Case study:
Llanberis Community Orchard

The idea for a community orchard in Llanberis had been developing in a few people’s minds and came to fruition during a Youth Hostel Association (YHA) open day in September 2014. The YHA Snowdon Llanberis manager, Janet Walker, suggested that an outdoor space at the Youth Hostel would make an excellent site.

The space is an existing orchard with several old apple and damson trees, which had received no attention for many years. The land, which is owned by YHA was used by hostel guests to relax in and by educational groups for team building activities.

From the YHA perspective the idea offered an opportunity to utilise an underused resource, encourage local people to use the facility and improve the awareness of the YHA within the community.

The project has proved a success. Janet said: “The appearance of the outside area is much improved, we have engagement with the local community on site and activity sessions run in conjunction with the YHA and Llanberis Community Orchard on YHA Day.”

When asked if she would recommend community orchards or similar growing projects to other YHA properties Janet’s response was “Yes, wholeheartedly!”

At the start of the process Janet liaised with the YHA property team, who were very supportive and processed the proposal and produced the licence agreement within the space of a few months.

A licence agreement (Licence To Occupy) allows for joint occupation so the Llanberis Community Orchard group can use the site alongside the YHA staff and guests. The Licence commenced on the 10th April 2015 and does not have an end date, but either the YHA or the orchard group can bring the occupation to an end by giving the other 28 days’ notice.

No major financial investment by the group was envisaged so having a short notice period was not a huge concern - the licence gives the group the opportunity to hold a few outdoor gatherings each year and enjoy each season as it arrives. The intention is that the site will be used jointly for many years to come, watching the newly planted trees grow and discovering whether the existing old fruit trees can be used to graft replacement trees.

The Community Land Advisory Service in Wales (CLAS Cymru) provided support to the group by reviewing and commenting on the draft licence. Advice was also given on the implications of signing an agreement as an unincorporated body.

The newly formed Llanberis Community Orchard group agreed a constitution and held several meetings to decide what they wanted to do with the site. Since then the group has planted new trees, done some pruning to create more light and space and carried out fencing work to help keep sheep off the land. The orchard group has also started to take on other local sites.

The YHA orchard has hosted several events, including a pruning and grafting session organised by the Federation of City Farms and Community Gardens and an open day in conjunction with the YHA. Many adults and children enjoyed helping to build a bug hotel, make apple bird feeders, practice bush craft and listen to local musicians.

Further information

Facebook page


Llanberis Community Orchard:

YHA Llanberis: