Purpose of meeting: / To discuss cross locality area issues / Date of Meeting: / 6 January 2015
Attendees: / Cllr Mazher Iqbal (Chair), Cllr Peter Price,Cllr Pat Midgley, Cllr Neale Gibson,Cllr Ray Satur, Cllr Andrew Sangar,Cllr Steve Jones, Sharon Squires (Sheffield First),Angela Greenwood (Locality Management),Martin Hughes (Locality Management),Elaine Taylor PA to Bev Mullooly(Notes)
Guests: / Mike McAughtrie (Illegal Money Lending Team, Yorkshire & Humber), Shabaz Abbas, Karen Hanson & Sheila Brown (Lifelong Learning, Skills & Communities)
Apologies: / Cllr Richard Crowther,Tim Furness (CCG), Andrew Hayter (SYF&R), Bev Mullooly (Neighbourhood Services, SCC), Peter Harrison (Sheffield College), Brendan Stone (University of Sheffield), Scott Green (SYP),
Items Discussed:
1. / Draft Notes of Last Meeting and Action Update
Page 3 – Action outstanding
Martin to speak with Sam Martin re the breakdown of communities of interest (e.g. ethnicity) with the current NEET figures.
Agreed as true record.
Summary of action or conclusion reached:
  • Martin to speak with Sam Martin re the breakdown of communities of interest (e.g. ethnicity) with the current NEET figures.

2. / Our Fair City Campaign
Sharon Squires – Sheffield First
Sharon passed round presentation of Sheffield Fair City Campaign. Discussed the background to what has been achieved in terms of Fairness and tackling inequalities within the City.
Discussion around the table.
  • Work internationally and with the Chamber – challenging.
  • Tackling inequalities – achieve as society rather than as a Council.
  • Soft launch – takes time to build.
  • Sign up for Fairness Champions – City recognises fairness principles.
  • Areas not having minimum wage - Unsure if we are putting sufficient messages out for Areas to argue the point.
  • Wages been tough for last 4 years. This month people struggling to pay mortgages, falling into debt.
  • National and international media who stereotype people
  • Any help from Sheffield to improve people’s lives would be a bonus.
  • What do we mean by a Fair City and how to advise members what to do in local neighbourhood level.
  • Not got local staff linked up with City Wide.
  • Difference in men and women’s pay - huge problem
  • Need to encourage companies to have members to sign up to do something locally, e.g. local corner shops or TARA’s. Simple changes made on a 1:1 basis.
Sharon explained that Fairness means different things to individuals. Use the website to explain reasons for not paying minimum wages to open conversations around this. Affordable rent is another big item for discussion.
Discussions that some individuals did not have access to the internet so out of the loop. Recognise that online is the way we work.
Launch at the Millennium Galleries on Tuesday 13th January – invite Chairs to the launch and register as champions.
Summary of action or conclusion reached:
  • Sharon to invite Chair’s to the launch at the Millennium Galleries on Tuesday 13th January.


3. / Illegal Money Lending – Presentation
Mike McAughtrie - Illegal Money Lending Team (Yorkshire & Humber)
Mike discussed his presentation on Illegal Monday Lending and highlighted the high cost of some Legal Lending Companies and gave examples of Illegal Money Lending (Loan Sharks) and the consequences surrounding the debt people could find themselves. Mentioned how loan sharks got people to start with a small amount loan which spirals out of control and the violence, intimidation and threats that follow on repayments.
Three main areas when people borrow are Christmas expense, household appliance breakdown and moving house.
Mike to send a link of a video on Youtube to Chairs.
Mike gave example that Leeds had the Safe & Stronger Scrutiny panel to help which enabled them to get into schools. Helped with adult social care and housing.
Leaflets were handed around the table on “Don’t get in with a loan shark… it will cost you an arm and a leg”.
Discussion around the table
  • No money and desperate, someone introduces you to someone else – loan shark. Interventions in place who to go to with money problems.
  • There is material within schools to get messages across to the younger pupils about the illegal money lending.
  • The data and stories that are captured – promote at Sheffield Money.
  • Give example of the success of removing a loan shark to the Communities, Credit Unions promote within the community.
  • CDFI’s will lend to Credit Union.
  • Showcase across the City in schools, others adapt it too. One example working in one area may not always work in another.
It was agreed that Chairs would help to promote the awareness of the loan sharks.
Chair said there were a number of avenues we could get this information across. Mazherto liaise with Mike to discuss a further discussion at the Safer Communities Partnership Board.
Summary of action or conclusion reached:
  • Mike McAughtrie to send Youtube link to Chairs
  • Mazher’s office to liaise with Mike to discuss a further discussion at the Safer Communities Partnership Board.

4 / Family and Community Education Service (FACES)
Shabaz Abbas, Karen Hanson and Sheila Brown(Lifelong Learning, Skills and Communities)
Shabaz discussed the presentation on Lifelong Learning & Skills & Communities. Samples of Raspberry Pie, Lego and Connect were passed round the room.
Discussion around the table
  • Understand spend on performance for this year and last year.
  • Flexibility of money within the same area, South East and South reduction, South East under performed and struggled. Gleadless grown and taken a lot of provision.
  • Hit list of schools that need help.
  • Agreed to send Chair’s the Wardens list of where they need help.
  • Represented in City Wide Body Learning Forum.
  • One area for concern is around mental health.
  • Case Study would provide argument where to invest.
  • Links to ‘Keeping People Well in their Community’ – Martin to pass on information
Shabaz to provide Case Studies from leisure learning which includes demographic data, and attend individual Members Area Briefings on request
Karen to circulate a list of schools they would like assistance to get into
Summary of action or conclusion reached:
  • Martin to send information on ‘Keeping People Well’ to Shabaz
  • Shabaz to provide Case Studies from leisure learning and attend individual Members Area Briefings on request
  • Karen to circulate a list of schools they would like assistance to get into

5. / AOB/ Future Agenda Items
  • Our Fair City Campaign
  • Cohesion & Migration

Summary of action or conclusion reached:
6. / Date of Next Meeting
Tuesday 3 February at 11.30 – 13.30, Town Hall, Committee Room