Case for Change

Access Consulting


CPP40811 Certificate IV in Access Consulting

CPP50711 Diploma of Access Consulting

CPP80313 Graduate Diploma of Access Consulting

Training Package: CPP Property Services Training Package

Submitted by Artibus Innovation

on behalf of the

Property Services IRC

January 2018

Table of Contents

Administrative Information

The case for change

Summary of Proposed Changes

Industry support for change

Impact of change

Implementing the COAG Industry and Skills Council reforms for training packages

Attachment A – Training Package components to change

Attachment B – Stakeholder consultation method

Administrative Information

Industry Reference Committee (IRC)

Property Services IRC

Skills Service Organisation

Artibus Innovation

Training package: CPP07 Property Services

Training Package components


  • CPP40811 Certificate IV in Access Consulting
  • CPP50711 Diploma of Access Consulting
  • CPP80313 Graduate Diploma of Access Consulting

Skill sets

  • CPPSS00004 Conduct Building Access Audits
  • CPPSS00007 Conduct Outdoor Access Audits
  • CPPSS00010 Conduct Transport Access Audits

Units of competency

  • 53 units of competency

How the case was developed

The Commonwealth Department of Education and Training commissioned the Property Services IRC to transition the Access Consulting components of the CPP07 Property Services Training Package to the Standards for Training Packages 2012 (activity order AA/2015-16-001). In undertaking this work several issues were identified that necessitated deeper review before a transitioned product would meet the quality assurance requirements for endorsement.

This case for change was developed with broad research, consideration of policy directives, and consultation with key stakeholders including practitioners, employers, the peak national body for access consultancy in Australia and registered training organisations. The qualifications have been reviewed:

  • for fitness for purpose and structural effectiveness
  • to consider the inter-relationships of Access Consulting with qualifications in the related industry sectors of Building Design and Home Sustainability
  • to consider and address the COAG Industry and Skills Council November 2015 reforms for training packages
  • to clarify the transition issues when the units of competency are redeveloped to the Standards for Training Packages 2012.

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The case for change

What is Access Consulting?

Built environments and facilities that are accessible to people of all abilities is a right protected by law in Australia. Access consultants have professional expertise in relation to the optimal use of the built environment and offer advisory services in relation to access for all people to residential buildings, public and private buildings and facilities, streetscapes, retail outlets, restaurants, sport and recreational facilities and transport infrastructure.

Access consulting services include accessibility audits, design, and advice on regulatory compliance and good practice.

Uptake of the qualifications is low, despite Access Consulting being a niche specialist service for which there is increasing demand. The qualifications require a full review. The work proposed will optimise the Access Consulting components in the CPP Property Services Training Package.

The challenges and issues considered are informed by research and consultation with the IRC, Access Consulting practitioners, employers, the peak industry association and RTOs. The responses and changes proposed are consistent with the COAG Industry and Skills Council reforms and policy directives.

Driver / Identified issues / Action
Limited provision and low enrolments / Only two RTOs offer the Certificate IV and Diploma of Access Consulting units or qualifications.
For the six years 2011 – 2016 the:
  • Certificate IV had a total of 291 enrolments and 196 completions
  • Diploma had a total of 103 enrolments and 30 completions.
No RTO has, or has had, the Graduate Diploma on scope.
There is evidence of industry support for a high-level qualification, and so zero enrolments do not automatically imply obsolescence. / Artibus Innovation will consult with industry to review the Graduate Diploma of Access Consulting to determine if it can be:
  • removed
  • consolidated into other qualifications, or
  • redeveloped to better meet current workforce needs.

