Weeks of October 3rd and 10th

Word Wall Words (reading words): play, look, is, we, to, here.

These will be introduced on Tuesday and we will continue to review and do activities with them throughout the next 2 weeks. Please practice them at home each night using the word ring your child will create in class. Students should be able to recognize and read the words by next Friday (10/14).


Monday, 10/3- No school

Tuesday, 10/4- Read for 10 minutes and work on word wall paper

Wednesday, 10/5 – Math sheet

Thursday, 10/6- Phonics review sheet


Monday, 10/10 No school

Tuesday, 10/11 Math sheet

Wednesday, 10/12 No school

Thursday, 10/13 Phonics review sheet. Return word wall paper by tomorrow.

Notes and Reminders:

▪The reading bag may be brought home on any night during the week. Please read the book, have a parent sign the sheet and return it the next day.

▪Please check the sharing schedule to remind your child when it is his/her turn.

▪Please use the login information that was handed out at Back to School night and try to log onto Think Central. It is a great resource and a way to review math skills at home. Please don’t work ahead of where we are in class.

Overview of the next 2 Weeks:

It’s been a wonderful start to the year and we are all making new friends and enjoying our time together. Many of our friends have been “Student of the Day” and have received their “King” or “Queen” books. The others are anxiously waiting for their special day!

In Language Arts, we will enjoy a few new stories for the week including, big books, books by Eric Carle, fall stories, and many leveled books. As we read these stories, students will work on comprehension skills, with an emphasis on cause and effect and evaluating a story. Over the next 2 weeks, we will be focusing on the short /i/ sound. Students will be able to associate the sound of the short /i/ with the letter i. We will blend with the word families (graphemic base) –it, -in, -ig.

During Reader’s Workshop, we will also work on reading partnerships. During reading partnerships, the students may be asked to turn and talk with a focus, (talk about funny parts, sad parts, confusing parts, parts that surprised us or the characters) and/or partner read (share one book and take turns reading).

In Writing, we will continue to develop writing skills as students write in their journals, write in response to what they read, and begin writer’s workshop. During Writer’s Workshop, we will focus on how writers get their ideas. In writer’s workshop, we willspend some time on locating and using writing supplies and continue to address routines/procedures such as using the paper drawers, our writing folders, etc. The focus will be on improving the quality of their writing by adding details and zooming in on a small moment.

In Math this week, we will continue Chapter 2: Operations and Algebraic Thinking with a focus on Subtraction Concepts. The students will use pictures to show “taking from” and find differences. They will also use concrete objects to solve “taking from” subtraction problems. We will continue to solve taking from and taking apart subtraction problems using the strategy “make the model”. We will also compare pictorial groups to understand subtraction. The following math words will be discussed minus, difference, subtract, compare, fewer, more.

In Science we will continue with our first unit Balance and Motion. We will complete our study of balance and begin investigating motion using spinners (tops, zoomers, and twirlers).

In Social Studies, we will learn about Christopher Columbus. Students will learn about the contributions of Christopher Columbus and why he is a famous explorer. We will finish up our discussions early next week.

As part of the school wide initiative in character education, we finish up our school wide character education lessons. All our discussions and lessons focus on kindness, being a good friend and how to best deal with conflict. Students will soon find out our district Character Education theme- be sure to ask them about it!

We were inspired by Eric Carle’s The Mixed-Up Chameleon, so we “engineered” our own mixed-up animals. Please come and see our adapted animals hanging outside our classroom.

Have a great week!