/ Social Studies4.3 Fiction/Nonfiction
- Words with multiple meanings
- Word origins: synonyms, antonyms, homonyms
- Context
- Glossary
- Dictionary
- Thesaurus
- Author’s purpose
- Choice of language, setting, and information contributes to author’s purpose
- Major events/supporting details
- Text Connections
- Formulate questions prior to reading
- Explain author’s purpose
- Draw conclusions
- Inferences
- Summarize
- Important ideas/details
- Identify new information gained from reading
- Text Connections
- Verb tenses
- Plural nouns/verbs
- Possessives
- Double negatives
- Sentences
- Sentence punctuation
- Comma usage/Articles
- Adjectives/adverbs
- Prepositional phrases
- Subject verb agreement
- Quotation marks
- Sensory Words
- Compound and Run On Sentences
- Synonyms
- Antonyms
- Homonyms/Homophones
- Context Clues for meaning
- Reference Materials
- Writing plan (all year)
- Write several related paragraphs
- Word choice
- Rhymed/unrhymed poetry
- Writing domains (all year)
- Note taking
- Technology usage
- Focus, organize and elaborate for an effective message
- Specific vocabulary and vivid word choice, various lengths of sentences
4..1 b,c,e
- Contribute to group discussions
- Seek ideas and opinions of others
- Grammaticallycorrectlanguage and specific vocabulary to communicate ideas
- Listen to and record information
- Organize information for clarity
- Observations, conclusions, inferences, and predictions;
- Hypotheses variables
- Measure linear distance, volume, mass, and temperature;
- Metric measures are used to collect, record, and report data;
- Bar and basic line graphs;
- Predictions are made based on data from picture graphs, bar graphs, and basic line graphs
4.2 Force, Motion, and Energy
Characteristics and interaction of moving objects.
- motion is described by an object’s direction and speed;
- forces cause changes in motion;
- friction is a force that opposes motion; and
- moving objects have kinetic energy.
- Meteorological tools and measurements including barometer, anemometer, rain gauge, and a thermometer
- Fronts-cold, warm, stationary
- Clouds-cirrus, cumulus, stratus, nimbus
- Storms-thunderstorms, tornadoes, hurricanes
- Precipitation types
- Weather prediction using data and instruments
- Describe and create geometric and numerical patterns using tables, symbols, words, concrete materials and number lines
- Recognize, write, and demonstrate equivalent quantities and the equal sign in the equation
- Investigate and describe the associative property of addition and multiplication
- Predict the likelihood of a simple event
- Represent probability as a number between 0-1, inclusive
- Collect, organize, display, and interpret data from graphs
- Divide whole numbers with and without remainders
- Multiply whole numbers
- Common Multiples and Factors
- Add and subtract fractions with like and unlike denominators limited to 2,3,5,6,8,10,12
- Simplify the resulting fractions with common multiples and factors
- Solve single and multi step problems involving addition and subtraction with fractions
- Algonquian/Siouan/Iroquoian
- Coastal Plain Tribes
- Eastern Woodland Indians
- First permanent English settlement
- Charters from the King
- Effects of colonization
- How geography influenced the decision to settle at Jamestown
- Charters of VA Company
- VA Assembly (burgesses)
- Woman and Africans
- Tobacco economy
- Hardships
- Changes that ensured survival
- Interactions with Powhatan
- Pocahontas
- Cash crops
- Agriculture
- Economy
- Tobacco
- Role of Africans
- Slave labor
- Cultural landscape (barns, homes, churches)
- Place names/culture
- Settlement areas: Tidewater, Piedmont, Appalachian Plateau, Shenandoah Valley
- Relocation of Virginia’s capital: Williamsburg
- Contaminated water, disease, fire, elevation
- Williamsburg to Richmond: location, risk of attack
Life in VA Colony
- Money
- Barter
- Credit debt
- Saving
- No banks
- Indian
- English
- African
- Why colonies went to war