Thoughts on Economics 1

Thoughts on Economics

Vol. 27, No. 01 & 02

Work-Family Conflict in Manufacturing and Service Organizationsin Bangladesh: An Assessment

Dr. Rekha Parveen*

[Abstract: Work-family conflict is one of the important topics of study in different organizations both public and private as well as manufacturing and service. Due to this conflict, unfortunately in most of the cases, female employees and workers have sacrificed a lot. As a result, either they had to leave the jobs or they suffered in their family lives. This paper scans different types, common causes of, factors affecting, major sources and roles of different parties to solve or at least minimize work-family conflict. The data and information have been collected both from primary and secondary sources. For collecting primary data and information, structured questionnaires were distributed among the 137(one hundred and thirty seven) respondents of different organizations of Dhaka city. The respondents were selected by using purposive and convenience sampling method. But for collecting data from secondary sources, a good number of books and periodicals have been consulted. The authorhave also put some suggestions which are supposed to be applied to minimize the work-family conflict in the organizations. The paper focuses on the opinions of respondents on different aspects of work-family conflict.]

Key Words:Work -family conflict, Model of work-family conflict, Sources of work-family conflict, Principles of work-family conflict.


Work–family conflict occurs when there are incompatible demands between the work and family roles of an individual that makes participation in both roles more difficult. Accordingly, the conflict takes place at the work–life interface. Conflict between work and family is important for organizations and individuals because it is linked to negative consequences. For example, conflict between work and family is associated with increased occupational burnout, quitting intentions and job stress, and decreased health and job performance. The performance of an individual’s family role can create a state of cognitive busyness and consume time both on and off the job. Activities such as providing care to elderly parents, infant children, or family members with special needs, dealing with domestic relations issues with spouses or domestic partners, maintenance of social relationships outside the family or even routine household maintenance activities frequently require the manager’s time and attention while on the job. Often seasonal fluctuations in job requirements, ad hoc projects and countless other requirements of the employer can require the time and attention of managers during off duty hours. As a result, the manager’s family and work roles overlap during both work and non work periods. Conflict can happen when family members have different views or beliefs that clash. Peaceful resolution depends on negotiation and respect for the other person’s point of view. Seek professional advice if you think you need help.

Objectives of the Study

The objectives of this study are to describe the nature of work-familyconflict, common causes of work-family conflict and principles to be followed for the settlement of work-family conflict in the public and private business, manufacturing as well as service organizations of Bangladesh. There are some factors which can affect the work-family conflict. If these factors behave positively, work-familyconflict may be kept within tolerable limit. While if these factors behave negatively, work-family conflict may go beyond the control. The present paper has,therefore, tried to find out the main factors affecting work-family conflict. To assess the role of management, government and officers association/trade union leaders are also the objectives the paper to reduce and settle work-family conflict. Last of all, the author has provided some suggestions both for employees and families to manage the work-family conflict peacefully.

Methodologyof the Study

Data and information were collected both from primary as well as secondary sources. For collecting primary data, executives, managers of a good number of public and private organizations were approached by using purposive and convenience sampling methods. Structured questionnaire by using Likert's five point scale were distributed among them and collected in person. The respondents were requested to put tick mark on one scale only as per their choice. The secondary data were collected from different books, journals and research papers published at home and abroad.

Types of Work-Family Conflict

Three types of work-family conflict have been identified: time based, strain based, and behavior based. Each of these types can occur in both directions, family to work, and work to family. These types of work- family conflict are: a) Time-based:Thistype ofconflictarises due to a substantial time spent in work place and minimum time spent for family members.Familymembers raise questionsfor not giving reasonable time for family purposes and not taking care of family issues. It also rises while the employee is competing time requirements across work and family roles.b) Strain-based:The second type of work-family conflict is created due topressures in one role impair performance in the second role. Sometimes an employee has to deploy a substantial effort for performing official duties depriving family members’ and suffers from mental as well as physical strain or stress. It also leads to behavioral strain. This can create work-family conflict. c)Behavior-based:Behavior-based work-family conflict is created owing to incompatibility of behaviors necessary for the two roles. For many reasons, an employee may show unacceptable behavior to the family members. Whatever may be the reasons, ultimately responsibility goes to the work related activities or spending more times in the work.

While family members fail to draw the attention of that employee to the family issues, conflict may arise and family members may be dishearten.

In the organizations of Bangladesh, all these three types of conflicts happen. Due to spending more time in the office or factory, work-family conflict may be created for both male and female employees. In case of physical, psychological and behavioral stresses, employees may show unacceptable behavior to the family members which were not expected. Thus work-family conflict may be created.

