Working Groups and Task Forces mandates

Directorate F

Directorate F: Social Statistics and Information Society /
Doc. Eurostat/F/07/SDG/01/04/EN
documentforpointIVof the agenda
Strategic Development Group
Brussels, 2 February 2007
J-54 building, room 2/121

Concerning the WG-TF structure you will find:

1. A comprehensive list of WG and TF under the responsibility of Directorate F "Social and information society statistics".

In fact there are two different types of WG.

- The first one refers to the main working structure for a theme or sub-theme. The list of these WG is:

F1 - Demography and Censuses

- Migration

- Population Projections

F2 - Labour Market

- Time use

F3 - Social protection (ESSPROS)

- Living Conditions

F4 - Science, Technology and innovation

- Education and Training

- Culture

F5 - Food Safety

- Public Health

- Health and Safety at Work

- Crime and criminal justice

F6 - Information Society

- Tourism

They all report (except tourism) to the DSS.

- The second type of WG concerns meeting with all the MS (contrary to TF which only gather some MS) but for specific tasks (see for instance the Technical groups related to Public Health).

2. The list of meetings planned for 2007

3. The evaluation of the Labour Market Statistics Working Group (LAMAS) which was the fisrt experience of reengineering the working structure of the labour market domain.

4. A proposal for rationalising WG and TF in unit F1 (Demography)

The SDG is asked to comment on these documents and proposal before forwarding to the DSS.


Working Groups and Task Forces mandates

Directorate F

List of Working groups and Task forces


Working Groups and Task Forces mandates

Directorate F

Unit: / F3
Title: / TFEHS (European System of Social Statistical Survey
SG Code (Register of experts groups) / E01485
Date of creation: / September 2005
Decision of the DSS (Directors of Social Statistics) meeting in September 2005 to develop this system of survey modules
Legal basis:
Develop the main aspects of the system of survey modules:
  • Develop the structure of the system
  • Develop the sampling aspects
  • Develop the fieldwork aspects
  • Develop costs/legal procedures aspects
  • Prepare technical/methodological documents for decision by the DSS/SPC

Frequency of meetings:
Three times a year
Participants:Number of participants: 15
  • 11 responsible persons for household surveys in the EU Member States
also invited: DG EMPL, DG EAC
Type of experts: governmental
Type of activities:
Other related structures:
Reporting authority:
Sector group "European directors of social Statistics", SPC
Additional information:
Unit: / F1
Title: / Working Group on Demographic Statistics and Population and Housing Censuses
Date of creation:
Legal basis:
- To exchange information and know-how in the area of demographic statistics and censuses and to promote best practices
Frequency of meetings:
Every two years.
Representatives of the NSIs or other national authorities responsible for demographic statistics and censuses of all Member States, EFTA, Candidate Countries and other European countries
Commission services, in particular DG ECFIN, DG EMPL, DG REGIO
International organisations: UN-ECE, UNSD
Research Institutes: Max Planck Demographic Institute for Research, Vienna Institute of Demography, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute, Institut national d'études démographiques
Other related structures:
TF on Census; TF on life expectancy by SEG; WG on Population Projections
Reporting authority:
Additional information:


Task Force on life expectancy by socio-economic groups

Mandate:-to discuss national experiences and best practises and identify relevant indicators, as well as data sources and methods;

-to prepare recommendations on methodological issues

-to assist Eurostat in the technical and methodological work involved.

Frequency:Maximum 2 times per year

Duration:1 year (2007)

Participants:Member States, researchers and other DG Services.


Task Forceon the implementation of the 2011 census

Mandate:-to identify and resolve areas of difficulty relating to the implementation of the planned framework legislation on population and housing censuses.

-to provide the Commission with expert technical advice for the preparation of implementing measures (Commission Regulation) resulting from the adoption of the framework legislation.

Frequency:Maximum 5 times per year

Duration:1 year (2007)

Participants:Eurostat, UN ECE, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Austria, Portugal, Sweden, United Kingdom.

