Work Cited In Other Publications

"Divorce and Female Labor Force Participation: Evidence from Time-Series Data and Cointegration," with R. G. Kesselring, Atlantic Economic Journal, 32(3), September 2004, 174 - 189.

[5]Sakata, Kei and C. R. McKenzie, “The Impact of Divorce Precedents on the Japanese Divorce Rate,” MathematicsandComputersinSimulation, May 2009, 79(9), 2917-2926.

[4]No, Sung Chul, Donald Andrews, and Ashagre Yigletu, “Dynamic Analysis of Income and Independence Effect of African American Female Labor Force Participation on Divorce,” AtlanticEconomicJournal, June 2007, 35(2), 159-171.

[3]Burnstein, Nancy, “Economic Influences on Marriage and Divorce,” JournalofPolicyAnalysisandManagement, Spring 2007, 26(2), 387-429.

[2]Stroe-Kunold, Esther and Joachim Werner, “Are Psychological Processes Cointegrated? Present Role and Future Perspectives of Cointegration Methodology in Psychological Research,” PsychologischeRundschau, 2007, 58(4), 225-237.

[1]Randall Kesselring and Dale Bremmer, “Female Income and the Divorce Decision: Evidence from Micro Data,” Applied Economics, 38(14), August 2006, 1593-1603.

William Seyfried and Dale Bremmer, "Inflation Targeting as a Framework for Monetary Policy: A Cross-Country Analysis," TheAustralianEconomicReview, 36(3), September 2003, 291-299.

[1]Ozdemif, Metin and Selim Tuzunturk, “Is Price Stability Enough? Macroeconomic Performance of Inflation Targeting in Developing Countries,” InternationalJournalofSustainableEconomy, 2009, 1(4), 352-372.

William Seyfried and Dale Bremmer, "Analyzing Fed Behavior Using a Dynamic Taylor-Type Rule,” JournalofEconomicsandFinance,Spring 2001, 25(1), 23-32.

[1]Banach, Greg, “Expansion of the European Central Bank: A Merger of Equals?” InternationalResearchJournalofFinanceandEconomics, September 2008, Issue 19, 150-166.

Dale S. Bremmer and Randall G. Kesselring, "The Advertising Effect of University Athletic Success: A Reappraisal of the Evidence," TheQuarterlyReviewofEconomicsandFinance, Winter 1993, 33(4), 409-421.

[11]Pope, Devin G. and Jaren C. Pope, “The Impact of College Sports Success on the Quantity and Quality of Student Applications,” SouthernEconomicJournal, January 2009, 75(3), 750-780.

[10]Trenkamp, Brad A., “Does the Advertising Effect of Athletics Impact Academic Rankings?” AppliedEconomicLetters, 2009, 16(4), 373-378.

[9]Smith, D. Randall, “College Football and Student Quality: An Advertising Effect or Culture and Tradition?” AmericanJournalofEconomicsandSociology, April 2009, 68(2), 553-579.

[8]Smith, D. Randall, “Big-Time College Basketball and the Advertising Effect: Does Success Really Matter?” JournalofSportsEconomics, August 2008, 9(4), 387-406.

[7]Tucker, Irvin B. and L. Ted Amato, “A Reinvestigation of the Relationship between Big-Time Basketball Success and Average SAT Scores,” JournalofSportsEconomics, November 2006, 7(4), 428-440.

[6]Tucker, Irvin B., “Big-Time Pigskin Success,” JournalofSportsEconomics, May 2005, 6(2), 222-229.

[5]Mixon, F. G., L. J. Trevino, and T. C. Minto, “Touchdowns and Test Scores: Exploring the Relationship Between Athletics and Academics,” AppliedEconomicsLetters, 2004, 11(7), 421-424.

[4]Goff, B., “Effects of University Athletics on the University: A review and Extension of Empirical Assessment,” JournalofSportManagement, April 2000, 14(2), 85-104.

[3]Saint-German, M. and J. Harvey, “Components and Measurement of the Sport Industrial Cluster in Canada Through Simulations,” SocietyandLeisure, 1998, 21(1), 245-275.

[2]Mixon, F. G. and R. W. Ressler, “Athletics versus Academics? Rejoining the Evidence from SAT Scores,” EducationEconomics, December 1995, 3(3), 277-283.

[1]Mixon, F. G. and R. W. Ressler, “An Empirical Note on the Impact of College Athletics on Tuition Revenues,” AppliedEconomicsLetters, October 1995, 2(10), 383-387.

Dale S. Bremmer and Michael Mazur, "Monopolists that Advertise with Recyclable Free Samples: Beware of Professors Selling Gifts?” SouthernEconomicJournal, April 1993, 59(4), 803- 807.

[4]Kamp, B., “Complimentarily Yours: Free Examination Copies and Textbook Prices: Comment,” InternationalJournalofIndustrialOrganization, July 1998, 16(4), 527-533.

[3]Bremmer, Dale S., "Monopolists that Advertise with Recyclable Free Samples: Beware of Professors Selling Gifts? A Reply." SouthernEconomicJournal, January 1996, 62(3), 780-782.

[2]Cheung, F. and X. Wang, “Monopolists that Advertise with Recyclable Free Samples: Beware of Professors Selling Gifts? Comment,” SouthernEconomicJournal, January 1996, 62(3), 778-779.

[1]Saffran, Bernard, “Recommendations for Further Reading,” JournalofEconomicPerspectives, Autumn 1993, 7(4), 223-230.