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Post Title:

Deputy Charge Nurse

Job Reference Number:


Informal Enquiries:

Informal enquiries are welcomed by: Leona Walker, Clinical Lead on 01292 616230 or Senior Charge Nurses Nancy Bell, Gordon Elliott and Lisa Wilson on 01292 616860.

Closing Date:

Wednesday 24 January 2018

Process for Submitting Application Form:

You can apply using the online application form on the SHOW website – Alternatively your completed application form can be returned to HRNursing& or to the Department

of O&HRD, 63A Lister Street, University Hospital Crosshouse, Kilmarnock, KA2 0BE

Please note: if applying using the online application facility on the SHOW website, please avoid using symbols, &/£ signs, etc. For all applications, either online or paper, please limit your supporting statement to no more than 500 words. If limit is exceeded text will be cut off.

All correspondence will be sent by email. We have experienced some issues with personal email addresses and there is no guarantee correspondence will be sent to your inbox. It is therefore your responsibility to check all email folders, including your junk folder, as we have no control over which folder the correspondence will be sent to.

Section one: Why work in Ayrshire?

Ayrshire is situated in the south-west of Scotland on the Firth of Clyde, and is characterised by 80 miles of varied coastline, picturesque beaches, rolling green hills and islands.

Just a 30-minute drive from Glasgow city centre, Ayrshire is an ideal location for those who want to enjoy city life, with all the benefits of living in a semi-rural area. Ayr, Irvine and Kilmarnock are the largest towns. However, there are many rural towns, villages and communities throughout the area should you wish to relocate to Ayrshire. Whether you decide to locate to Ayrshire or a neighbouring area, you will find that property prices are more affordable than in other parts of the UK.

Alternatively, working in Ayrshire provides an easy commute from both Glasgow and the wider central belt. There is an excellent network of both rail and bus links throughout Ayrshire to Glasgow and beyond. There are UK and international flights available from Glasgow Airport, as well as a range of services from Glasgow Prestwick Airport.

Ayrshire provides a wide range of excellent recreational activities: whether you are interested in history and heritage, outdoor pursuits, events and festivals, or simply food and drink, there is something for everyone.

Ayrshire boasts more than 40 quality golf courses, including two Open Championship courses at Turnberry and Royal Troon.

For more information on the range of recreational activities in Ayrshire, visit

Local educational standards are very high at primary and secondary level. However, private education is also available in the area. See below for more information on local authority services:

East Ayrshire Council –

North Ayrshire Council –

South Ayrshire Council –

Section two: NHS Ayrshire & Arran as an employer

NHS Ayrshire & Arran recognises that our staff are vital to delivering our purpose, values and commitments and to achieving our strategic objectives.

Our purpose

Working together to achieve the healthiest life

possible for everyone in Ayrshire and Arran

Our values

Caring Safe Respectful

Our aim is to create an organisation where people want to work and strive to deliver excellence each day; where staff wellbeing and personal resilience is supported; where careers are interesting and developed; where staff are encouraged to reach their full potential; and where staff feel their contribution is recognised and valued.

To do this, we need to attract, develop, support and retain our staff and enhance their work experience. This will directly contribute to our aspiration to deliver excellent high quality services to every person every time.

We believe the unique factors that help to define us as an employer are:

·  our friendly and supportive environment;

·  our commitment to staff engagement and effective team working;

·  our track record in creativity and innovation and our ability to successfully implement change and redesign;

·  our track record in supporting our staff’s learning, development and career aspirations, from an initial comprehensive three-day corporate induction programme to the availability of a wide range of internal training programmes;

·  our commitment to supporting flexible working through a wide range of family friendly policies; and

·  our commitment to support and improve our staff’s health, safety, wellbeing and resilience. We do this by implementing our Staff Health, Safety and Wellbeing Strategy, and in our work towards achieving and maintaining the Health Working Lives Gold Award. In addition, our Staff Care and Occupational Health Service provide a range of support and interventions to our staff.