Unit: / F1
Title: / Working Group on Migration Statistics
Date of creation: 1992 (earlier ad hoc meetings)
The WG was established to co-ordinate Eurostat's data collections on migration statistics.
Legal basis:
- To co-ordinate the collection of statistical data on migration, in particular the annual statistics on migration flows, foreign population stocks, and on labour migration.
- To assist with the development and subsequent implementation of legislation for migration statistics.
Frequency of meetings:
Every two years – next planned for early 2008.
Representatives of the NSIs of all MemberStates, EFTA and Candidate Countries. Increasingly, NSI representatives are accompanied by Interior Ministry colleagues also involved in migration statistics.
Commission services, in particular DG JLS, DG EMPL
International organisations: UN Statistical Division, UNECE, ILO, Council of Europe
Other related structures:
Joint UNECE/Eurostat Work Session on Migration Statistics
Task Force on the implementation of legislation for Community statistics on migration and asylum
Reporting authority: DSS
Additional information:

Migration statistics:

Task Force: Implementation of legislation for Community statistics on migration and asylum

Mandate:- To identify and resolve areas of difficulty relating to the implementation of the forthcoming framework legislation on migration and asylum statistics.

- To provide the Commission with expert technical advice for the preparation of implementing measures (Commission Regulations) resulting from the adoption of the framework legislation.

Frequency:4-5 times per year

Duration:2 years (from June 2006)

Participants: 5 MS plus DG JLS.

(UNECE or UNHCR may be invited according to subject under discussion)

Unit: / F1
Title: / Working Group on Population Projections
Date of creation: / 1997
The constitution of the group was decided in accordance with the Member States in order to discuss issues linked to population projections prepared by Eurostat and present results from relevant research projects. Before EUROPOP2004, Member States participating in the Working Group were only informed of the results. From EUROPOP2004, Member States were consulted on the assumptions and the results and were extensively involved considering the importance of the subject. In November 2006, a Task Force was created to elaborate the methodological aspects for fertility, mortality and international migration in the context of population projections.
Legal basis:
- To discuss Eurostat population projections (EUROPOP) assumptions and results with Member States, representatives of the policy departments of the European Commission (DG ECFIN, DG EMPL, DG REGIO, DG SANCO) and the Research community.
- To exchange information and know-how in the area of population projections and to promote best practices
- To supervise the work of the Task Force on EU Methodology for Population Projections
Frequency of meetings:
Every two years (mostly before the release of EUROPOP)
Representatives of the NSIs or other national authorities responsible for population projections of all MemberStates, EFTA and Candidate Countries
Commission services, in particular DG ECFIN, DG EMPL, DG REGIO, DG SANCO
International organisations: UNECE
Research Institutes: Max Planck Demographic Institute for Research, Vienna Institute of Demography, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute, Institut national d'études démographiques (INED)
Other related structures:
WG on Demographic Statistics and Population and Housing Censuses
Reporting authority:
Additional information:

Population Projections:

Task Force on EU Methodology for population projections

Mandate:-to prepare recommendations on methodological issues for determining assumptions for population projections

-to assist Eurostat in the technical and methodological work involved.

Frequency:Maximum 5 times per year

Duration:1 year (2007)

Participants:Member States interested in contributing to the specific developments

Unit: / F2
Title: / Labour Market Statistics WG
Date of creation: April 2005 (first meeting)
The constitution of the working group was decided in 2004. The working group combines three earlier working groups existed until autumn 2004:
Employment Statistics
Earnings and Labour Costs Statistics
Labour Market Policies
Legal basis:
Council Regulations for the majority of the work in the domain are 577/99 and 530/99 and 450/2003.
- To discuss strategies and measures to develop labour market statistics in line with policy requirements. These concern all aspects of labour market covered by the domain : employment, unemployment, labour costs and earnings, job vacancies, labour market policies, strikes, time-use surveys and gender statistics
- To initiate Community legislative acts for labour market statistics
- To monitor the implementation of the legal framework of labour market statistics
- To supervise the work of specific task forces
- To examine and discuss the concepts, comparability, data collection and transmission of labour market statistics, to exchange information and know-how in the area of labour market statistics and to promote best practices
Frequency of meetings:
Representatives of the NSIs or other national authorities responsible for labour market statistics of EU Member States, Candidate and CARDScountries, EFTA countries
Commission services, in particular DG EMPL
International organisations: OECD, ILO, UNICE
Other related structures:
OECD working party on ….?
Task Forces
Reporting authority:
Additional information:


Working Groups and Task Forces mandates

Directorate F

Labour Market Statistics: TASK FORCES

Task Force: Gender Pay Gap

Mandate:•evaluation the validity and feasibility of the present definition of GPG (in theory and through simulation of different definitions with available 2002 SES data)

•consideration of the Structure of Earnings Survey based GPG production models (definitions, coverage, updates between the SES surveys, back revisions after the new Structure of Earnings Survey data)

•consideration of the feasible breakdowns of the GPG (annual/4 yearly) and approaches to follow for public/private estimates.

