The Worcester Pool League


Rules Amended at The AGM 4th October 2009.

The committee requires the game of pool to be played in a sportsmanlike manner in accordance with Rule 1 of the World 8 Ball Pool Federation Playing Rules. Consequently, these Procedural Rules should be treated as a guide although every effort should be made to abide by them. In the case of a breach of these rules, the captain of the non-offending team may agree to overlook it (for example in the case of late arrival by a few minutes). If the twocaptains cannot agree, the WPL committee will uphold these rules.


1.1.Matches will be played on a format of six singles and three doubles frames.

1.2.A team should consist of at least six players. There is no maximum number of players allowed in one team.

1.3.A minimum of four players is required to constitute a team. A team turning out with less than four players shall forfeit the match, the match will be deemed a walkover by the opposition.

1.4. Meetings:- The league will hold a meeting for all teams on the first Sunday of the month in the playing season all teams to pay £5 in league subs and sign a attendance record. Teams that fail to attend meetings will be fined £5 and be deducted 1 point as a penalty.


2.1.Matches will take place weekly on Tuesday evenings, as detailed in the fixture list distributed by the league secretary. The official start time is 8:00pm.

2.2.All matches must be completed before the last scheduled league match date on the current fixture list to be valid.

2.3.Teams will be ready to commence within 10 minutes of the start time otherwise the team at fault will forfeit the first frame at 8:11 p.m.

2.4.The first frame having been forfeited, the second frame will be forfeit if the match has not been started 20 minutes after the match commencing.

2.5.The match will be forfeited by the offending team 30 minutes after the match commencing if they still have no players present to play the first four frames.

2.6.Any player not arriving within 1 hour of the match commencing will not be eligible to play in the match.

2.7.If, for any reason, a match cannot be completed within the scheduled session, any unplayed frames shall be void; they will not be awarded or re-arranged.

2.8.The break shall alternate between teams, with the home team breaking first.

2.9.It shall be the responsibility of the home team to cover table fees.


3.1.To qualify to play for a team in the Worcester Pool League, a player must be registered with the League for that team and not for any other team in the League.

3.2New players, May NOW be allowed to register at ANY time during the playing season. A registration form must be completed and sent with the match card, or signed on a match card with BOTH captains approving the player their name in BLOCK CAPITALS and signature. A £1 fee per player must be paid.

3.3.Any player registration, to be deemed valid, must be received by the Results Secretary no later than the result sheet for the match in which that player first competes. A Signing On Form must be completed and forwarded to the Results Secretary with the result sheet.

3.4.Should an unregistered player play in a match, and no effort is made by his/her team to register him/her on the night, that team will automatically lose the match and a 5-0 (five to nil) result will be awarded to the opposition.

3.5.According to the Licensing Law, players under the age of 18 may only play on a pool table in a pub with the landlord’s express permission. Any captain who has players under the age of 18 is advised to check with the landlord before arriving at away venues. The WPL allows players under the age of 18 to register with teams; this does NOT guarantee that these players will be allowed to play at all venues.


4.1.The league will play to the World and European Eight Ball Federation rules (World Rules)

4.2.The two minute rule for taking a shot will apply only in competition finals only.

4.3.Condition of the table - All efforts must be made on the night to ensure that the table is acceptable to both teams. A match can only be postponed due to an unfit table BEFORE the first frame has been played. Once the first frame has started, the table will be deemed “fit for play” and the match must continue to a conclusion.

4.4Ordinarily, matches cannot be rearranged for a different date or venue. However, in extenuating circumstances, the committee can be approached to sanction a change of date and/or venue. The committee will only agree to a change if BOTH captains of the teams concerned request the change.

4.5.The home team captain will name his/her players on the match card one frame at a time. The away team captain will then name his/her player to play in that frame.

4.6.Doubles partners may confer with each other at the beginning of a visit to the table. They may not confer again, after the first shot has been taken, until the visit is over.

4.7.It is customary for the home team to provide refreshments for all players. This is purely at the discretion of the home team and the venue and is not a requirement of membership.

4.8.Should a team not turn up for a match, a walkover result (5-0) will be awarded to the opposing team. (see also rule 1.3)

4.9.Once a player has played either a singles or doubles match for a team, they may not play for any other team competing in the Worcester Pool League until the following season, unless given express permission by the WPL committee. Players may change teams BUT not after the ½ season turn around. Players who change teams and play in cup rounds, will be cup tied and will not be allowed to play in any cup rounds for their new team. If a team plays a cup tied player Rule 3.4 will be applied.


5.1.Matches are to be refereed by players well versed in the rules. A home team player will referee the first frame then an away team player will referee the second frame. This format will continue until the match is finished.

5.2.In the event of a dispute the referee shall consult the playing rules before making a decision. If after consulting the rules a dispute still exists, both team captains shall consult privately and agree upon the correct action to be taken. If agreement cannot be reached, the referee’s original decision shall stand and the frame shall continue. The two team captains shall make a report in writing to the Secretary. On receipt of such a report, the league committee shall meet and rule on the correct course of action.

5.3.Any disputes about individual frames are not in themselves reason enough for a match to be abandoned. Any team refusing to complete a match because of such a dispute will forfeit any outstanding frames.

