Word Study Homework

Word Sort
Sort the words into the categories we did in school. Read each word aloud. Explain to your parent why the words are sorted that particular way- what does the sort reveal about spelling in general? Sort the words several times. Do not glue your words in your notebook. / Write your words
Write each of your words under the correct heading 3x’s in your notebook.
ABC Order
First, sort your word cards.
Then, in your notebook, write each word under the correct heading in ABC order. / Blind Sort
Correctly sort your words without looking at your word cards. Your partner should read aloud each word, say it in a sentence, and say the word again. Write each word under the correct header. Complete this activity in your notebook.
Value Words
All Vowels = 5pts (a, e, i, o, u)
r, s, t = 10
m, n, p = 2
j, k, l = 7
b, c, d = 6
f, g, h = 4
q, v, w = 3
x, y, z = 8 / Word Hunt
While you are reading, hunt for words that follow the pattern of your sort. Find 3 words per column. Write the words in your notebook.
Make New Words
Use your words to try the following activities:
- Write any smaller words you can see in the word
- Change any part of the word to make a new word.
- Can you make a compound word with any of your words?
You might not be able to use all of your words
*Write the new words in your notebook. / Roll and Spell
Roll the die then write your spelling word according to the matching die. Say your word out loud when you finish.

Write the word with RED.

Write the word with ORANGE.

Write the word with YELLOW.

Write the word with GREEN.

Write the word with BLUE.

Write the word with PURPLE.