Working with EDI 214 Status Updates

Working with EDI 214 Status Updates

Working with EDI 214 Status Updates

4.Working with EDI 214 Status Updates

A 214 is an outbound document that informs the shipper or consignee of the order's status. The214 documents are created in the Dispatch application.You can use two methods to create 214 data and store it in the TMWSuite database:

  • EDI 214 Shipment Status SmartLink

If you have purchased thislicensed add-on, you can set up your system to create 214s manually from the Dispatch application. You can use the EDI 214 window to add a status code to an event and store the 214 data in the TMWSuite database.

  • Auto 214 Scheduler

If you have purchased this licensed add-on, you can set up the system to create 214s automatically and to transfer the data from the TMWSuite database into a flat file. The trip status must match the status specified for the trading partner in the Auto214tab in the EDI Codes Maintenance window, accessed in File Maintenance.

Information about using both methods to create 214 data is included in the following sections.

Manually creating 214 data for an updated order

Reviewing pending or previous 214 transactions sent for an order

Preventing manual 214s from having future dates/times

[EDIFileSave] RestrictFuture214Dates

Automatically creating 214 data

Verifying that the required licenses have been applied totheTMWSuite database

Performing 214-specific setup in EDI Codes Maintenance

Setting up activities to trigger an Auto-214

Sending 214 status updates at a specified interval


Using the current date/time for 214 status updates sent at specified intervals


Using the local date/time for EDI 214 Status Updates


Using Appointment Set activities for Auto-214s


Handling unknown drivers in Location Reports


Including the Proof of Delivery name recordedforastop

Transferring 214 data into a flat file

Manually transferring 214 data

Using the EDI Scheduler to automatically transfer 214 data

Reviewing Auto-214s that are On Hold

Specifying the default Reason Late setting for On Hold 214s

[EDIfilesave] HoldQueueSetReason

Setting up labels for 214s

Including additional information in the EDI 214

Creating a separate 214 for each bill of lading number recorded for anorderheader


Displaying the Bill To's address line 2


Including TotalMail check call information


Including the trailer 2 ID code


Creating a Location Report or ESTA message based on a stop's updated arrivaldate/time


Recording the city/state for the next event


Including the current tractor location


Including the order delivery date/time


Including the scheduled Earliest and Latest date/time


Including STCC codes


Specifying the reference number types included in record 6 (lading exception)


Including overage, shortage, and damaged information


Adding the 7 cargo record for each freight detail on a stop


Specifying whether a 214 will be sent for a late arrival


Working with archived EDI 214 status updates

Re-extracting 214 files

Displaying an order's delivery appointment date/time in the Planning Worksheet


Manually creating 214 data for an updated order

When you modify an order linked to a Bill To that is set up for the EDI 214 service, you can manually create 214 data for the updated order and store it in the TMWSuite database from the Dispatch application.

  1. Select the order in the Dispatch Planning Worksheet or Trip Folder.
  2. Select Dispatch > Create EDI 214. The stops on the trip are displayed at the top of the EDI 214 window.

Note: If necessary, enter the OrderNumber at the top of the window and press TAB.

  1. Click on the stop for which you are creating the 214.
  2. Click Add to add information about that stop to the 214.

The system adds the 214 fields for the stop at the bottom of the window.

  1. Make entries in the following fields at the bottom of the window:

EDI Company / Defaults to Billto.
If the EDI Notification Method field in the EDI Codes Maintenance window is set to BillTo based, Billto is the only option.
If the EDI Notification Method is set to Company based, select another company type, if necessary:
  • Billto
  • Shipper
  • Consignee
  • OrderBy
  • Selected Stop

Status Code / Select the EDI status that the trading partner requires for the stop.
If the EDI Notification Method field is set to BillTo based, status codes are from the EDI214Status label in TMWSuite System Administration.
If the EDI Notification Method field is set to Company based, status codes are from the Auto214 tab of the EDI Codes Maintenance window.
  1. If you use the Companybased EDI notification method and create manual 214s, you must create Auto-214 activities for each trading partner.
  2. For details about the EDI notification method, see Specifying the EDI notification method for Auto-214s.
  3. For details about creating Auto-214 activities, see the entry for the EDI Status field in the Setting up activities to trigger an Auto-214 section.

Status Date* / Defaults to the current date/time. If necessary, enter another date/time for the event.
Status City* / Defaults to the city/state for the selected stop. If necessary, enter the city/state for the event.
Status Reason / Select the appropriate status.
Note: Reason codes are recorded in the EDI214Reason label in System Administration.
Tractor* / Defaults to the ID of the assigned tractor. If necessary, select another tractor.
Mobile Comm # / Applicable only if you are using TotalMail. Enter the ID number oftractor's MobileComm unit.
Trailer* / Defaults to the ID of the assigned trailer. If necessary, select another trailer.
Trailer Owner / Applicable only if you are using TotalMail. Enter the ID code for the Bill To or trailer owner.
Stop#* / Defaults to the stop number of the selected stop.Do not change the stop number.
Wgt* / Displays the total weight from the order header. If necessary, enter a different weight for the stop.
Qty / Displays the total count from the order header. If necessary, enter a different quantity for the stop.
Reference # / Displays the reference number from the stop detail.