5.4.No serving committee member will we allowed to sit on disciplinary hearings, if the hearing refers to that committee members own team, as this my rise a conflict of interest.


6.1.Bothteams will complete and sign the results sheet. This is to be sent to the Results Secretary, by the winning team, to arrive within 2 days of the date the match took place.

6.2.Captains are responsible for their sheets.

6.3.Winning teams not complying with rule 6.1 will not be awarded the two points for the win. This penalty may be relaxed if it was proved that the card was delivered within the 2 day period but was not received by the Results Secretary.


7.1.In the event that a team is short of players for a match (i.e. having less than 6), the opposing team will be awarded any frames for which they have no opposition.

7.2.If both teams are short, meaning that a frame or frames have no players to compete in them, then the points for these frames will not be awarded.


8.1.All teams must register their home venue with the league.

8.2.In the event of a team wishing to change its venue mid season, the Secretary must be given 7 days notice, preferably in writing.

8.3.The minimum desirable requirement for an acceptable venue shall be:

8.3.1.A standard six, seven or eight foot table. A six foot by two and a half foot table being the recommended size.

8.3.2.The match table shall be level and have a surface of reasonable quality.

8.3.3.The table shall be clearly marked and maintained in a clean and well presented manner.

8.3.4.A rest and spider should be made available along with a short cue.

8.3.5.Pool balls will be yellow, red and one black ball. American style ‘spots and stripes’ are not acceptable.

8.4.Every effort should be made to ensure adequate playing space is available around the table.

8.5.An area should be available adjacent to the table for viewing purposes.

8.6.The Management Committee may refuse to accept any team whose venue does not conform to this standard.

8.7.The Committee will (try) inspect venues to see if they come up to league standards.


There will be no changes of any venue in Competitions ( Team K.O. any other Cups, Singles and Doubles.) If players are sent to a venue they must play at the venue regardless of any external or internal circumstances. Players may have to pay for games at certain venues. Players will have no right to move matches on “price of play” reasons. ALL players in singles and doubles will play “BEST OF 3 FRAMES ONLY”. Any player/s who move from a nominated venue will be excluded from competitions. See Rule 14.4.


9.1.A copy of these league rules and current official playing rules (World 8 BaIl Pool Federation Rules) shall be made available for all matches by the home team.


10.1.If two or more teams are tied by the same number of points in positions affecting the championship, promotion or relegation places, and there is no difference in frames, the tie shall be broken as follows:

10.1.1.The team having won the greater number of away matches shall take precedence.

10.1.2.If there is still a tie, the teams involved shall play off under a format to be decided by the committee, at such time and venue as is decided by the committee.

10.1.3.The committee will have the power to place teams into any division at there discretion regardless of the teams position at the end of the last season. This will mean that ( new / old / existing ) teams who enter the league may be placed in a ( Higher / Lower ) division that the committee deems fair.


11.1All division winners will receive £120 cash and All division runners-up will receive £80 cash Singles and Doubles winners will receive cash payments. All payments are in loo of trophies.( To the end of the 2009 Summer season only).

From the winter 2009 / 2010 season. NEW AMENDMENT .. All division winners will receive 60% cash of an equal share of all divisions and TKO monies and All division Runners-up will receive 40% cash of an equal share of all divisions and TKO monies. Singles and Doubles winners will receive cash 60% payment, Runners-up 40% cash of monies subscribed to the individual competitions. All payments are in loo of trophies.


12.1.Any team not completing all their fixtures for the current season, (see rule 2) will be expelled for that season. All results against them, including player performance will be expunged.


13.1.Coaching is deemed to be unsportsmanlike behaviour and will result in the frame being awarded away. If a player is unsure of the rules he may ask the referee for clarification but no one else. The referee can answer questions except those that would provide a ‘future’ answer. For example, ‘if I play this shot will it leave a foul snooker?’

13.2.In doubles, talking between partners is allowed from the point balls stop moving at the end of a partner’s turn, throughout the opponent’s turn, and until the cue ball is struck at the beginning of the other partner’s turn. However, only the player in control is allowed to touch the table.


14.1.Singles and doubles competitions will be organised by the committee for players, of affiliated teams, to enter on the condition that they have represented their team in at least one league match BEFORE the first round of the competition that they are entering.

14.2.All players entering these competitions will be entered into a single draw, to be organised by the committee, which will act as the draw for the whole competition.

14.3.The semi finals and the final will be held at neutral venues to be determined by the committee.

14.4.The opening rounds of all singles and doubles competitions, up to the last eight players, will be played on a best of three frames basis. The next two rounds will be played on a best of five frames basis with the final being played on a best of seven frames basis.

14.5.The results of matches must be passed onto the league Results Secretary by the winning individual or doubles partnership within 24 hours of the match being played.

14.6.Members of the league committee will referee the semi finals and final of all competitions.

14.7.Singles and doubles matches may take place on Tuesday or Thursday evenings depending on how the league fixture list is set up for that season.

14.8.As from Winter 2009 / 2010 season. In all rounds of Singles & Doubles competition. All players are expected to be at their respective venues and ready to play from 8.00pm any player NOT AT THE VENUE BY 8.00pm WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO PLAY AND WILL FORFEIT THEIR GAME. There will be NO appeal if any player turns up late for singles doubles K.O’s.

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