The WIA program is a federally funded employment and training program designed for people who need assistance in finding a job or a new career. The program provides individualized career consulting to evaluate, recommend, and support job placement assistance, retraining and skill upgrading in high demand occupations. Employment and training activities may include supportive services utilizing WIA funds or other local resources.


·  All participants in the WIA programs must be:

o  Legally entitled to work in the United States, and

o  Males born after 12/31/1959 must be registered with the Selective Service System.

·  Eligible veterans or a spouse of certain veterans will be given priority over dislocated workers who are non-veterans.

Dislocated Worker Program

·  For those who have been terminated, laid off, or received a “notice of termination or layoff,” and are unlikely to return to your customary occupation or industry because of plant closures, mass layoffs, foreign competition, or lack of demand for your current skills; or

·  Eligible for, currently receiving, or have exhausted unemployment insurance benefits; or

·  Were self-employed, but the economy or a natural disaster has put you out of work; or

·  Is a displaced homemaker (or now must work outside the home due to a family change).

Adult Program

·  For those who have employment barriers and/or lack of financial resource needed to obtain employment;

·  Must be 22 years or older, except for parenting adults ages 18 to 21.


Participants may receive any of the following services:

·  Employment counseling, career assessment and job search assistance.

·  On-the-job training incentives providing training reimbursement to the employer.

·  Classroom training with tuition and book assistance.

·  Work Experience as an opportunity to enhance and explore career options.

·  Supportive services to help in completing your employment or training objectives.


·  Complete the WIA Program Application form and WIA Financial Worksheet.

·  Contact a career specialist to schedule a one on one interview appointment. Bring picture ID, Social Security Card, layoff letter, DD-214 (for veterans), and resume to the appointment. To schedule an appointment, please call:

Dislocated Worker Program – Lenny DuChamp at (360) 337-4757 or

Aaron Tennison at (360) 337-4740 or

Lou Guarasci at (360) 337-4732

Adult Program – Frank Carlson at (360) 337-4743