Facilitated by National Committee on Disaster Management of Cambodia

Assisted by UNESCAP and ADPC

Raffles Hotel del Royal

October 15, 2007

8:30 am – 3:00 pm


  1. Revisiting the National Strategic Plan for CBDRM
  2. Strengthening Partnerships of NDCM and the DM Practitioners Forum
  3. Action Planning for the CBDRM Recognition Scheme
  4. Strengthening Capacity of NCDM on CBDRM Reporting System
  5. Next Steps


A workshop on the National Strategic Plan on CBDRM was conducted by NCDM with technical assistance from UNESCAP and ADPC. The workshop output will be considered as one of the 5 major components of the National Strategic Action Plan on DRR of Cambodia.. Please see Annex A for the minutes of the workshop and Annex B for the workshop output.

To solicit further comments from among other government and non-government agencies and solicit their support in the implementation of the plan, the NCDM is inviting stakeholders to revisit the plan through a round table discussion for its finalization and adoption.


Within the framework of PDR-SEA 4, NCDM Secretariat is expected to undertake activities to strengthen the existing partnerships with disaster management practitioners, with technical assistance from ADPC and UNESCAP and other members of the DRR practitioners forum. The strategies for implementation would be embodied by three key steps as following. (A) Formation of a working group on CBDRM based on the existing practitioners’ forums and networks. (b) Mapping Relations of key stakeholders for CBDRM (3) Building Consensus on the proposed Terms of Reference for the working group on CBDRM meeting with practitioners’ forum(s)

Please see concept note in Annex C for discussion


Within the framework of PDR-SEA 4, NDMOs will be the agency responsible for development and implementation ofthe action plan for the institutionalization of the recognition scheme on CBDRM with technical assistance from ADPC and UNESCAP and other NGOs on the ground who are implementing related program on CBDRM, for objectives of obtaining sustained commitment and support from the highest levels of governments, recognizing long-lasting and exceptional contributions to CBDRM, and expanding awareness of CBDRM.

Please see concept note in Annex D for discussion.


In their efforts to promote institutionalization of CBDRM, the NDMOs in four countries will produce reports on the status of the implementation of CBDRM projects and programmes by various stakeholders. The NDMOs with backstopping from the project will develop a report which will provide an overview of existing CBDRM projects and status of implementation in the countries. The reports will also highlight the urgency for support to CBDRM by the national decision makers. Information from these reports will be used to advocate to the higher level political representatives for assigning of high priority to CBDRM by national authorities and development sectors.

Please see concept note in Annex E for discussion.

5. Identification of Next Steps

In addition to the above activities, other support activities may have to be identified and planned.


Annex A


On National Workshop on Strategic Plan For

Community-Based Disaster Risk Management

On the sixteenth of August, the year two thousand and seven at nine o’clock, held the National Workshop on Strategic Plan for Community-Based Disaster Risk Management, which was presided over by H.E. Bun Narith, Deputy Secretary General of National Committee for Disaster Management, H.E Sok Visal, Under Secretary of State of Planning Ministry, and Dr. Ly Hu Ty, representative of UNESCAP.

For more information about the participants present at the workshop, see the attached attendance list of the workshop on CBDRM, organized at Sunway Hotel on August 16, 2007.

Speaking at the opening ceremony, Mr. Khun Sokha communicated the objectives of the workshop to all participants, focusing on the significance of the strategic plan mentioned.

Dr. Ty recalled the cooperation on disaster management as stated under the Resolution of Kobe, Japan, which highlights social issues, economic growth, and poverty reduction. Today, we areall striving to achieve these goals since we are all the beneficiaries of the outcome not OIs and NGOs alone. What's more, the outcomes of the today's discussion will also be integrated into the National Development Plan.

