Adventure Kids Child Care Corp. Swipe Card Policy

  1. If your child is enrolled on a Full Time Basis your child MUSTattend a minimum of 25 hours per week Sunday-Saturday.
  2. If your child is enrolled on a Part Time Basis your child MUSTattend a minimum of 7 hours per week Sunday-Saturday.
  3. You are required to swipe your card at every arrival and departure.
  4. If you do not have your swipe card at arrival you will be given one warning. This warning will be documented in ProCare. If you attempt to drop off your child again without your swipe card you will be denied entrance into the building and will not be permitted to drop your child off until you have returned with your swipe card. There is no exception to the rule.
  5. No Swipe Card = No Entrance
  6. If someone other than yourself is picking up or dropping off your children it is your responsibility to ensure that they have the swipe card and pin to complete the required swipe.
  7. If your child does not attend the center for their required minimums more than 2 times in a 12 month period they will be dis-enrolled and no longer be allowed to attend the center. Their enrollment spot will be given to the next child on the waiting list and you will be required to re-enroll your child if you would like them to attend. The only exception to this rule is if your child is sick and you submit written documentation from the doctor stating the reason why and the scheduled return date and/or if you have completed a vacation notification form and turned it in to the Enrollment Director.
  8. A list will be created based off your enrollment status. The list will be created weekly. The list will be determined by checking to see if your child has attended the required minimums. If it is discovered that you have not met your minimums requirement your child will be added to the failure to meet list. If your name is on the list you will receive written notification that you have failed to meet your minimums. If you do not agree with being on the list please schedule an appointment to meet with the Enrollment Director and go over your swipes to clarify how it was determined that you failed to meet your minimums.
  9. At THIS CENTER we do not Swipe Cards and we do not steal time nor ask you to do anything outside of our company policy or state licensing rules. Our policy is very simple. Attend the minimums & swipe daily, if you can’t do that,then your child care will be terminated until you can follow our Center policies. Please do not EVER give your swipe card to anyone at our center.

Parent Signature: / Date