January 29,2009


Word: obliterate (obliterate (ә blit´ә rãt´)

Part of Speech: verb

Meaning: remove all traces of; wipe or blot out; destroy

Sentence: The heavy rain obliterated the footprints.

Gi fino´Chamorro: des.tro.sa


REVISED ESL Team Meetings Schedule starting Jan. 27th-29th, Please review the CHANGES and mark your calendar accordingly. Thank you. Mrs. Leon Guerrero

Jan. 29, 2009 / 8A Team / 3rd Period / 16
8B Team / 4th Period / 11
8C Team / 6th Period / 10

**Teachers, please be reminded that I am implementing the lesson plan as reflected by 5.H.4. on the lesson plan format and BP 378. A recommended format will be the Essential Elements of Instruction Checklist (EEIC) which may be downloaded at our website. To minimize disruption during informal classroom observations, please post the lesson plans on the wall or place them on the teacher desks.

**Please be reminded that the Skills Assessment and Learning Accountabilitywere due on Thursday, January 22, 2009. I prefer that you email me a copy using the excel format at . Reminder letters will be sent to your boxes should I not have it in my record.

Kudos to teachers for actively engaging in yesterday’s Staff Development session. Please meet with your Interdisciplinary teams and develop your plan of action of what you want to try. I am also asking that you place the learning logs from the “Passport to Excellence” and place them in your team binder as evidence of growth.

Two Teams have submitted their at risk/retention list (6B/7C). Teams please follow up and submit for interventions (ASAP). Counselors


Attention ALL students: SBA is sponsoring the Valentine’s Dance scheduled for February 13, 2009. Tickets will be sold by SBA officers and representatives starting February 02, 2009 for only $2.

SBA will also be sponsoring the Royal Court Presentation during the day of the dance. Each team is asked to select one male and one female candidate to represent team. Royal Court candidates name must be submitted to Mr. Pama by Monday, Feb 2, 2009. Before any collection of money occurs, candidates must pick up official candidate rules form from Mr. Pama in room 5. One vote = $1.00. Twenty percent of money collected will go back to winning team account for every grade level.

--Mr. PAMA, SBA advisor

Attention ALL:

8C Jaguars is sponsoring the Valentines Balloon Gram for only $6.00,gram includes metallic balloon and friendship gram. ORDER now!!! See your 8C representatives or Ms.Pama in room 22/10 for pre-orders now. --8C Council

8TH GRADE STUDENTS: JFK Orientation is tentatively scheduled for January30, 2009, 1:00pm-2:40 pm. The alternate dates are Feb. 3 or 4, same time. --T. CHARGUALAF, Counselor

**SuperCrew Dance Show Tickets are being sold for $25.00 through SBA. Shows are Feb. 6 and Feb. 7 at the F.D.PhoenixCenter. UntalanMiddle School will receive 20% of ticket sales. See Mr. Pama in room 5 for more information.

**February 13, 2009 will be our next student activity day. Teachers, please begin planning the activities your team will be sponsoring for your students. In addition, SBA will be hosting the school dance. March dance will be hosted by 8th Grade TEAMS.

**SPIRIT WEEK clarification: Every Friday, it is UMS spirit day. Students are allowed to wear only UMS team shirts, club shirts, or UMS affiliated shirts. UMSuniform bottom is required on Spirit Fridays.

**The next PTA meeting will be on Feb. 5, 2009, 6:00 p.m., cafeteria. Everyone is encouraged to attend.

**Team 7B will be selling Valentine grams with delivery being February 13, 2009. See Mrs. Martir in Room #52 or any 7C Council Officer if you would need to place an order for your special valentine (s)!

**Friday, January 30, 2009 - Student Assembly and Team Teachers Professional Learning Community. The student assemblies will be at the gym on the following periods: 6th grade = 1st period, 7th grade = 2nd period, and 8thgrade =3rd period. The team teachers will report to the library to a designated classroom which will be announced later.