The organisation has a statutory responsibility to ensure the Staff Governance Standard is embedded and adhered to as part of the governance framework – staff, financial, information and clinical governance – in which NHS Boards operate. The Staff Governance Standard requires all NHS Boards to demonstrate that staff are:

·  well informed;

·  appropriately trained and developed;

·  involved in decisions;

·  treated fairly and consistently, with dignity and respect in an environment where diversity is valued; and

·  provided with a continuously improving and safe working environment, promoting the health and wellbeing of staff, patients and the wider community.

During 2013, we consulted with our staff to select the key values and behaviours which they believed were essential to create a safe, effective and person-centred working environment which benefits patients, staff and carers. This allowed us to develop our purpose, values and commitments. We passionately believe in creating a culture which is open, fair and just.

Section three: Delivering our services

Acute Services

Emergency and elective hospital services are provided by our acute services, which includes inpatient, outpatient and day case care. There are two district general hospitals within Ayrshire: University Hospital Ayr and University Hospital Crosshouse. These hospitals provide a wide range of acute services:

·  University Hospital Ayr

University Hospital Ayr provides medical and surgical services on an inpatient, day case and outpatient basis. It is the main Accident and Emergency service for South Ayrshire. It provides a number of Ayrshire-wide services including Vascular Surgery, Ophthalmology and Audiology.

·  University Hospital Crosshouse

University Hospital Crosshouse provides medical and surgical services on an inpatient, day case and outpatient basis. It is the main Accident and Emergency service for East and North Ayrshire. Inpatient paediatrics, the Ayrshire Maternity Unit and the main Laboratories for Ayrshire are on the Crosshouse site.

Community, mental health and learning disabilities services

Following the introduction of Health and Social Care Integration, the operational delivery for the range of community healthcare services and mental health and learning disabilities services is through the newly created Health and Social Care Partnerships and the Integrated Joint Boards:

·  East Ayrshire Health and Social Care Partnership

·  North Ayrshire Health and Social Care Partnership

·  South Ayrshire Health and Social Care Partnership

Community Services

General medical and dental services are provided throughout Ayrshire and Arran by general practitioners, dentists, community pharmacies and optometry practices. Community nurses, health visitors and Allied Health Professionals are all involved in providing care within our local communities.

Out-of-hours general medical services are provided by Ayrshire Doctors On Call (ADOC) within the community.

Mental health and learning disability services

Inpatient mental health services, including the Intensive Psychiatric Care Unit, are largely delivered at Ailsa Hospital in Ayr with further mental health inpatient services provided at University Hospital Crosshouse

Learning disability services are provided from Arrol Park in Ayr. Elderly mental health inpatient services are provided from Ayrshire Central Hospital in Irvine, and East Ayrshire Community Hospital in Cumnock. Community based services are provided throughout Ayrshire for the range of clinical groups: adults, child and adolescent, elderly and addiction services.

For more information on the full range of clinical services provided by NHS Ayrshire & Arran, visit our website

Section four: Investing for the future

There are two major capital developments underway within NHS Ayrshire & Arran to ensure safe, effective and person centred care:

Building for better care

We are investing £27.5 million to provide fit for purpose front door services for University Hospitals Ayr and Crosshouse, in order to improve emergency and urgent care for patients who come to hospital for anything other than a scheduled appointment.

North Ayrshire Community Hospital – Woodland View

We are investing £47 million to provide a 206 en-suite bedroom integrated mental health and community facility, including older people’s long term care and rehabilitation. This development will bring together a full range of outpatient and inpatient facilities.

Section five: Post Details

1.  Job Identification

Responsible to (insert job title): CHARGE NURSE
Department(s): Ward / Dept COMBINED ASSESSMENT UNIT
Job Reference:
No of Job Holders: 14.5 WTE
Last Update (insert date): 27th November 2017