•evaluation of the methodology for calculating the aggregates

•preparation of recommendations for DSS for improved GPG indicators.


Frequency:not defined – First meeting Q1/2007

Duration:not defined

Participants: 7 MS plus UNECE (and UNICE as remote commentator)

Task Force: Job Vacancies

Mandate:To recommend a draft regulatory framework for the implementation of short-term and structural statistics on job vacancies, taking into account the needs of users and the practical experiences of Member States in this field.


Frequency:two meetings per year

Duration:not defined

Participants:8 MS plus ECB and DG EMPL

Task Force: Evaluation of the LFS ad hoc module 2006

Mandate:● Assessment of the implementation of the ad hoc module in 2006

● Assessment of the quality of the data that were collected in 2006

● Recommendations for the benefit of future repetitions of the module

Established:not yet; will be established in a Working Group LAMAS in 2007

Frequency:One meeting Q4/2007

Duration:1 day

Participants: 5 to 7 Member States and DG EMPL - as several methods of data collection are used among the 25 Member States, the ideal composition of the Task Force should include representatives of Member States as heterogeneous as possible (collection techniques, possibly also old/new, big/small)

Task Force: Preparation of 2010 ad hoc module

Mandate:•Not yet defined





Task Force: the European Socio-economic Classification


-review the objectives of the classification, highlighting the main issues of the current proposal,

- study and summarise the NSI contributions presented in the Bled conference in June 2006,

-propose specific validation and improvement procedures focussing on countries comparability,

-set guidelines for a new version of the classification and for an EU wide pilot testing in relation with the classification ISCO 2008.


Frequency:not defined – First meeting April 2007

Duration:not defined

Participants: 7 MS

Task Force: "Labour Market Policy" on Methodology


  1. Development of a definition of "Assisted activation", and a methodology to collect data on "assisted activation".
  2. Improvement of guidelines for data collection in difficult methodological items.
  3. Identification of additional LMP information, concerning other relevant programmes, related to labour market interventions which are not included in the LMP database because they are out of the LMP scope, while at the same time they play an important role in the labour market interventions of some countries.
  4. Establish guidelines for follow-up studies of participants in active measures.


Frequency:not defined – First meeting 8-9.02 2007 – Second meeting Q3/2007

Duration:not defined

Participants: 8 MS plus OECD and ECB

Labour Market Statistics: SEMINARS / WORKSHOPS

Workshop: LCI Work Shop on NACE 2

Objective:•to support the Member States in their transition from NACE Rev.1.1 to NACE Rev.2 from first quarter 2009 on (with the requested backdata from 2000 on)

•to spread the information and know-how and promote the best practices


Frequency:Only meeting 5-6 February 2007

Duration:One meeting

Participants:All EU Member States +

Workshop: LFS methods





Participants:All EU Member States +

Unit: / F2
Title: / WGTUS - Time use surveys
Date of creation: / Dec. 1994
Decisions of SPC of December 1994 and of March 1998
Legal basis: Gentlemen agreement
  • to launch Time Use pilot surveys
  • to develop guidelines on harmonised European time use surveys
to monitor development of TUS surveys and diffusion of data
to advise on the implementation of a EU harmonized TUS database
Frequency of meetings:
Participants:Number of participants: 50
  • Delegates from all Member states
also invited: delegates from all PHARE countries, DG EMPL
Type of experts: governmental
Type of activities:permanente, élaboration législative,
coordination des Etats membres, échange de vues
Other related structures:
task force to develop a methodology and EU harmonize TUS database
Reporting authority:
Sector group "European directors of social Statistics", SPC
Additional information:

Time use surveys: TASK FORCES

Task Force: The update of the 2002 TUS methodology

Mandate:- to revise the TUS methodology in those aspects needed before the implementation of the new wave of TUS surveys 2008-2010 by the end of 2007

- To complete the revision by the end of 208


Frequency: Once per year

Duration:Three years: from 2006 to 2008

Participants:Seven MS, DG EM

Unit: / F3
Title: / WGSocial protection (ESSPROS)
SG Code (Register of experts groups) / E01486
Date of creation: / 1963
Legal basis:
In development
  • develop a legal basis
  • coordinate data collection (transmission, publication) for Member States, EFTA countries and discuss about enlargement to candidate countries for the core system and for the number of pensions' beneficiaries
  • assessment of the work programme on social protection statistics
  • follow-up of developments of the full ESSPROS: qualitative information, net social protection benefits
  • methodological developments: discussion on new forms of social protection
use of ESSPROS data: exchange between users and national producers
Frequency of meetings:
Once a year
Participants:Number of participants: 50
  • Member States, candidate countries
  • EFTA countries
  • OECD
Type of experts: governmental
Type of activities:permanent, legislative drafting,
MemberState coordination, exchange of views
Other related structures:
Task Force on Net social protection benefits and methodological Task Force
Reporting authority:
Sector group "European directors of social Statistics", SPC
Additional information:
Transmission of validated ESSPROS data to the OECD for the social expenditure database SOCX
Unit: / F3
Title: / TFNet social protection benefits
SG Code (Register of experts groups) / E01486
Date of creation: / June 1999
Decision of the Social Protection (ESSPROS) Working Group
Legal basis:
In development
Module of the ESSPROS system to complete ESSPROS with data on net social protection benefits:
  • Develop a legal basis on the net social protection benefits module
  • Prepare, coordinate and evaluate a pilot data collection carried out in 2008
  • Developing the methodology of a basic module and its expandability
  • Collect data on direct taxation and social contributions paid on benefits by beneficiaries and data on tax credits with a social purpose (fiscal benefits)

Frequency of meetings:
Twice a year
  • nine EU countries
  • OECD
Other related structures:
  • Following the work of DG TAXUD: working group “Structures of the Taxation Systems”
Following the work of OECD: DEELSA working group No.1 on Social Policy, DAFFE working group No. 2 on Tax Policy Analysis and Tax Statistics
Reporting authority:
Reports to the Social Protection working group
Additional information:
Close co-operation and data exchange with OECD in the field of net social protection expenditure
Unit: / F3
Title: / TFESSPROS methodology
SG Code (Register of experts groups) / E01486
Date of creation: / June 1999
Decision of the Social Protection (ESSPROS) Working Group
Legal basis:
In development
  • Propose improvements to the ESSPROS 1996 methodology
Help develop the ESSPROS Commission regulations on the core system and on the modules
Frequency of meetings:
Twice a year
  • five EU countries
  • OECD
Other related structures:
ESSPROS Working Group meeting
Reporting authority:
ESSPROS Working Group meeting
Additional information:
Close co-operation and data exchange with OECD in the field of net social protection benefits
Unit: / F3
Title: / WGLiving conditions
SG Code (Register of experts groups) / E01485
Date of creation: / April 2005
Eurostat decision to rationalise Working Group meetings in social statistics. Consequently, the previous Household Budget Surveys (HBS), Income, poverty and social exclusion (IPSE) and EU-SILC (Community Statistics on Income and Living conditions) have been merged into one ‘Living conditions’ Working Group.
Legal basis:
For the SILC project: Regulation N° 1177/2003 of the Council and EP concerning Community Statistics on Income and Living Conditions complemented by implementing Commission regulations
  • Compile the existing information in the Member States on Household budgets in order to make all this data available at European level as well as to improve harmonisation of surveys in terms of concepts used, classification of variables, data collection and data processing methods.
  • To develop all aspects of the EU-SILC project in EU and Candidate Countries, NO and IS:
- legal aspects (Framework and implementing Commission Regulations)
- methodological aspects (weighting, imputation (INR and net/gross conversion), imputed rent)
- informatic aspects (data collection)
- field aspects
- output aspects (data base, publications)
  • Compile (based on national data sources) or produce (based on SILC micro-data) data on income, poverty and social exclusion