Deficiencies with current qualifications and units of competency / Qualifications
There is significant overlap between the Certificate IV and Diploma. Of the 12 core units in the Certificate IV – six are also core in the Diploma and four are electives. Seven electives are common to both qualifications.
Depending on the selection of units in the Certificate IV, a candidate could claim credit transfer for up to 17 out of the required 25 units in the Diploma. There is potentially a 70% overlap, which calls into question the structure of the qualifications and the value of retaining both.
The Certificate IV requires eight electives out of a bank of 35.
The Diploma requires 10 electives out of a bank of 43.
The choice is very broad and it would be possible to achieve the qualifications without a strong access focus.
Neither the Certificate IV nor Diploma includes a description of vocational outcomes; the distinction in purpose and application of these qualifications is not clear. Concern was raised during consultation of graduates with a Certificate IV in Access Consulting promoting themselves as a ‘qualified’ Access Consultant. / Artibus Innovation will consult with industry to merge the Certificate IV and Diploma and develop a new Certificate IV in Access Consulting. It will be informed by a functional analysis of Access Consulting tasks and will streamline and strengthen the structure and packaging rules to meet current industry requirements and:
  • alignment with a converging suite of specialist services in Construction and Property Services
  • flexibility to accommodate training needs of individuals entering from multiple pathways (e.g. disability background needing building code, audit, plans, and standards skills vs building designers needing knowledge of practical ‘liveability’ issues for disability)
  • alignment with vocational outcomes.
and review:
  • potential pathways between qualifications in the Building Design and Home Sustainability sectors. These sectors share with Access Consulting commonalities in skills and knowledge, such as interpreting legislation, standards and guidelines, building codes and plans, auditing, design and access principals and client engagement.

There is significant overlap in the content of units, particularly those that deal with access audits and the provision of advice. / Evaluate the unit content and assessment requirements to:
  • validate currency and remove duplication
  • consider the inclusion of imported units.

Professional standards / Access Consulting is not regulated. There is no state or territory licensing scheme. The sector is indirectly regulated through the primary professions involved.
Information provided by the leading RTO shows that people undertaking the Certificate IV or Diploma of Access Consulting are generally practicing as Access Consultants or practitioners in another field (including building surveying, architecture/building design, local council, public transport, disability non-government organisations, facilities management/engineering and occupational therapy).
The principal peak body, the Association of Consultants in Access Australia (ACAA), has an accreditation scheme for members which mandates the CPP40811 Certificate IV in Access Consulting as the minimum qualification. Accredited Access Consultants are required to undertake continuing professional development.
Feedback from industry is that a higher-level qualification, such as the Graduate Diploma of Access Consulting, is required as most people coming to Access Consulting do so from a primary profession. Access consulting qualifications are obtained to enhance and complement their primary professional work and are used as professional development. / Artibus Innovation will transition to the Standards for Training Packages 2012 and consult with industry to review and update the:
  • three skill sets on audits - building, outdoor and transport access
  • Graduate Diploma of Access Consulting to strengthen support for the continuing professional development for Access Consultants.

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Summary of Proposed Changes

Based on the above analysis the following changes will be considered:

Level of change / Action
Qualification /
  • Merge CPP40811 Certificate IV in Access Consulting and CPP50711 Diploma of Access Consulting
  • Develop a new Certificate IV in Access Consulting
  • Review and redevelop the CPP80313 Graduate Diploma of Access Consulting.

Skill sets / Review and redevelop the:
  • CPPSS00004 Conduct Building Access Audits
  • CPPSS00007 Conduct Outdoor Access Audits
  • CPPSS00010 Conduct Transport Access Audits.

Unit of competency / There are 53 Access Consulting units:
  • Review 34 units for potential to integrate/merge and redevelop
  • Review 7 units for potential to delete
  • Update 12 units.

Imported units / Review for suitability of inclusion:
  • 22 CPP units
  • 27 imported units.

The proposed actions will revitalise the Access Consulting components in the CPP Property Services Training Package and:

  • improve the currency and integrity of the qualifications and skill sets
  • clarify and strengthen vocational outcomes
  • support the professional standing of Access Consulting
  • streamline the Access Consulting suite of units of competency and improve their currency and integrity
  • enhance pathways between the related industry sectors of Building Design and Home Sustainability.

Industry support for change


This case for change has considered the previous activities and consultation with industry, which identified that further work was required to revitalise the Access Consulting components and ensure that they were responsive to industry needs and provided for continuing workforce development.

Undertaking qualifications specifically for Access Consulting has been niche training. Industry Practitioners are predominately sole traders and are represented by the Association of Consultants in Access Australia (ACAA).

