). Rape avoidance: Self-protection strategies for women. In Schewe, P.A. (Ed.). Preventing violence in relationships: Interventions across the life span. (pp. 137-162). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

Ullman, S.E., & Brecklin, L. (2002). Sexual assault history, PTSD, and mental health service seeking in a national sample of women. Journal of Community Psychology, 30, 1-19.

Brecklin, L.R., & Ullman, S.E. (2002). The roles of victim and offender alcohol use in sexual assaults: Results from the National Violence Against Women Survey. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 63, 57-63.

Ullman, S.E., & Brecklin, L. (2002). Sexual assault and suicidal behavior in the National Comorbidity Survey. Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior, 32, 117-130.

Filipas, H.H., & Ullman, S.E. (2001). Social reactions to victims of sexual assault from social network members. Violence and Victims, 16, 673-692.

Ullman, S.E., & Filipas, H.H. (2001). Correlates of formal and informal support seeking in sexual assault victims. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 16, 1028-1047.

Ullman, S.E., & Filipas, H.H. (2001). Predictors of PTSD symptom severity and social reactions in sexual assault victims.Journal of Traumatic Stress, 14, 393-413.

Brecklin, L.R., & Ullman, S.E. (2001). The role of offender alcohol use in rape attacks: An analysis of National Crime Victimization Survey data. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 16, 3-21.

Ullman, S.E. (2000). Psychometric characteristics of the Social Reactions Questionnaire: A measure of reactions to sexual assault victims. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 24, 257-271.

Ullman, S.E., & Brecklin, L.R. (2000). Alcohol and adult sexual assault in a national sample of women. Journal of Substance Abuse, 11, 405-420.

Ullman, S.E., Karabatsos, G., & Koss., M.P. (1999). Alcohol and sexual aggression in a national sample of college men. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 23, 673-689.

Ullman, S.E., Karabatsos, G., & Koss., M.P. (1999). Alcohol and sexual assault in a national sample of college women. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 14, 603-625.

Ullman, S.E. (1999). Social support and recovery from sexual assault: A review. Aggression and Violent Behavior: A Review Journal, 4, 343-358.

Ullman, S.E. (1999). A comparison of gang and individual rape incidents. Violence and Victims, 14, 1-11.

Ullman, S.E. (1998). Does offender violence escalate when rape victims fight back? Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 13, 179-192.

Ullman, S.E. (1997). Attributions, world assumptions, and recovery from sexual assault. Journal of Child Sexual Abuse, 6, 1-19.

Ullman, S.E. (1997). Review and critique of empirical studies of rape avoidance. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 24, 177-204.

Ullman, S.E. (1996). Social reactions, coping strategies, and self-blame attributions in adjustment to sexual assault. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 20, 505-526.

Ullman, S. E. (1996). Do social reactions to sexual assault victims vary by support provider? Violence and Victims, 11, 143-156.

Ullman, S.E. & Siegel, J.M. (1996). Traumatic events and physical health in a community sample. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 9, 717-734.

Ullman, S. E. (1996). Correlates and consequences of adult sexual assault disclosure. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 11, 554-571.

Ullman, S.E. & Siegel, J.M. (1995). Sexual assault, social reactions, and physical health. Women's Health: Research on Gender, Behavior, and Policy, 1, 289-308.

Ullman, S.E. & Knight, R.A. (1995). Women's resistance strategies to different rapist types. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 22, 263-283.

Ullman, S.E. (1995). Adult trauma survivors and posttraumatic stress sequelae: An analysis of reexperiencing, avoidance, and arousal criteria. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 8, 179-188.

Ullman, S.E. & Siegel, J.M. (1994). Predictors of exposure to traumatic events and posttraumatic stress sequelae. Journal of Community Psychology, 22, 328-338.

Ullman, S.E. & Siegel, J.M. (1993). Victim-offender relationship and sexual assault. Violence and Victims, 8, 121-134.