*Any changes that you makein these fieldswill not update the order.

  1. Repeat Steps 4 and 5 for each stop.
  2. Click Save.

Notes: For information about manually transferring 214 data into a flat file, seeManually transferring 214 data.

Reviewing pending or previous 214 transactions sent for an order

A feature in the EDI 214 window allows you to review all pending manual 214s or prior manual and Auto-214s that have been transferred for an order.

  1. Select the order in the Dispatch Planning Worksheet or Trip Folder.
  2. Select Dispatch > Create EDI 214.
  3. In the EDI 214 window, click the View 214 statuses sent for order button.

  1. The View status codes for order window displays the details for all previous 214s that have been sent, both manually and automatically, for the order.

Note: Blue text indicates 214s that have been transferred. Red text indicates manual 214s that are pending.

Trading Partner / Company ID of the trading partner for the selected stop
Status Code / EDI status that the trading partner requires for the stop
Note: The EDI status is specified in the EdiStatus field of the EDI Codes Maintenance window's Auto214 tab.
Status Date / Date/time the status was recorded
Stop / Stop number for the status city/state
City/State / City/state for the stop location
Date Transferred / If the 214 has been transferred, displays the date/time of the transfer.
Status Reason / If the 214 has been transferred, displays the reason code for the status.
Note: Status reason codes are recorded in the EDI214Reason label in System Administration.
997 Status / If the 214 has been transferred, indicates whether a 997 Functional Acknowledgement for the 214 has been accepted (A) or rejected (R). A 997 Functional Acknowledgement is required for all transmissions that include financial data.
Note: This feature is available when you have the license for the 997 processor, which is sold separately from the base system. For more information, contact your TMW EDI Support representative.
  1. To close the window, click View 214 statuses sent for orderagain.

Preventing manual 214s from having future dates/times

You can prevent manually created 214s from having a status date/time in the future.

First available in / TMWSuite: 2010.09_08.0595
Description / When you manually create a 214 status update in the Dispatch application, the system defaults the current date/time as the date/time of the update. However, you can change the date/time. This setting determines whether a manually created 214s can have a status date/time in the future.
Options /
  • N (default)
The manually created 214s cannot have a future status date/time.
  • Y
The manually created 214s can have a future status date/time.
Note: A warning message appears if the date/time for a manually created 214 is greater than the current date/time.

Automatically creating 214 data

If you are licensed for the EDI 214 Shipment Status SmartLink and EDI Scheduler, you can set up the system to automatically create 214 data when a specified activity occurs on a trip. For each trading partner, you define the activity triggers on the EDI Codes Maintenance window's Auto 214 tab. The window is accessed in the File Maintenance application.

For the system to create Auto-214s, you must have the following:

  • EDI 214 Shipment Status SmartLink license
  • EDI Scheduler
  • The Auto214 Enabled field set as Yes in the All Partner Settings tab in the EDI Codes Maintenance window.

The system creates Auto-214s based on the following criteria:

  • Hard-coded, standard EDI activities

Auto-214 activities are based on specified events being completed on a trip. After an activity has taken place, the Auto-214is sent if the activity meets the criteria set up in the Auto 214 tab.

  • Order requirements

You can set requirements for each Auto-214 activity. An Auto-214is not sent if the requirements that are set for the activity on the Auto 214 tab are not met on the order.


  1. The system creates Auto-214s only when the Auto214 Enabled field has a value of Yes. The field is found on the All Partner Settings tab in the EDI Codes Maintenance window.
  2. For more information about setting up Auto-214 activities, seeSetting up activities to trigger an Auto-214.

Verifying that the required licenses have been applied totheTMWSuite database

Special licensing is required to run the EDI 214 Shipment Status SmartLink add-on. The licensing is contained in a SQL script that is applied to your TMWSuite database using SQL Server Enterprise Manager/ SQL Query Analyzer. Without proper licensing, the options described in this guide will not appear in your TMWSuite applications.

Note:For instructions on applying the SQL script to your database, refer to your SQL Query Analyzer help system.

To verify that the licensing has been properly applied to your database, follow these steps:

  1. From any TMWSuite application, select Help >About.
  2. Click Moreat the bottom of the window.

  1. A second About window provides a table containing three columns:
  • Option Name

Lists the applications and features available in TMWSuite.

  • Option Value

Signifies whether the application/feature is active.

  • Option Expiration

Lists the date that the subscription to each feature will expire.

  1. Scroll through the list to find the EDI214 and PS Scheduler licenses and verify that the OptionValue field contains a value of Y.