Common Causes of Work-Family Conflict

It is well recognized that some of the stages a family goes through can cause conflict. Each of these stages can create new and different stresses and potential conflict. Changes in the family situation can also take a toll on the family and contribute to conflict. This may include events such as: learning to live as a new couple, birth of a baby, birth of other children, a child going to school, a child becoming a young person, a young person becoming an adult, separation or divorce, moving to a new house or country, travelling long distances to work, commuting interest for work, change in financial circumstances and so on. In this study, the selected respondents were asked about the causes of work-family conflict. Their responses are shown in Table-1.

Table-1: Opinions of respondents about the common causes of work-family conflict in Bangladesh organizations.

SI. / Causes / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / Total
1 / Volume of tasks in the house / 7 / 14 / 33 / 63 / 16 / 133
2 / Maintenance of babies / 4 / 7 / 18 / 58 / 40 / 127
3 / Objections from parents / 9 / 13 / 34 / 53 / 21 / 130
4 / Objections of other family members / 10 / 23 / 43 / 39 / 20 / 135
5 / Fear of societal criticism / 10 / 22 / 35 / 43 / 16 / 126
6 / Fear of violation of religious rules / 10 / 33 / 28 / 41 / 13 / 125

Source: Survey *some respondents did not fill up some questions.

From the above table, we can see that, out of 133 executives and managers of different public and private organizations 63 i.e.,47% respondents strongly opined in favor of the statement 'volume of tasks in the house’ is the main cause of work-family conflict. In our society, usually female members take care of the family activities even those female members who are employed in jobs. But from the same family, male members spend their times out of office times in the clubs or otherwise. For maintaining small babies female members have to perform sole responsibilities. In spite of this if there is any exception, mothers are criticized. In this case all family members take side of guardians of the facilities. Out of 127 executives and managers, 58 (46%) respondents expressed their strong agreements that for the problem of maintaining babies work-family conflict may be created. Maximum number 53+39=92(69%) of respondents are on the opinion that due to objections from parents and other family members work-family conflict may take place. Our society sometimes does not take the employment of female members liberally. Rather criticizes in different ways. This mentality is going to change due to financial pressures and seeing the instances of other families. But public disrepute is still affecting some family members who are employed. Possibly, for that out of 126 respondents 43 (34%)said that due to fear of societal criticisms some female employees and managers cannot do their jobs peacefully which may result work-family conflict. Our society is religious no doubt and female workers maintain 'parda' (Veil)in the office. In case of some employees there is a fear of violation of 'parda' strictly.Therefore out of 125 executives and managers, 41+13= 54(43%) respondents expressed their opinions on this issue. From this belief, some guardians may dislike job involvement of these employees. In some families there is no need for additional income of female employees. Therefore, guardians of these families do not like their job involvement.Out of 128 executives and managers, 46=18=64(50%) respondents expressed their opinions in favor of the statement. Rather they are more interested to their involvement with the family activities. In most of the cases, female workers suffer from work-family conflict as they cannot deploy more time for the family tasks and maintenance of small babies. As a result, they have to leave the jobs. In some cases, for nothing, guardian of some families do not allow female members for work.

Principles to be followed for Settling Work-Family Conflict

Table-2: Opinions of respondents about the principles to be followed for settling work family conflict.

Sl. / Principles / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / Total
1 / Realization of need of family / 3 / 1 / 12 / 46 / 47 / 109
2 / Religious bindings should be taken into consideration / 2 / 7 / 29 / 42 / 26 / 106
3 / Recognition of talents / 3 / 6 / 29 / 45 / 25 / 108
4 / No ego-feelings / 4 / 7 / 15 / 44 / 36 / 106
5 / Free from suspicious acts / 3 / 7 / 24 / 40 / 29 / 103
6 / Unfair involvement with financial matters / 22 / 13 / 26 / 24 / 16 / 101
7 / Conflict with colleagues / 30 / 14 / 7 / 19 / 09 / 79
8 / No inferiority complex of spouse / 6 / 12 / 27 / 42 / 18 / 105

Source: Survey * Some respondents did not fill up some questions.

A few principles are expected to be followed for settling work-family conflict. These principles should be followed by both the employees suffering from conflict and family members. The suggested principles are pointed out as: be tolerant to the family objections, consider the reasons explained, try to be careful about family issues, consider the cause of expenditure, don’t do anything which can create suspicion, don’t raise any suspicion, and don’t be involved with unethical affairs. During the present survey, the respondents were asked about the principles to be followed for minimizing or setting work-family conflict in Bangladesh. They have opined a number of principles to be followed which are shown in Table-2.

