Each learner undertaking a Diploma at any level must complete a minimum of 10 days’ work experience.
Work experience is defined as: ‘A placement with an employer in which a young person carries out a task - or range of tasks - and duties in much the same way as an employee with the emphasis on learning from the experience.’
Work experience is one form of work-related learning. Other forms include visits to employers’ premises, project work, business mentoring, mock interviews and enterprise activities. These are all described in the new Work-Related Learning Guide, available on the DCSF website
The Myth / The TruthThere aren’t enough work experience placements to support Diplomas.
A vast increase in employer placements is needed to make Diplomas work / Not true. In 2006/07 over 470,000 took place at Key Stage 4 alone. Schools and colleges organise about 50,000 more directly. But Diploma delivery may mean that a greater range, depth and quality of work experience placements, including for 16-18s is required in particular areas and sectors/occupations. Building on what is currently available, we believe this is achievable. Work is in hand, through the network of Education Business Partnership Organisations, to make sure we maintain this level of success in the long term.
There might be enough work experience placements in general, but there aren’t enough for each Diploma line. / Not true. Overall, based on 2006/07 data we have many more placements currently available than will be needed to accommodate diploma learners.
Construction and built environment: 3,054 learners, 22,196 placements;
Creative and Media: 5,943 learners, 13,094 placements;
Engineering: 4,232 learners, 7,308;
Health, Society and Development: 3,235 learners, 44,395 placements.
Information Technology is used in all sectors.
The total number of placements, over 470,000, will provide ample opportunities.
Work is in hand, through the network of Education Business Partnership Organisations, to make sure we maintain this level of success in the long term.
Learners can only gain the learning outcomes they need in a directly relevant sector. / Wherever practicable work experience for Diploma students should be in a relevant setting and sector supporting their overall learning programme. The data we have shows that this can be done. Bear in mind also that many employers such as large multi-nationals, local authorities and the health trusts have a very diverse workforce and wide range of opportunities for young people.
Other forms of work-related learning, for example a presentation from an employer, can count toward the work experience requirement within Diplomas. / Not true. Work experience is work experience and to complete their Diploma young people must take part in it. We strongly recommend that other forms of work-related learning should complement work experience for Diploma students.
A paper round can count as work experience. / Not true. Work experience is 'a placement with an employer in which a young person carries out a task - or range of tasks - and duties in much the same way as an employee with the emphasis on learning from the experience.’ The emphasis of a paper round is not on learning, it is on delivering papers. A paper round is not, therefore, work experience.
Other forms of work-related learning aren’t necessary within a Diploma. / No. A full range of work-related learning opportunities should feature in Diplomas alongside, but not as a substitute for work experience.
There isn’t any support available for schools and colleges to help them find employers willing to offer work experience placements. / Yes there is. Education Business Partnership Organisations exist to help schools and colleges work with employers. DCSF provides £25m per year via the LSC to support this activity. Many schools and colleges also have their own established links with employers to support their programmes of work experience.
Work experience is all making tea and sweeping up and is generally of poor quality. / Not true. Independent evaluations done by the CBI (Time Well Spent report) and Ofsted and QCA (all 2007) confirm that the vast majority of work experience is greatly valued by learners and employers, and greatly enjoyed too.
The work experience must be with one employer in a block at the end of June. / As long as a minimum of 10 days’ work experience is completed by the learner it does not matter how it is organised. It might be with more than one employer. What is important is that it is carried out and that it is an integral part of the Diploma learning programme.
There is no link between the work experience placement and the Diploma curriculum and course of study / Schools, colleges and employers should ensure there are sound links. Half of Diploma Principal Learning must be applied and practical learning. Diploma Additional and Specialist Learning modules may be of a wholly practical nature. And projects undertaken by Diploma students can be linked to work-related learning and work experience placements.
Young People: Qualifications Strategy and Reform Directorate
June 2008
Work Experience Data - 2006/07
The data below is the total volume of brokered work experience placements for 2006-07. It therefore excludes placements organised directly by schools and colleges together with those organised beyond Key Stage 4 for learners aged 16-19.
MALE / FEMALE / SEN / ANNUAL TOTALYear 10 / Year 11 / Year 10 / Year 11
Land Based and Environment / 7,907 / 1,806 / 7,816 / 1,822 / 716 / 19,973
Construction and Built Environment / 15,124 / 4,029 / 1,481 / 277 / 763 / 22,196
Engineering inc. Vehicle Trades / 19,207 / 4,369 / 1,381 / 283 / 835 / 26,678
Science / 1,804 / 486 / 1,136 / 326 / 81 / 4,076
Engineering/Manufacturing / 4,933 / 1,462 / 694 / 179 / 221 / 7,308
Manufacturing / 5,050 / 1,181 / 1,107 / 194 / 160 / 7,817
Creative and Media / 4,830 / 1,414 / 5,047 / 1,343 / 250 / 13,094
Retail / 31,766 / 8,782 / 26,859 / 6,393 / 1,911 / 76,190
Business Administration and Financial / 27,136 / 7,598 / 22,919 / 6,396 / 850 / 66,261
Hair and Beauty / 1,449 / 725 / 16,161 / 3,680 / 652 / 22,318
Hospitality and Catering/Travel and Tourism / 4,027 / 1,308 / 4,527 / 1,376 / 207 / 12,002
Hospitality and Catering / 6,656 / 1,842 / 5,765 / 1,645 / 462 / 15,908
Sport and Leisure/Travel and Tourism / 12,837 / 3,036 / 7,379 / 2,372 / 460 / 26,793
Health and Social Care / 7,695 / 4,401 / 24,558 / 5,549 / 612 / 44,395
Public Services / 13,475 / 3,524 / 34,112 / 7,775 / 1,292 / 59,701
Other / 14,553 / 3,180 / 20,886 / 3,591 / 1,333 / 47,193
Total / 178,449 / 49,143 / 181,828 / 43,201 / 10,805 / 471,903