2. Job Purpose

The post holder will be accountable for the assessment, development, implementation and evaluation of programmes of care and will participate regularly in the Coordination of the Combined Assessment Unit. A proportion of this care will be defined through the direction of clinical care pathways in the Ambulatory Care area. The post holder will work within the Multidisciplinary Team, adhering to the professional standards held within the NMC Code of Professional Conduct.
The post holder will understand and be aware of the implication for the effective and efficient operational management of nursing resources throughout the unit. This includes awareness and implementation of the General Hospitals Division clinical, corporate and staff governance agendas.
The post holder will promote a culture of health and education by providing both verbal and written information, within the CAU- to colleagues, junior staff, patients and the public. The post holder will understand the systems and processes that lead to the development of successful, effective clinical care and pathways.
3. Dimensions
·  The CAU comprises of, an 9 bayed ambulatory care area, a three bay initial assessment area, 5 Rapid assessment bays with attached chaired area & 35 Inpatient beds. x 3 Clinical Coordinators (Post Holders) during the day will coordinate the area & x 1 Clinical Coordinator (Post Holders) will coordinate overnight.
·  The Combined Assessment Unit has an acute ambulatory care area comprising of 11 Ambulatory Care bays - driving rapid access to emergency assessment, efficient diagnosis using fast track diagnostic techniques and appropriate intervention following evidence based care pathways. The post holder will deliver a number of the pathways in an autonomous manner directed by the clinical care pathway and seek medical review and advice where clinically required.
·  The post holder will work within the Medical Directorate and be employed by NHS Ayrshire and Arran, General Hospitals Division – making them accountable for all clinical decision making undertaken and for all clinical assessment and treatment under their management.
·  The staffing establishment is 124.34 WTE with 107 WTE members of staff reporting directly to the post holders.
·  The post holder will be aware of the restraints when using resources of staffing and supplies budget. The post holder has responsibility for the co-ordination of the clinical The post holder must communicate and liaise with many different clinical teams both on site, inter- organisation and outside organisations.
·  The post-holder has a responsibility to teach, supervise and assess student nurses and junior staff, to plan and prioritise and to delegate work to other staff members.



The Combined Assessment Units Objectives are to improve the quality of care for patients with an Acute Medical problem. The aim is to assess the acutely ill patient – plan & initiate a plan of care/treatment. This will include a senior medical review and a decision on transfer to the most appropriate speciality.
Working collaboratively the department assesses, plans, implements and evaluates individualised programmes of care.
The overall role of the department is to meet the needs of clients requiring emergency medical assessment using an ambulatory model where possible, but also has the ability to manage patients for a 48 hours as an in-patient when required. The aim is to instruct/ guide diagnosis, intervention and treatment, directing follow on care including physical, psychological, social and spiritual needs. Aiming to restrict length of stay in hospital and reduce need for admission to speciality beds.
Where care is standardised, structured and evidence based and is delivered using clinical care pathways as the tool for instruction. The defined groups of patients are- Suspected Deep Venous Thrombosis- and the specific treatment of Intravenous Drug Users; Non- traumatic chest pain; Pulmonary Thrombo- Embolism; Hypoglycaemia; Cellulitis; Minor Upper Gastro- Intestinal Bleed; Renal Colic; Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease- Early Supported Discharge; Symptomatic Anaemia; High INR; Post Sedation Pathway & Head Injury Pathway. This group will develop as more patient care can be defined through high quality, evidence based care pathways.
The clinical care pathway will streamline access to assessment, investigation and diagnostics, treatment and a timely discharge. The pathway is a standardised path of care ensuring delivery of evidence based care, whilst encouraging a service tailor made to meet individual patient’s needs, reduce variability of standards of care, ensuring equality.
The department operates as an integral part of the General Hospitals Division, promoting patient centred services, based upon local and National strategies, taking account of the Division’s clinical, corporate and staff governance agenda.
The department works to promote a culture of openness and honesty and provide a learning and stimulating environment where staff can flourish.



·  Assessment of individual patient care needs using specific evidence based assessment tools, implementation and evaluation of care whilst following care pathways if available for that individual presenting pathology, ensuring all forms of care/ instructions are understood and carried out.

·  The Postholder will act as the Clinical Co-ordinator for a designated area, coordinating staff, patient care and safe effective patient flow into, through and oout of the area including safe and efficient discharge, this includes Co-ordination of the Ambulatory Care area; acting as the Single Point of Contact for Emergency Department & GP’s and Coordinating the in patient bedded area.