Word Study Notebook


Word Study notebook should come to school daily.

Work is dated and written in Word Study Notebook.

Work is homework unless otherwise indicated.

Word Sorts are kept in baggie. Sorts are glued in notebook during the second week of practice.

Writing is neat.

Word sorting is easy! Think deeply about why you sorted and develop a clear generalization that is written in complete sentences.

When thinking about spelling generalizations:

Look at spelling patterns (beginnings, vowels/consonants, endings).

Sort by long and short vowel sounds.

Count Syllables.

Look out for suffixes and prefixes.

Think about root words.

Determine accented syllabication.

Words Their Way Schedule

Week 1: In class during Week 1, teacher will introduce new sort.

Monday: You will receive a new sort(word list) and two dictation sentences every other Friday in the homework packet. You will get a double copy of your list. At home do the following:

  • Date and glue one of the lists in your notebook.
  • Cut apart the word sort neatly.
  • Read each word and say aloud and decide how you will sort
  • Write each word in your notebook carefully according to how you sorted them

Tuesday: Sort list and write an explanation of what you noticed and why you sorted them the way you did. Start practicing dictation sentences.

Wednesday: Select 5 words and write words in great 3rd grade sentences complete with capitalization and punctuation. Each sentence should have a who (person), what (action), and why (detail).

Thursday: Speed sort your words. Then sort them into alphabetical order and rewrite in your notebook.


Week 2

Monday: Take a practice spelling test. You will have a spelling test on Friday. You will be given 12 words, but you don’t know which twelve so study all of them this week. You are also responsible to write the dictation sentences correctly. Study this week as needed.

Tuesday: In your reading, find 5 to 10 examples of the pattern or rule you are working on this week.

Wednesday: Select 5 words and write words in great 3rd grade sentences complete with capitalization and punctuation. Each sentence should have a who (person), what (action), and why (detail). Be sure that the words are not the same words as last week’s sentences.

Thursday: Have someone give you a practice spelling and dictation test. Be able to identify the rule or generalization that each word follows. Rewrite any misspelled words three times. Continue to practice if needed. Glue words in your notebook according to how you sorted them.

Friday: Assessment given at school.