The following approach was undertaken to consult with stakeholders:

  • desktop research on the Access Consulting sector to validate key drivers
  • quality audit of the qualifications
  • development of an Access Consulting Issues Paper
  • guidance and input from the Property Services IRC
  • telephone conversations and email correspondence with key stakeholders
  • reference to the stakeholder register and previous consultation undertaken by the Construction and Property Services Industry Skills Council

an internal quality review of the:

  • existing units
  • currency of the qualifications and skill sets.

Please refer to the Attachment B: Stakeholder Consultation

Impact of change

Positive impact of implementing the recommended changes

Industry are recommending the above changes so that:

  • the qualifications and skill sets are more vocationally specific and packaged to support ongoing professional development
  • the units of competency are streamlined and better reflect industry best practices
  • the workforce will have skill development opportunities across the related industry sectors of Building Design and Home Sustainability.

Negative impact of not implementing the recommended changes

Not implementing the above changes will mean that the:

  • quality and value of the Access Consulting components will be compromised
  • skills and knowledge gaps will increase
  • training and delivery will not meet the anticipated increase in demand for Access Consulting services due to market expansion and attrition. The industry has an ageing workforce.
  • training and delivery will not reflect current and emerging industry standards associated with the implementation of the:
  • Liveable Housing Design Guidelines, which aim by 2020 to make all new homes easy to enter, move in and around and be adaptable to changing needs of home occupants
  • National Dialogue on Universal Housing Design Strategic Plan
  • National Disability Insurance Scheme for Specialist Disability Accommodation, and
  • the anticipated introduction of the Australian Building Code Board’s Verification Methods to increase the use of Performance Based Assessment. This will reduce the reliance on deemed to satisfy compliance with the National Construction Code 2016 and will require a higher level of skills and knowledge.

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Implementing the COAG Industry and Skills Council reforms for training packages

The proposed changes aim to implement key principles of COAG Industry and Skills Council reforms to training packages.

This case for change was agreed to by the Property Services IRC.

Noel Hamey

(Name of Chair) Signature of ChairDate

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Attachment A – Training Package components to change

SSO: Artibus Innovation

Contact details: 373 Elizabeth St. (Soundys Building) | North Hobart | TAS | 7000

Date submitted: TBD

IRC: Property Services IRC

Training Package: CPC07 Property Services Training Package


Code / Title / Review status / Proposed changes
CPP40811 / Certificate IV in Access Consulting / Open / Develop new Certificate IV in Access Consulting
CPP50711 / Diploma of Access Consulting / Open / Merge with Certificate IV
CPP80313 / Graduate Diploma of Access Consulting / Open / Review and update

Skill Sets

Code / Title / Review status / Proposed changes
CPPSS00004 / Conduct Building Access Audits / Open / Review and update
CPPSS00007 / Conduct Outdoor Access Audits / Open / Review and update
CPPSS00010 / Conduct Transport Access Audits / Open / Review and update