Frequency of meetings:
Participants:Number of participants: 70
  • responsible persons for the EUSILC, HBs and poverty projects in the EU and CC NSIs + NO and IS NSIs, CH
also invited: DG EMPL
Type of experts: governmental
Type of activities:permanent, legislative drafting,
MemberState coordination, exchange of views
Other related structures:
- SILC Task Forces on the annual modules, on anonymisation of the SILC data and on current methodological issues
Reporting authority:
Sector group "European directors of social Statistics", SPC
Additional information:
Unit: / F3
Title: / TFSILC modules
SG Code (Register of experts groups) / E01485
Date of creation: / January 2005
Eurostat decision to better prepare annually together with the MemberStates and DG EMPL the annual Commission regulation implementing EP and Council N° 1177/2003 on EU-SILC on the module added annually to the annual list of variables (target primary variables).
Legal basis:
Regulation N° 1177/2003 of the Council and EP concerning Community Statistics on Income and Living Conditions
  • Define the list of variables, codes and corresponding definitions to be included annually in a Commission regulation implementing regulation N° 1177/2003

Frequency of meetings:
Twice a year
Participants:Number of participants: 10
  • 5 responsible persons for the EUSILC project in the EU Member States
also invited: DG EMPL
Type of experts: governmental
Type of activities:Development of a list of variables
Other related structures:
‘Living Conditions’ Working Group
Reporting authority:
‘Living Conditions’ Working Group, Sector group "European directors of social Statistics", SPC
Additional information:
Unit: / F3
Title: / TFSILC – methodological issues
SG Code (Register of experts groups) / E01485
Date of creation: / January 2005
Eurostat decision to have in-depth methodological discussions and exchange of best practises
Legal basis:
Regulation N° 1177/2003 of the Council and EP concerning Community Statistics on Income and Living Conditions
  • Identify the main methodological problems of the SILC instrument
  • Collect and analyse solutions implemented in MS
  • Identify best practises and ensure their dissemination
  • Identify and study problems of comparability
  • Suggest and coordinate methodological work to be carried out in the MS and Eurostat

Frequency of meetings:
Three times a year
Participants:Number of participants: 10
  • 5 responsible persons for methodology in the EU Member States
also invited: DG EMPL
Type of experts: governmental
Type of activities:
Other related structures:
‘Living Conditions’ Working Group
Reporting authority:
‘Living Conditions’ Working Group, Sector group "European directors of social Statistics", SPC
Additional information:
Unit: / F4
Title: / WGStatistics on Science, Technology and Innovation
Date of creation: 1988
Based on the increasing user needs, the domain and corresponding working group on Statistics on Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) was created at Eurostat.
Legal basis:
EP/Council Decision 1608/2003 concerning the production and development of Community Statistics on science and technology
Commission Regulation No 753/2004 implementing EP/Council Decision No 1608/2003 as regards statistics on science and technology
Commission Regulation No 1450/2004 implementing EP/Council Decision No 1608/2003 concerning the production and development of Community statistics on innovation
STI statistics are considered as multi-domain statistics; The mandate is:
- To deal with innovation statistics: methodology, questionnaires, data collection, data production, data dissemination
- To deal with R & D statistics: methodology, questionnaires, data collection, data production, data dissemination
- To deal with Statistics on Human Resources in Science and Technology (HRST): methodology, questionnaires, data collection, data production, data dissemination including the Statistics on the Career Development of Doctorate Holders
- To deal with patent statistics: methodology, data collection, data production, data dissemination
- To deal with statistics on high tech industries and knowledge based services (including statistics on venture capital): methodology, data collection, data production, data dissemination
- To deal with all general issues on STI Statistics such as strategy, new developments, legislation, structural indicators, etc.
Frequency of meetings:
Representatives of the NSIs or other national authorities responsible for STI statistics of all MemberStates, EFTA and Candidate Countries, other countries (USA, Japan, South Africa, Russia, etc.)
Commission services, in particular DG ENTR and DG RTD
International organisations: OECD, UNESCO, EPO, WIPO, Rycid, etc.
Other related structures:
OECD working party STI statistics (NESTI)
UNESCO working party on STI statistics
Reporting authority: BSDG
Additional information:

STI statistics: TASK FORCE:Innovation statistics