H.E. Bun Narith, on behalf of NCDM, mentioned the participation of ministries, departments, institutions, government, NGOs, and OIs, addressing the source of the funds used for the implementation of CBDRM. The rural people are the most vulnerable to natural disasters. Poverty left by the disaster is the main cause of their migration. Today, CBDRM is to find the effective measures that can be used by people to control such disaster. He also mentioned that some organizations were implementing CBDRM without any collaboration with Ministry of Planning, and from now on, we integrated CBDRM into the process of Commune Development Plan. There are some arguments that the disaster management is only a kind of emergent response, but this issue was being more and more serious and we cannot keep the development apart from the disaster management; moreover, CBDRM should be mainstreamed into section 5 of National Development Plan. He also informed about the existing CCDM; in addition, he expressed his expectation to obtain one strategic plan as the fruit of the today discussion.

Dr. Melgabal Capistrano from ADPC introduced PDR-SEA Project. Up to now, there were 4 PDR-SEA intended to provide training to the staff of local authorities. We have CBDRM documents for the local level and advocacy documents for the use of the 4 PDR-SEA to strengthen national institutions, local authorities whose responsibilities are to mainstream CBDRM into Development Plan. The four target countries include Cambodia, Vietnam, the Philippines, and Indonesia. UNESCAP is the organization responsible for the policy development, and today we hold the workshop focusing on leadership and CBDRM inclusion into national plan, after that the outcome shall be distributed after the some corrections are made.

Mr. Norith, SNAP officer from ADPC, reported SNAP plan, which will be the policy plan for disaster reduction, helping NCDM reduce the risk of disaster, and relevant ministries including Ministry of Planning, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries, Ministry of Health, etc. to provide security to people, try to integrate ministries, institutions into national plan such as the work that Oxfam helps NCDM.

Mr. Chum Vuthy, the national coordinator of disaster reduction for ADPC, gave the explanation that SNAP is one of the national strategic plans. Their difference is that SNAP aims to incorporate work of CBDRM into various member units of NCDM. Subsequently, certain ministries have been chosen and asked to include that the work of CBDRM into their working process. In addition, there is further requirement for those ministries to adopt a SNAP plan with the help in the implementation of that pilot activity before SNAP could be finally included as a national policy.

The whole workshop agreed to take a break at 12 o'clock for lunch before moving on to the next discussion. It was 13:30 that the workshop started their talk again. The workshop agreed anonymously to divide into 3 small groups to discuss the strategic plan. As a result, the discussion of the three groups yielded the following results:

Group 1

  • Rewards for good performance in CBDRM work should be given. A joint working team of NCDM should be created through the Prakas to be issued by H.E. Senior Minister, which is not only comprised of NCDM officials but also those from civil society while simultaneously adopting in place the selection and rewarding criteria.
  • Dr. Ty wished to see the outcome the ministries involved have achieved in CBDRM work.
  • There should a forum held in relation to NCDM.

Group 2

  • For the reward, NCDM has already presented the medals under the Sub-Decree signed by the Prime Minister. Thus, what we should do at the present is to ensure the sustainability of the achievements we have so far made. As one form of the rewards, NCDM had invited stakeholders from the national to the communal levels to attend workshops conducted at a number of large hotels.

Group 3: discussed 3 points below:

  • Item 4.0.2: Limited support mobilization and participation, thus should as well include "donors, NGOs, OIs and UN Agencies, donors' agencies and international agencies".
  • Item 4.1.2: " Disaster Risk Reduction Partner - DMWG should be changed to DRR Partner".
  • Item 4.1.3: "Mapping should be changed to the collection of existing data to develop GIS and CBDRM map".

The ceremony was finally close at seventeen and thirty minutes of the same date under the presidency of H.E. Pov Samey, SecretaryGeneral of National Committee for Disaster Management under the most festive and friendly atmosphere.

