English II – 2013-14

E. Cole, L. Feroben, L. Lansdale, B. Twillie

The outside reading novel for this nine weeks is Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson.

August 8/9
Thursday/Friday / Getting to know you. Policies/Procedures etc.
August 12/13
Monday/Tuesday / BR: 1.1 (Capitalization)
Housekeeping, fees, etc.
Musee des Beaux Arts Poem/Prezi Visual/Discussion
Essential Questions:
-How does a person’s indifference to someone else’s struggle affect the struggler?
-Does being indifferent to other’s struggles make us bad people?
HW: Complete Discussion Questions 1-4
August 14/15
Wednesday/Thursday / BR: 1.2 (Quotation Marks)
Diagnostic Test
Essential Questions:
-In what ways can we use prior knowledge to meet current expectations?
August 16/17
Friday/Monday / BR: 1.3 (Capitalization and Quotation Marks)
Complete Diagnostic Test
Essential Questions:
-In what ways can we use prior knowledge to meet current expectations?
August 20/21
Tuesday/Wednesday / BR – Grammar Quiz #1
Begin Speak (pgs. 3-17) “Welcome to Merryweather High” – “Home. Work.”
Journal Entry #1
Read Chapter 1
Learning Activity One: Defining Survival/Vocab Builder (ongoing)
Essential Questions:
-What happens in the cafeteria that makes Melinda run out of the lunchroom?
-How is Melinda’s attitude in her class different from her attitude in her other classes?
-Describe the globe Mr. Freeman uses in his class, and explain its purpose.
-Describe how the students at MHS treat Melinda.
HW: Portfolio #7 – Point of View
Outside Reading (Pages 17-29) “Our Fearless Leader” – “Devils Destroy”
August 22/23
Thursday/Friday / BR – 1.4 (Active and Passive Voice)
Journal Entry #2
Read Speak (pgs. 29-46) “Cheerleaders” – “Nightmare”
Learning Activity Two: Picking a Voice
Essential Questions:
-How does Melinda’s family communicate?
-Describe Melinda’s new hiding place at school.
-What did Melinda do that has caused everyone at school to hate her?
-What book does Melinda read on Halloween instead of going trick-or-treating?
HW: Portfolio #9 – Tone/Diction
Outside Reading (Pages 49-56) “Go (Fill In the Blank” – “First Amendment”
August 26/27
Monday/Tuesday / BR – 1.5 (Active and Passive Voice)
Journal Entry #3
Read Speak (pgs. 57-68) “Giving Thanks” – “First Amendment, Second Verse”
Learning Activity Three: Clans, Cliques and Outsiders
Essential Questions:
-Explain why David Petrakis walks out of Mr. Neck’s class.
-Why does David video his Social Studies class?
-What animal does Melinda compare herself to when she sees Andy and why?
HW: Portfolio #3 – Characterization
Outside Reading (Pages 69-78) “Wombats Rule” – “Coloring Outside the Lines”
August 28/29
Wednesday/Thursday / BR – 1.6 (Verb Tenses)
Journal Entry #4
Read Speak (pgs. 79-92) “Poster Child” – “Dark Art”
Learning Activity Four: Learning to Speak about the Elephant
Essential Questions:
-What unique artistic method does she take from Picasso and apply to her tree?
-What is Melinda’s reward for going to class a full week?
-Describe Melinda’s conflict over the party David is throwing to celebrate the basketball victory.
HW: Portfolio #5 – Conflict
Outside Reading (Pages 95-107) “Death of the Wombat” to “Lunch Doom”
September 2
Monday / School Holiday
Aug 30/Sept 3
Friday/Tuesday / BR – Grammar Quiz #2
Journal Entry #5
Read Speak (pgs. 107-118) “Conjugate This” – “Miss”
Learning Activity Five: I’m Nobody
Essential Questions:
-What are Heather’s reasons for not wanting Melinda to have lunch with her anymore?
-Who gives Melinda a Valentine’s Day card and why?
HW: Portfolio #4 – Character Analysis
Outside Reading (Pages 118-132) “Picasso” – “Stupid Stupid”
Sept 4/5
Wednesday/Thursday / BR – 1.7 (Emphatic Form)
Journal Entry #6
Read Speak (pgs. 133- 136) “A Night to Remember”
Learning Activity Six: Friendship
Essential Questions:
-What was Melinda’s initial reaction to Andy when he approached her at the party?
-How does Ivy offer Melinda help?
HW: Continue to work on Portfolio
Outside Reading (Pages 141-152) “Exterminators” – “Thin Atmosphere”
Sept 6/9
Friday/Monday / BR – 1.8 (Perfect Tenses)
Read Speak (pgs. 152-165) “Growing Pains” – “Oprah, Sally Jessy, Jerry and Me”
Learning Activity Seven: The Interior Monologue
Essential Questions:
-Using details from the text, describe Melinda’s conflict over whether or no to warn Rachel about Andy?
-How does Melinda warn Rachel about Andy?
HW: Continue to work on Portfolio
Outside Reading (Pages 165-180) “Real Spring” – “Communication 101”
Sept 10/11
Tuesday/Wednesday / BR – 1.9 (Comma Rules)
Read Speak (pgs. 184-198) “Chat Room” – “Final Cut”
Review Theme – Portfolio #8 – Write paragraph
Introduce paper topic–“The Tree”–Learning Activity Eight (Symbolism)
Portfolio #11 – Text Structure (4 paragraphs)
-What event prompts Melinda to go home, crawl in the closet, bury her face in her clothes and scream at the top of her lungs?
-What happened to the people who were supposed to help Heather decorate for prom?
-Where does Melinda go on her first bike ride?
HW: Continue to work on Final Paper – Due September 19/20