Photoshop Channels / Layers / Paths


Layers allow us to keep elements within a Photoshop file separate from each other. This means that effects applied to an element on one layer need not necessarily affect elements on other layers.

Layers Control Panel

1Layers Tab – click to activate the Layers Palette

2Layer visibility – click ‘eye’ icon to make layers visible or invisible

3Background layer

The Stacking Order of layers can be changed by dragging them to the required position in the sequence.

4An element sitting on a layer. This layer is highlit and so is currently active.

5A shape layer – elements on shape layers can be made larger or smaller and will still look crisp and sharp as they do not lose edge definition

6A text layer – indicated by the letter ‘T.’

When the ‘T’ is present, words can be edited to read something else

7Fill – Sets the opacity of elements in a layer

8Master Opacity – Sets the opacity of elements AND any layer effects applied to the layer

9Layers Palette Options (Similar set of options to those in the Layer menu)

10Blending modes dropdown menu – allows the elements within layers to interact with each other visually in different ways.

11Protects layers from alteration

12Link – used to link layers together so that they can be moved as one unit

13Applies Layer Style Effects eg drop shadows / bevel effects etc

14Adds a Mask to a layer

15Creates new Fill and Adjustment Layers

Adjustment layers can be used to apply effects to layers. However they can be applied and removed without actually altering the original appearance of the layer

16Creates a new Group. Groups can be used to contain multiple layers – a useful way of applying one effect to more than one layer (and also of organising the Layers Palette so it is easier to work with)

17Creates a new layer

18Deletes the currently selected layer


Grayscale images that store different types of information –

• colour information

• alpha channels – these can subsequently be loaded into an image as a selected area and effects applied etc

• areas to be printed in a spot colour outwith the Cyan / Magenta / Yellow / Black palette

Channels Control Panel

19Channels Tab – click to activate the Channels Palette

20Channel visibility – click ‘eye’ icon to make channels visible or invisible

21Load channel as selection – creates a selected area based on the chosen channel

22Save a selected area within an image as a channel so it can be reloaded later

23Create new channel. This lets you save a selected area or add text or shapes so that when you choose load selection from Select menu, the shapes will be loaded into your image

24Deletes the selected channel

25 – 28 RGB Channels options show “channel ~” as full colour then the remaining channels as Red, Green and Blue. The remaining channels depend on what type of picture has been opened. Equivalent Cyan / Magenta / Yellow / Black channels are available for CMYK images

29Channels Palette options


Paths in Photoshop can be used to ‘manually’ select an area of an image by drawing an outline. (Tools like the Magic Wand can sometimes be quicker but because they rely on contrasting edges between different colours to work successfully it is not always possible to make use of them.) An understanding of how the Pen tool and Path selection tools is also necessary for drawing outlines in Illustrator and Freehand.

Paths Control Panel

30Paths Tab – click to activate the Paths Palette

31Currently active path selected

32Fill path with current foreground colour from the tool bar

33Stroke path with current foreground colour

34Loads path as a selection

35Make path from selected area on image

36Creates a new path

37Delete the currently selected path

38Palette options.

Allows you to create new paths, make a selection from path, fill path.

Tool Bar Popup Menu

39Use the Pen Tool to create a path round an object by either single clicks from point to point to create straight paths, or by clicking and dragging to create curved paths

40Freeform Pen allows you to draw free hand with the Path tool

41This tool is used to add a point to previously created paths

(Path must first be selected with one of the Path Selection tools (44/45).

Then clicked on at the selected section of the path outline with the + tool

42This tool works as tool 41 but deletes points

28Converts corner points that create straight path outlines to points that create curved path outlines

29Use the Path Selection tool to adjust the position of entire paths

30 Use the Direct Selection tool to adjust the position of individual points