Extra Credit – Game Name: ______
7-6 / 5-4 / 3-2 / 1-0 / Point(s) EarnedDESIGN / QUALITY OF PIECES / Game elements, such as board, pieces, cards, case, are of sturdy construction. Elements are neat, colorful, and creative. All words are spelled correctly. / Game elements are mostly of sturdy construction. Elements are neat and colorful. All words are spelled correctly. / Some parts of the game seem flimsy or hastily put together. Some elements are bland or sloppy. 1-3 words are misspelled. / Parts of the game are missing or are extremely cheap-looking. Most included elements are boring or sloppy. More than 3 words are misspelled. / ______
INSTRUCTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS / FUN / DEPTH / Winning the game requires knowing the book / content. The game is extremely entertaining and motivating to play. A typical play of the game lasts at least 15 minutes, and, due to multiple phases or sheer enjoyment factor, does not feel repetitive. / Winning the game requires some knowledge of the book / content. The game is entertaining and motivating to play. A typical play of the game lasts between 10 and 15 minutes, and, due to multiple phases or sheer enjoyment factor, rarely feels repetitive. / Winning the game requires more luck or general game skill than content knowledge. The game is mildly enjoyable. A typical play lasts 5-10 minutes, but may feel repetitive due to lack of changes in gameplay. / Book / content knowledge is unnecessary to win the game. The game is mostly boring. A typical play lasts less than 5 minutes, and shows no depth in gameplay. / ______
FORMAT / PURPOSE / The purpose of the game relates directly to the novel and the game elements represent the theme (i.e. game board in the shape of a castle or goal to escape the evil stepmother). The game has a fun and creative title. / The purpose closely relates to the novel and the game board somewhat represents the theme. The game has a title. / The purpose slightly relates to the novel but does not represent a theme. The game has a title. / It is unclear what the purpose and theme of the game are from its appearance. The game may be lacking a title. / ______
DIRECTIONS / RULES / A typed or neatly written rule sheet is included. Rules are concise, clear, and complete. / A typed or neatly written rule sheet is included. Rules are fairly short, clear and complete, but could be streamlined a bit. / A rule sheet is included. The rules are not entirely clear or complete. There are rules that could be eliminated without harming the game. / Rule sheet is very sloppy or missing. Rules are unclear and too long. There are rules that add complexity without adding to playability or learning. / ______
TOTAL à / _____ /28