/ Insufficient
(0-50%) / Level One
(50-60%) / Level Two
(60-70%) / Level Three
(70-80%) / Level Four
(80%- 100%)

Work Habits and Application of Classwork

/ Always disrupts others during class time.
No evidence of in class work.
Insufficient or no evidence of application of class work outside classroom / Rarely has all the required materials in class.
Often disrupts others during class time or is off task.
Displays minimal evidence of application of class work outside classroom / Occasionally has all of the materials in class.
Sometimes disrupts others in class or is off task.
Displays some evidence of application of class work outside classroom / Has all the materials for the assignments. Rarely disrupts others during class time or is off task.
Displays evidence of application of class work outside classroom / Always works independently.
Never off task.
Displays excellent evidence of application of class work outside classroom
Knowledge and Understanding

Written Information

/ Insufficient evidence (not enough articles, paragraphs, and summaries missing/incomplete) / Displays minimal understanding of article. Has copied information directly from the article in choice and course material sections of summative. / Displays some understanding of article. Has copied some information directly from the article in choice and course material sections of summative. / Displays good understanding of article. Has none or very little copied information directly from the article in choice and course material sections of summative. / Displays excellent understanding of article. Has no copied information from the article in choice and course material sections of summative.


Structure and clarity

/ Insufficient Evidence(not enough articles, paragraphs, and summaries missing/incomplete) / Summaries and/or paragraphs lack structure and clarity. / Summaries and/or paragraphs have structure but lacks clarity. / Summaries and/or paragraphs have good structure and are quite clear. / Summaries and/or paragraphs has excellent structure and are very clear.
Organization / Insufficient evidence or missing a part of portfolio
(not enough articles, paragraphs and summaries missing/incomplete, missing 2 or more parts of the portfolio) / Final product is not neat and organized.
Over 5 spelling or grammar errors. / Some evidence of effort to be neat and organized.
Under 5 spelling or grammar errors. / Sufficiently neat and organized .
Under 3 spelling or grammar errors. / Extremely well presented.
No spelling or grammar errors.