Working with Directories"
- Essentially, everything on your RHEL serveris stored in a text or ASCII file. Therefore, working with files is a very important task when administering Linux. .
- A Directory is a special kind of file, but it is still a (case sensitive) file. . .
- Each terminal window. . .any hard disk or partition and any processes are all represented somewhere in the file system as a file. . .It will become clear throughout this program, that everything in Linux is a file
- All files on Linux (or Unix) are case sensitive: Meaning that FILE1 is different from file1 and /etc/hosts is different from /etc/Hosts
- The “file” command determines the file type. . .Linux does not use extensions to determine the file type. . .
The command line does not care whether a file ends in .txt or .pdf
As a system administrator, you should use the “file” command to determine the file type.
For Example: # file /etc/passwd
Pathnames [Two types: Absolute and Relative]
Absolute Pathnames:
- begins with the root directory and follows the tree branch by branch until the path to the desired directory or file is completed;
- always starts with the forward slash(/) character. . .
For Example: # cd /var
Relative Pathnames:
- starts from the current working directory. To do this, it uses a couple of special symbols to represent relative positions in the file-system tree.
--- These special symbols are
. (dot) and .. (dot dot)
-- The. symbolrefers to the working directory
-- and the.. symbolrefers to the working directory’s parent directory
show example: cd ..takes you to the working directory’s parent directory
cd ~shortcut to get back into your home directory
cd –shortcut to go to the previous directory (one directory up)
cd command:
- use this command to change the current working directory. Example: cd /bin(pathname)
pwd command:
- stands for Print Working Directory, which shows the current working directory you are in
- Example: type “pwd”
Which command:
- show the path to the command that will execute if it is run without using the absolute path
- Example:# which cat
- results: /usr/bin/cat
mkdir command: use command to create a new directory.
--- Example: creating directory in root: mkdir /test
--- Example: create directory in apps directory:
- first: # cd /opt/apps
- then mkdir test: # mkdir test
It is possible to create a complete directory structure in one command:
--- use “-p option”with mkdir to make this possible
--- when -p option is used, no error is reported if a specified DIRECTORY already exist
- --- The -p option allows you to create parent directories as needed (if parent do not already exits).
- For example, you can create the following directory structure:
Example: #mkdir -p ~/public_html/images/trip
Example: # mkdir –p /test/test2/test3
-- -m, --mode option: Set file mode /
--- Example: mkdir -m a=rwxmydir (Create the mydir directory, and set its permissions such that all users may read, write, and execute the contents.)
rmdir command:
- This command is used to remove directories from file system.
- This command works with only directories that are empty
- Example: # rmdir /test
--- In order to remove both a parent directory and a subdirectory of that parent, use -p option)
- Example Below:
Using -p option:
- Each directory argument is treated as a pathname of which all components will be removed, if they are empty, starting with the last most component.
- Example:
- # cd ~/
- # mkdir -p bar/foo/data
- # rmdir -p bar/foo/data
working with directories