According to the above table, out of maximum 109 executives and managers 47(43%) respondents strongly agreed and 46 (42%) simply agreed that realization of need of family can reduce work-family conflict substantially. 42(40%) respondents strongly agreed that religious bindings should be taken into consideration for the settlement of work-family conflict and 26(25%) respondents plainly supported the statement ' recognition of talents' can help a lot for the settlement of work-family conflict. Avoiding ego-feelings may be of immense help to reduce work-family conflict in an organization and this statement has been supported by 44(42%) respondents as the Table shows. The same opinion has been strongly supported by 36(34%) respondents. Employees should be free from suspicious acts during and after working hour if they really want to avoid work-family conflict. This opinion has been expressed by 40(39%)respondents but 23(23%) maintained silence during the survey. Unfair involvement with financial matters can hamper good work-family relations. So employees who can ignore unfair involvement with financial matters can easily avoid work-family conflict. This statement has been supported by 24(24%) respondents as the Table glances. But 22+13=35(34%) did not agree with the statement. 19+9=28(35%) respondents strongly agreed and 30+14= 44 (56%) did not agree that conflict with colleagues should be any principle to be followed to reduce work-family conflict. The last principle 'No inferiority complex of spouse' can also help manage work-family conflict in an organization as supported by 42+18=60 (57%) respondents according to our above Table.

In our religion Islam, strict instruction has been given to maintain good relations with all family members. If all family members recognize talents of persons, definitely work-family conflict may be brought into minimum. If any party or both the parties follow these principles, there is a possibility to minimize or avoid the work-family conflict. With high integrity, they can maintain this at a tolerable limit.

Suggestions for Managing Work-Family Conflict

Conflict can escalate when the people involved are too angry to listen to each other. If all these suggestions are strictly followed it can be hoped that work-family conflict can be reduced or settled. These suggestions include the following: work out if the issue is worth fighting over, try to separate the problem from the person, try to cool off first if you feel too angry to talk calmly, keep in mind that the idea is to resolve the conflict, do not try to win the argument, remember that the other party isn’t obliged to always agree with you on everything, define the problem and stick to the topic, respect the other person’s point of view by paying attention and listening, talk clearly and reasonably, try to find points of common ground, try to listen, try to stay calm, Try to put emotions aside, don’t interrupt the other person while they are speaking, actively listen to what they are saying and what they mean, check that you understand them by asking questions, communicate your side of the story clearly and honestly, resist the urge to bring up other unresolved but unrelated issues and the like.

Models of Work–Family Conflict

A few models have been devised on work-family conflict. These models have identified a good number of causes of work-family conflict and solutions to the problems of that. These models are shown below:

A. Predictive Model of Work-Family Conflict

The growing interest in understanding fully the interface of work and family roles and their antecedents has stimulated the development of a predictive model of work-family conflict. In this model, it is predicted that the expectations surrounding each of the different roles a person performs can generate inter role conflict. The inter role conflict occurs because it is not possible for the focal person to satisfy all expectations of his or her work and family roles since each role requires time, energy and commitment (Khan et al., 1964). This conflict perspective stems from the scarcity hypothesis which assumes that individuals have limited time and energy. The author acknowledges that work and family are the two central spheres in most adults’ lives and the interdependence of these two spheres or systems for the dual-career family as proposed by Pleck (1977) in his concept of the work-family role system. Recognizing the bidirectional nature of the inter role conflict construct two distinct types of conflict, namely, work-to-family conflict and family-to-work conflict are included in the framework.

B. Role Conflict Model

Kopelman et al.(1983) provided a conflict model which proposed that work conflict and family conflict had a positive relationship with inter role conflict and the these three kinds of conflict individually had a negative relationship with job and family satisfaction; at last the job and life satisfaction were related to life satisfaction positively. In this model, work-family conflict is based on role conflict. This model views work-family conflict statically which regards work and family separately.

C. Sex Difference Model

Higgins, Duxbury and Irving (1992) extended the previous model and developed a more extensive and complete one. They added two more antecedent variables, which are role involvement and role expectation. As to the consequence variables, they also substituted quality of work and family life for job and family satisfaction in order to eliminate the weakness–the lack of a significant relationship between work-family conflict and job and family satisfaction.

Higgins, Duxbury and Irving(1992)paid attention to sex difference in work-family conflict. Afterward many researchers study the sex effects to conflict. Addition of role involvement and role expectation makes it possible to view work-family conflict in the sight of sociology. Social judgment for men usually comes from work role. If men involve much in family, it will differ from social expectation which will lead to work-family conflict in a high degree. Social judgment for women usually comes from family role. If women involve much in work, it will differ from social expectation which will lead to work-family conflict in a high degree.