- «Addictions» vocabulary:
Words to talk and write about addictions
A. Vérifier que le vocabulaire est bien compris:
Words and Expressions
An addiction = une dépendanceto be addicted to = être dépendant de ...
an addict = un drogué de ...
addictive = addictif (qui rend dépendant)
Compulsive: compulsif / obsessionnel / to be (get)hooked on = être/devenir accro à ...
to kick / break the habit = arrêter
to quit V-ing = arrêter de (V)
to overcome an addiction = surmonter / se libérer d’une addiction
Internet addictionis a problem.He is addicted tocomputer games. He is a real television addict. Gambling can become addictive. / She is hooked on gambling.
He smokes, but he wants to kick the habit.
It is difficult to overcome an addiction.
He's a pachinkoholic. He tried to overcome this addiction, but it's hard to break the habit. / I think she's a chocoholic. She seems addicted to chocolate. / She is definitely a shopaholic.
It is clear she is hooked on shopping.
Using suffixes (word endings) to make nouns:
You can use the endings -oholic or -aholic to say a person is an addict.
ALCOHOL > alcoholic
WORK >workaholic
WEB > webaholic
Some adjectives used to describe an addict:
addicted to > I’m addicted to chocolate. = dépendant au chocolat
dependent (on) > I’m dependent on the internet.Dépendant à internet
hooked on > I’m hooked on playing video-games. = accro aux jeux vidéo
Compulsive > I’m a compulsive drinker. = Un buveur compulsif
He is addicted to the Internet.She is a compulsive shopper. / He is dependent on alcohol.
She's hooked on chocolate.
Some verbs used to talk about addictions:
To SPEND time V-ing > I spend all my weekends playing games. = je passe mon temps à (V)
Can’t HELP V-ing > I can’t help eating chocolate all the time. = je ne peux pas m’empêcher de (V)
To LONG to ... / for ... > When I’m at work, I long to be back at home to play. = Je meurs d’envie de rentrer ...
.., I long for my computer. = J’ai une envie irrépressible de ...
To CRAVE for ... > For me, chocolate is a drug. I often crave for a piece of chocolate. = Je crève d’envie de ...
Some expressions of time used to talk about addictions:
ALWAYS > I always drink.TOUJOURS
EVERY 5 MINUTES = toutes les 5 minutes
MUCH + singulier MANY + pluriel = beaucoup de ...
Too MUCH / too MANY = trop de ...
LITTLE + sing. FEW + plur. = PEU de ...
Too LITTLE ... / too FEW ... = trop PEU de ...
Not ENOUGH ... = pas assez de ...
15 times A day = 15 fois PAR jour
B. Corriger l’exercice de traduction:
a. I’m addicted to nicotine.
b. I’m hooked on coffee.
c. Drug addicts can’t stop taking/consuming drugs.
d. I can’t hep checking my e-mails every 10 minutes.
e. Our son spends all his time playing online.
f. Internet addicts need to be connected all the time.
g. I play 5 hours a day.
h. I drink too much alcohol and too little water.
i. I eat too many sweets/candies and not enough vegetables.
j. They check their e-mails 40 times a day.
k. I spend most of my time playing, but I can quit/break the habit whenever I want.
l. You don’t sleep enough, and you play too much.
- Gaming addiction:
- What is it?
Concentrate on the first paragraph and complete this summary (=résumé)
A video game ... is a person who ... so much time playing that it causes problems in his ...
Also, we can say that a person is a gaming addict when his habit prevents him/her from ... at school or being involved in a ...
prevent someone from V-ing = empêcher qqn de (V)
be involved in ... = s’impliquer/s’investir dans ...
Now have a look at the list of symptoms of gaming addiction and answer the following questions:
What do video game addicts do when they’re not at school?
They ...
Consequences on school-life?
Their ... become suddenly very bad.
They have difficulty concentrating because ...
They lie when people ask them about ...
Instead of seeing ..., they prefer to ...
They get ... when they can’t play.
- The most addictive video games:
Spot (=repère) two very addictive games in each categary:
Three complicated games:
Two simple games:
Why is the game «World of Warcraft» also called «World of Warcrack»?
- Importance of the video game industry:
(just the introduction)
From an economic point of view, why can we say that the gaming industry is very powerful?
We can say that the gaming industry is very powerful because ...
What do these numbers correspond to?
5 million?
- Example of a gaming addict:
Age when he started playing video games?
Why did his friends get out of the room?
Age when he became a gaming addict?
Why is it exciting for Kieran to play «online»?
What does he answer when his dad invites him to see a football match?
What were the first three consequences of his addiction?
What did he do when he was 15 years old?
What solution did they find to help Kieran overcome his addiction?
- Are you addicted to gaming?
Do the test and see if your situation is worrying (=inquiétante)
So? Are you addicted to gaming?