Annex B:

Updated Strategic Plan of the National Committee for Disaster Management (NCDM) Secretariat on Community-Based Disaster Risk Management in Cambodia

I. Vision

The National Committee for Disaster Management (NCDM) Secretariat is recognized nationally and regionally as the main driver to build resilience to communities to natural disasters in Cambodia, as part of the implementation of the Hyogo Framework for Action.

II. Mission

The National Committee for Disaster Management (NCDM) Secretariat works toward building an effective system on disaster prevention, timely disaster response and rapid disaster recovery on the principle of disaster preparedness and sustainable development planning at all areas and sectors, particularly at the community level.

III. Goals

Overall goal: Effectively integrate Community Based Disaster Reduction Management (CBDRM) in the socio-economic development process of Cambodia

Goal 1:Establish an effective system to promote CBDRM to build resilience of communities to natural disasters

Goal 2:Create a conducive environment for integrating CBDRM into a committed plan on implementation of HFA

IV. Strategies, activities and performance measure of each goal

4.0. Key activities and approach towards the Overall Goal

Application of strategic planning and management (SPM) for the promotion of CBDRM is an effective approach to maintain commitment and support of Government and international communities and to mobilize effective participation of key stakeholders, especially communities for the implementation of the Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA). However, the development and implementation of a strategic plan is itself a process, which must be owned by the top-level decision makers of NCDM Secretariat and of NCDM.

In this phase, efforts will be made to update the strategic plan on CBDRM developed under the PDR-SEA3 through strengthening the partnership among NCDMSecretariat, ADPC and UNESCAP in the implementation of PDR-SEA 4 by effectively incorporating key activities of PDR-SEA 4 into the updated strategic plan and also integrating priority activities of the NCDM and NCDM Secretariat relating to CBDRM in the development and implementation of the Strategic Plan. This approach is thus hoped to further strengthen the ownership of NCDM Secretariat in the Strategic Plan through the implementation of the following programme of activities.

Activity 4.0.1Establish a core working group responsible for the formulation of strategic planning and management: NCDM Secretariat will establish a core working group chaired by a Deputy Secretary Generalto coordinate the planning activities with UNESCAP and ADPC for an effective transfer of know-how. The core working group is expected to ensure that key activities of PDR-SEA 4 would effectively support core activities of NCDM Secretariat and NCDM and those priority activities of the NCDM Secretariat and NCDM relating to CBDRM are effectively integrated into the development and implementation of the Strategic Plan

Activity 4.0.2Strengthen the process of strategic planning and management of disaster risk management (DRR) of NCDM Secretariat : Mobilize participation and support of all members of NCDM Secretariat in the process of updating the strategic plan as well as key stakeholders amongst concerned government Ministries, departments, institutions and civic organizations for implementation.

External factors affecting the overall approach achievement: The most important factors affecting the progress of the implementation of the overall approach include: (i) willingness of participation of the decision makers and key staff of NCDM Secretariat, (ii) commitment of the Government and other key stakeholders of the DRR programme to support CBDRM, (iii) effectiveness of transfer of technology and know-how on strategic planning and management methodology to the core staff of NCDM Secretariat, and (iv) brain drain.

Crosscutting relationships: In order to ensure smooth crosscutting relationships with all key stakeholders for an effective implementation of the strategic plan, regular consultation and establishment of common targets in DRR will be necessary.

Performance evaluation and monitoring:In order to enhance the ownership of this joint effort of the partnership NCDM Secretariat-ADPC-UNESCAP, targets of PDR-SEA 4and those expected in the Second National Strategy on DRR related to CBDRM must be established for monitoring and evaluation.