Ullman, S.E. & Knight, R.A. (1993). The efficacy of women's resistance strategies in rape situations. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 17, 23-38.

Ullman, S.E. & Knight, R.A. (1992). Fighting back: Women's resistance to rape. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 7, 31-43.

Ullman, S.E. & Knight, R.A. (1991). A multivariate model for predicting rape and physical injury outcomes during sexual assaults. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 59, 724-731.


Peter-Hagene, L., & Ullman, S.E. Social reactions to sexual assault disclosure andproblem drinking: Mediating effects of perceived control and PTSD. Journal of Interpersonal Violence.

Adofoli, G., Ullman, S.E., & Relyea, M. An exploratory study of trauma and religious factors in predicting drinking outcomes in African American sexual assault survivors. Violence Against Women.

Long, L., & Ullman, S.E. The impact of multiple traumatic victimization on disclosure and coping mechanisms for Black women. Feminist Criminology.

Ullman, S.E., Relyea, M., Peter-Hagene, L., Vasquez, A., & Bhat, M. Trauma histories, substance use coping, PTSD, and problem substance use among sexual assault victims. Addictive Behaviors. (Revise and resubmit in progress)

Ullman, S.E., Relyea, M., & Peter-Hagene, L. M. Mediators of child sexual abuse severity, trauma history, and psychological symptoms in sexual assault Victims. Journal of Child Sexual Abuse. (Revise & resubmit under review)

Ullman, S. E., & Peter-Hagene, L. Social reactions, coping, perceived control and PTSD in sexual assault victims. Psychological Trauma. (Revise and resubmit in progress)

Littleton, H., & Ullman, S.E. PTSD symptomatology and hazardous drinking as risk

factors for sexual assault re-victimization: Examination in European American and African American women. Journal of Traumatic Stress. (Revise & resubmit under review).

Starzynski, L., & Ullman, S.E. Correlates of perceived helpfulness of mental health professionals following disclosure of sexual assault. Violence Against Women. (accepted for publication).

Ullman, S.E. Interviewing therapists about sexual assault: Reflections on experiences in the field.Violence Against Women. (Conditionally accepted).

Bhat, M., & Ullman, S. E. Examining Marital Violence in India: Review and Recommendations.Trauma, Violence and Abuse. (Accepted with revisions).

Chen, Y., & Ullman, S.E. Women’s reporting of physical assaults to police: Findings from the National Violence Against Women Survey. Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment and Trauma. (Revise & resubmitted).


Ullman, S.E. (in press). Multiple perpetrator rape victimization: How it differs and why it matters. Invited chapter in preparation for, Horvath, M. Handbook of Multiple Perpetrator Rape.

Davis, R.C., & Ullman, S.E. (2013). The key contributions of family, friends, and neighbors. In Davis, R.C., Lurigio, A.J., & Herman, S. (Eds.). pp. 233-250). Victims in Crime. 4th Edition. Thousand Oaks, Sage.

Ullman, S. E., & Najdowski, C. J. (2011). Vulnerability and protective factors for sexual violence. In J. W. White, M. P. Koss, & A. E. Kazdin (Eds.), Violence against women and children: Mapping the terrain (pp. 151-172). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.


Ullman, S.E. (2010). Protection against rape. Encyclopedia of Victimology and Crime Prevention. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

Ullman, S.E., Foynes, M., & Tang, S. (2010). Benefits and barriers to disclosing

sexual trauma: A contextual approach. Special Issue editorial. Journal of Trauma &

Dissociation, 11, 127-133.

Lonsway, K., Banyard, V., Berkowitz, A., Gidycz, C., Katz, J., Koss, M., Schewe, P., & Ullman, S. (2009, January). Rape prevention and risk reduction: Review of the research literature for practitioners. Harrisburg, PA: VAWnet, a project of the National Resource Center on Domestic Violence/Pennsylvania Coalition Against Domestic Violence. Retrieved 1/12/09, from: <