Units of competency

Code / Title / Review status / Proposed changes
CPPACC4001A / Apply disability awareness to assessing access situations / Open / Review and update
CPPACC4002A / Apply building control legislation to assess small-scale buildings for access / Open / Review and update
CPPACC4003A / Assess construction plans / Open / Incorporate into relevant units
CPPACC4004A / Communicate effectively as an access consultant / Open / Merge with CPPACC4004A and CPCACC4022A Work effectively as an access consultant
CPPACC4005A / Conduct a building access audit / Open / Review and update to streamline with other audit units
CPPACC4006A / Conduct a playground access audit / Open
CPPACC4007A / Conduct a streetscape access audit / Open
CPPACC4008A / Conduct a transport conveyance and boarding device access audit / Open / Consider merging with CPPACC4009A
Code / Title / Review status / Proposed changes
CPPACC4009A / Conduct a transport premises access audit / Open / Consider merging with CPPACC4008A
CPPACC4010A / Conduct an aged care facility access audit / Open / Review and update to streamline with other audit units
CPPACC4011A / Conduct an educational facility access audit / Open
CPPACC4012A / Conduct an outdoor recreation area access audit / Open
CPPACC4013A / Contribute effectively to building development teams / Open / Consider deleting
CPPACC4014A / Facilitate the development of Disability Discrimination Act Action Plans / Open / Merge CPPACC4014A and CPPACC5019A
CPPACC4015A / Follow site occupational health and safety requirements / Open / Consider replacing with cross sector WHS unit
CPPACC4016A / Manage risk / Open / Consider replacing with cross sector unit on risk
CPPACC4017A / Prepare access reports / Open / Incorporate into relevant units
CPPACC4018A / Prepare, deliver and evaluate public education sessions on access / Open / Consider deleting
CPPACC4019A / Provide access advice on building fitout / Open / Incorporate CPPACC8003A
CPPACC4020A / Provide access advice on building renovations / Open
CPPACC4021A / Provide access advice on the provision of services / Open
CPPACC4022A / Work effectively as an access consultant / Open / Merge with CPPACC4004A
CPPACC5001A / Assess documentation of building work for access compliance / Open / Review and update
CPPACC5002A / Inspect access compliance during the building process / Open / Review and update
CPPACC5003A / Apply anthropometric principles to accessible building design and fitout / Open / Merge CPPACC5003A, CPPACC5006A and CPPACC5007A
CPPACC5004A / Apply building codes and standards to accessible large-scale buildings / Open / Merge CPPACC5004A and CPPACC5005A
CPPACC5005A / Interpret and apply building control legislation when assessing large-scale buildings for access / Open
Unit code / Unit title / Review status / Proposed changes
CPPACC5006A / Apply ergonomic principles to accessible building design and fitout / Open / Merge CPPACC5003A, CPPACC5006AA and CPPACC5007A
CPPACC5007A / Apply mechanics of human body functions to accessible building design and fitout / Open
CPPACC5008A / Assess the construction of existing buildings and new building work required to be accessible / Open / Merge with CPPACC5017A
CPPACC5009A / Evaluate materials for the construction of buildings for access / Open / Consider deleting this unit and importing unit it is based on BCGSV5002A.
CPPACC5010A / Provide access advice on the design of the built environment / Open / Integrate CPPACC5010A and CPPACC5011A
CPPACC5011A / Prepare a concept design for accessible building work / Open / Review and update
CPPACC5012A / Prepare a design brief for accessible building work / Open / Merge with CPPACC8008A
CPPACC5013A / Prepare and administer tender documentation for accessible building work / Open / Consider merging CPPACC5013A, CPPACC5014A and CPPACC5015A
CPPACC5014A / Prepare contract documentation for accessible building work / Open
CPPACC5015A / Prepare specification documentation for accessible building work / Open
CPPACC5016A / Provide expert access advice on renovations to private dwellings / Open / Merge with CPPACC5010A
CPPACC5017A / Provide expert access advice on building renovations / Open / Merge with CPP5008A
CPPACC5018A / Provide expert access advice to a complainant or respondent / Open / Merge CPPACC5018A, CPPACC6001A, CPPACC8006A
CPPACC5019A / Coordinate the development and implementation of Disability Discrimination Act Action Plans / Open / Merge CPPACC4014A and CPPACC5019A
CPPACC5020A / Undertake research on access issues / Open / Merge CPPACC5020A, CPPACC8001A, CPPACC8002A
CPPACC6001A / Participate as an access expert on an Access Panel / Open / Merge CPPACC5018A, CPPACC6001A, CPP8006A
CPPACC6002A / Apply performance-based codes and risk management principles to assessing buildings for access / Open / Review and update
CPPACC6003A / Apply unjustifiable hardship principles to Alternative Building Solutions for access / Open / Review and update
CPPACC8001A / Research and analyse access and use requirements for people with diverse disabilities / Open / Merge CPPACC5020A, CPPACC8001A, CPPACC8002A
CPPACC8002A / Research and analyse access solutions for the built environment / Open
CPPACC8003A / Provide advice on solutions to access and use issues / Open / Incorporate into CPPACC4019A, CPPACC4020A, CPPACC4021A
CPPACC8004A / Develop policies and briefs relating to access to and use of the built environment / Open / Consider deleting
CPPACC8005A / Develop and advise on policies and procedures to enable access for people with disabilities / Open / Consider deleting
CPPACC8006A / Give evidence relating to access and use / Open / Merge CPPACC5018A, CPPACC6001A, CPP8006A
CPPACC8007A / Audit built environment and infrastructure for accessibility compliance and propose solutions / Open / Consider integrating with other audit units
CPPACC8008A / Contribute to design of accessible built environment and infrastructure / Open / Consider deleting

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