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ROLE PROFILE: / Procurement Manager
Post Family: / Manager
Grade: / J
Service area: / Finance & Assets Directorate
Responsible to: / Deputy Director of Finance & Assets
1. PURPOSE OF THE POST: Why the post exists and what it has to achieve
To be responsible to the Deputy Director of Finance & Assets, to ensure best value is obtained for all contracts let, ensuring compliance with Standing Orders, current Government and European Legislation and the national and regional procurement frameworks.
Enable meeting of the objectives set out in the Authority’s Procurement Strategy
Actively promote a collaborative approach to procurement in the Authority’s best interests
2. DIMENSIONS OF THE POST: The key statistics associated with the post
Financial – Direct or Non-Direct:
Capital programme 2016-2020 - £10.75m
Gross Revenue Expenditure for all supplies and services as per 16/17 budget - £5.6m
Staff Responsibilities – Direct or Non-Direct:
Direct:1 x FTE Career Grade Procurement Officer
Indirect:Director PA when providing admin support to procurement team
Any other statistical data:N/A
3. PRINCIPAL ACCOUNTABILITIES: What the post is accountable for and required to deliver
Main Duties and Responsibilities
  1. To lead procurement support to enablePublic Safety Plan (PSP) objectives to be met as well as operational imperatives, to include:
a)Develop new or update existing procurement procedures as are required to meet Authority objectives
b)Prepare reports, procedural guidance and related documentation as required and represent the Finance & Assets directorate on procurement matters as required
c)Support and contribute to internal and external audits; service development; reviews and the management of risk
d)Represent the Authority on regional and national issues relating to procurement
  1. Develop the procedures necessary to ensure procurement at most cost effective outcomes:
a)Lead any procurement change reviews and projects
b)Re-engineer internal business processes and associated staff training where required
c)Work with Research Development(R&D)to drive value for money procurement that meets PSPoutcomes
d)Ensure post procurement reviews take place to assist future procurement decisions
  1. To provide the procurement support in the tendering and procurement of vehicles, machinery and associated equipment and services related to all other capital projects in order to meet the needs of the Authority, in line with appropriateStrategies:
a)Be day to day procurement lead for any service related tendering processes in conjunction with the appropriate professional service lead
b)Ensure proper liaison with Service Managers including R&D to procure best possible value for money vehicles or equipment
c)Assist with any necessary commercial contract negotiations as required
  1. Deliver the agreed Procurement Strategyand objectives including associated plans of action:
a)Work with the Deputy Director of Finance and Assets to ensure delivery of all procurement strategic objectives
b)Provide progress reports at regular intervals
c)Determine theprocurement business continuity plan as directed by the Director of Finance & Assets to ensure delivery of the procurement service
  1. Determine performance standards for the procurement service and set appropriate goals to ensure those standards are met.
  1. Work in collaboration with external partners and fire groups to achieve joint procurement outcomes beneficial to all parties, including:
a)Participate in collaborative work with such partners as are appropriate in order to realise the full range of benefits that may accrue from such joint working
b)Provide advice and guidance to aid decisions on which collaborative projects should or should not be pursued and produce business cases to support collaborative working as required
c)Where appropriate work with Local Enterprise Partnerships
Engage with SME’s as appropriate to aid e-procurement processes
Make decisions:
The post holder will make routine professional decisions on allregular procurementissues. This will include aspects relating to legality, use of frameworks, etc.
Significant say in decisions:
Strategic direction on all procurement and contract matters, including organisational structure to achieve targets.
5. CONTACT WITH OTHERS: The frequent contact the post holder has with others and for what purpose
Internal – at all levels across the organisation up to and including Chief Fire Officer and Members
Most frequent contact will be with senior commanders and senior support service managers across the Authority. This is necessary to ensure good two way communications on all aspects of procurement issues. Close ties with Research & Development Team is also vital.
Member liaison will be expected from time to time including informal working with appropriate portfolio holders and attendance at meetings of the Authority support the Director of Finance & Assets as appropriate.
  • National procurement groups
  • Regional procurement groups
  • Fire Authorities and other local authorities across UK
  • Service suppliers
  • Local business groups
  • Legal advisors
  • Framework ‘owners’ i.e.YPO

  1. To participate in a programme of continuous personal and professional development relevant to the role
  2. To demonstrate conduct and behaviours in accordance with Authority policies, values and norms
  3. To be aware of the Authority’s aims, organisational values and behaviours and their impact on this post
  4. To mentor and coach individual members of staff as required
  5. To contribute to the development and implementation of relevant policies and procedures
  6. Attend meetings as required and submit information in appropriate formats as required
  7. To undertake any other duties that may reasonably be required from time to time at any location required by the Authority
  8. To ensure personal and subordinate staff compliance with the Authority’s:
  9. Financial Regulations and Scheme of Delegation
  10. Contract Standing Orders
  11. Data Protection and Information and Communications Technology Security policies and procedures
  12. Human Resource policies and procedures
  13. Commitment to achieving Equality and Diversity and associated policies and procedures
  14. Health and Safety policies, procedures and practice guides and instructions
  15. Duty of care to citizens and employees
  16. Attend meetings as required and submit information in appropriate formats as required

REQUIREMENTS: Essential Criteria
The skills, knowledge, qualifications and training required to perform the role
Qualifications & Training:
  • Fully qualified Member of Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply (CIPS)
  • Working at a managerial level
  • Project management experience in a lead role
  • Practical application of technical knowledge
  • Managing budgets
  • Working at middle management level in fire service or equivalent with evidence of team working, empowerment and performance management
  • Negotiating contracts
  • Managing a tendering process from start to finish
  • Outsourcing areas of business, ensuring value for money and quality of service is maintained
  • Working with other public service bodies to capitalise on shared working or shared project opportunities
  • Good planning and organisational skills
  • Good contract management skills
  • Customer relationship management
  • Good negotiation skills
  • Ability to manage and develop staff
  • Able to use IT applications, Microsoft Office packages, Financial Management Systems i.e. SAP or other similar application
  • Ability to work to time sensitive deadlines with attention to detail
  • Numerate
  • Openness to change and proactively seeks to improve it
  • Analytical and problem solving skills including capacity to review and implement approved changes
  • The ability to write and present procurement proposals to a range of audiences and stakeholders
  • Good communication and presentation skills including ability to influence others in order to achieve objectives
  • Ability to determine requirements and priorities and to facilitate the achievement of agreed objectives within tight timeframes
  • Understand the procurement and contracts management function and to guide and collaborate with a range of staff of varying capabilities
  • Public Sector Procurement and Contract Law and maintains up to date knowledge of relevant legislative information
  • Knowledge and experience of current EU procurement directives
  • Able to advise on letting of tenders and management of contracts
  • Sound commercial awareness
  • Awareness of Health and Safety requirements
  • Knowledge of appropriate supplier bases
  • Financial Regulations

REQUIREMENTS: Desirable Criteria
The skills, knowledge, qualifications and training required to perform the role
Qualifications & Training:
ANY ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:Information relevant to the role, including any particularly challenging/difficult aspects of the post.
The post holder will need to have a flexible approach to work, possessinga high level of integrity, honesty, reliability and confidentiality.
This role profile will be supplemented by annual target based outcomes, which will be developed in conjunction with the post holder. It will be subject to regular review and the Authority reserves the right to amend or add to the content listed above.
Version: / 1.0 / Issue Date: / May 2016
Author: / D. Sutherland / Evaluated: / May 2016