Performance measures:

Terms of reference of the core working group on strategic plan (SP) byJuly 2007

Establishment of the initial team of the core working group in July 2007

Organization of a workshop to discuss the strategic plan by July 2007

Adoption of the strategic plan by NCDM Secretariat in September 2007

4.1. Goal 1: Establish an effective system to promote CBDRM to build resilience of communities to natural disasters

Strategies towards the goal:

Within the framework of PDR-SEA 4, it is expected to build on the achievements of the previous phases of PDR-SEA to further develop the partnership between the National Committee for Disaster Management(NCDM) Secretariat on the one hand and ADPC and UNESCAP on the other to achieve Goal 1. The strategies to be adopted in this context will be based on the following three pillars:

(1) Identify good practices on CBDRM for replication,

(2) Strengthen the partnerships of NCDMSecretariat with practitioners’ forums, and

(3) Strengthen the capacity of NCDMSecretariat to monitor and report progress on CBDRM in the country.

These three pillars are expected to establish three cornerstones for the process of consensus building on the promotion of CBDRM for a sustainable programme on DRR at the community level in the country. The three cornerstones include (i) building national capacity to support NCDM Secretariat in identifying champions on CBDRM from all sectors, areas and social conditions of the country, (ii) bringing decision making on selection of champions of CBDRM to the top-level of DRR governance of the country and linking the decision making to the process of advancing DRM towards expected goals of HFA implementation, and (iii) making the entire process transparent and accountable to all key stakeholders.


In order to strengthen the process of strategic planning and management of disaster risk management (DRR) of NCDM Secretariat, due to limited support mobilization and participation, "donors, NGOs, OIs and UN Agencies, donors' agencies and international agencies" should be included as well.

.4.1.1Identify good practices on CBDRM for replication

Activities on this pillar are expected to include the following components:

(1) Establishment of a system of nomination of candidates for selection,

(2) Formulation of a panel of experts for selection of champions including the terms of reference and rules of procedures,

(3) Establishment of criteria for selection,

(4) Formulation of a strategy to sustain the programme for replication, and

(5) Establishment of a system of award governance.

4.1.2Strengthen the partnerships of NCDM Secretariat with practitioners’ forums

NCDM Secretariat is expected to undertake activities to further develop the existing partnerships with disaster management practitioners (especially with the Disaster Management Working Groups (DMWG) in Cambodia), with assistance from ADPC and UNESCAP, aiming at bringing decision making on selection of champions of CBDRM to the top-level of DRR governance of the country and linking the decision making to the process of advancing DRM towards expected goals of HFA implementation.

Apart from making the efforts on identifying champions on CBDRM visible in terms of political support from the top level government officials and widespread participation at the grass-roots level, the partnerships will also aim at promoting CBDRM through various strategies; e.g. I) identification of policy issues on CBDRM and DRM, ii) mobilizing strong support of the high level policy makers, especially national decision-makers, iii) mobilize resources, and iv) take initiatives to establish a recognition scheme for promotion of CBDRM.

It is expected that a recognition scheme, through the provision of awards, would be instrumental in encouraging multiple stakeholders to support the expansion of CBDRM in vulnerable parts of the countries. The award scheme is proposed to follow the successful example of PROKASIH (on pollution control of Indonesia), whereby best practices and successful cases of industries were recognized by the President of the Republic of Indonesia, and thus consumers. It is therefore expected that the National Disaster Management Officers (Names) of the four countries (Cambodia, Indonesia, Philippines and Vietnam) would be able to mobilize support from the top level authorities to enhance the importance of this recognition scheme.

In short, the recognition scheme through the provision of awards is aimed at encouraging stakeholders to expand CBDRM practices in the countries. For this purpose the awards could feature different categories, including:

(1) Award for a long standing contribution to CBDRM in respective countries, to recognize the work of an organization with outstanding achievements in promoting CBDRM for a number of years;

(2) Award to a community that has established a firm foundation for CBDRM and continued to maintain a good framework and momentum in applying CBDRM practices;

(3) Award for effective campaigns and measures to raise awareness and disseminating information on CBDRM;

(4) Award for outstanding support to CBDRM in the country (e.g. a donor, national or international)

The first two categories of award could be monetary in nature, if this would be considered to be an appropriate incentive in the context of the country. Other awards could take the form of a certificate or plaque.