  1. If you will be running the EDI 210 Invoice SmartLink application to transfer 210 data, scroll through the list to find the EDI210 license and verify that the OptionValue field contains a value of Y.


  • The list is alphabetical.
  • If the required license is not listed, contact your Support Team.

E-mail / Phone
Support Team 1 / / Call 216-831-6606 and choose Option 6. Follow the prompt to select your team's extension. If all support personnel are busy, you can leave a voice mail message.
Support Team 2 /
Support Team 3 /
  1. Click OK twice to close both About windows.

Performing 214-specific setup in EDI Codes Maintenance

In the EDI Codes Maintenance window, the fields directly below the All Partners Setting tab allow you to enter information that is specific to 214 files.

  1. In the File Maintenance application, select Edit > EDI Codes. The EDI Codes Maintenance window displays the All Partner Settings tab.

When setting EDI parameters that affect all trading partners, leave the Company field set to UNKNOWN.

  1. In the 214 Version field, select the 3.9 option as the EDI 214 flat file version you will be using.

Note: The 3.4 and 1.0 flat file versions are obsolete.

  1. If you are using an EDI e-mail format or fax format to send Auto-214s, select the UseCompany Fax # for EDI Email/Fax check box to use the company's fax number from the TMWSuite company profile.


  1. If you encounter a problem with undeliverable e-mail when sending Auto-214s, it may be a result of an invalid number recorded in the Fax field in the Bill To, shipper, and/or consignee company's profile.
  2. When sending an Auto-214, the system will send the e-mail to the number recorded in the Fax field of a company's profile, and to all e-mail and fax numbers recorded for that company in the Company Contacts window.

Note: You can access this window in File Maintenance by selecting ContactInfo or Tools > Edit Company Contacts.

  1. Click Save to keep your changes.

Setting up activities to trigger an Auto-214

Auto-214 activities are based on specified scenarios being completed on a trip. After an activity has taken place, the Auto-214 will be sent if the activity meets the criteria set up on the tab.

For example, the Arrive at Stop or Depart from Stop activities are based on the Arrival and/or Departurefields being updated and the actualization of the Est and/or Dep. Stat. fieldsin the Dispatch Trip Folder. After the pickup or drop(specified in the Auto-214 tab's Stop Type field) has been actualized, the Auto-214 is generated.

Arrival and Departure fields in the Stop Detail grid in the Dispatch Trip Folder

Use this procedure to set up the activities that will trigger an Auto-214.

  1. In the File Maintenance application, select Edit > EDI Codes to display the EDI Codes Maintenance window.
  2. In the Company field, select a trading partner.
  3. Select the Auto214 tab.
  1. Click Add to add an activity.
  2. Make entries in the following fields to set up the activity criteria for sending an Auto-214.

Activity / Select the activity that will trigger an automatic 214. These activi-ties are hard-coded EDI Auto-214 standards. The options are:
  • Arrive at stop
The value in the Stop Type field must be a pickup or drop.
Note: The TMWSuite event on the stop must be an actualized pickup or drop, as indicated by the P and D codes in the Trip Folder's Stop Detail grid.
  • Depart from stop
The value in the Stop Type field must be a pickup or drop.
Note: The TMWSuite event on the stop must be an actualized pickup or drop, as indicated by the P and/or Dcodes in the Trip Folder's Stop Detail grid.
  • Appointment set
The value in the Stop Type field must be a pickup or drop.
Note: This activity may be triggered by the change of date/time in the Earliest or Latest fields, or when an SAP event is added.
  • Location Report
A Location Report is a check call from a truck. This option requires that you either enter check calls manually in Dispatch or set up your system to transfer TotalMail position reports to the TMWSuite check calls table automatically. Location report 214s are created at specific intervals, from the time the first pickup is complete until the last drop is complete. Consult the TotalMail System Administrator guide for information on setting the interval of TotalMail position report transfers to the TMWSuite check calls table.
Note: This activity is triggered by a check call's updates to the Arrival and/or Departure fields. The check call event0020does not need to be actualized.
  • Order Available
Triggered when the order status changes to Available.
  • Trip Dispatched
Triggered when the order status changes toDispatched.
  • Trip Planned
Triggered when the order status changes toPlanned.
Activity / (Cont.)
  • Arrive – order cancel
Triggered by the status of an open order that has been started being changed to Cancelled Billable.
  • Est Arrival revised
Triggered by the scheduled arrival time of the order listed in theArrival field being updated.
  • Order Cancelled
Triggered by the status of an order with no actualized stops being changed to Cancelled.
The following activates are custom options:
  • Trip Created
  • Available Date Change
  • Order Available Date
  • Est Arrival Location
  • Trip Completed
  • Change Consignee

Stop Type / Select the type of stop that will trigger an automatic 214. The options are:
  • Drop Locations
Only a stop at a consignee location will trigger the creation of the 214.
  • Pickup Locations
Only a stop at a shipper location will trigger the creation of the 214.