Advertising for McCurdy Real Estate – Dawn McCurdy

Advertising for McCurdy Real Estate – Dawn McCurdy

Harmon Homes (


Times Union

Harmon Homes (

-Bi-Monthly ad space creation for Magazine.

Log in at

-Keep spreadsheet of deadline dates updated – to see upcoming deadlines, click on Ad Manager Button.

To create/edit the current ad you are working on, or creating, you need to click the appropriate link in the Ad Status area.

Click on the AD BUILDER Button in the center of the next page, and that will take you to the platform for creating or editing the ad.

If you are creating a brand new ad, you will be prompted to select a page size. This will be in increments of .25. You will want to enter 0.50 for a half page ad, unless Dawn tells you otherwise.

There are 3 main tabs to the left that will guide you in building the ad.

First you will want to select the template tab, and make your selections.

Half page will already be set.

Set the number of blocks to 6, unless a unique situation arises.

When you click the header or footer button, at the bottom of the page, you will see the options you have available to use. Dawn currently has a gold set, and a rust colored set that you can choose from.

The layout option will show you several ways you can list the blocks for a half page ad.

The Design Tab lets you select what the boxes will look like (with shadowing, without shadowing, round edges, square edges, ect) and it will let you pick the percentage of space used for text, and for the picture in the listing.

The Inventory Tab, allows you to select the listings you want to put in the template.

Click the listings button, and that will bring up Dawn’s active listings and will let you select and drag to the box you want them at on the template.

The newest listings or listings that have been recently changed will go in the ad. Make sure you get a list approved from Dawn of the listings for each ad. You also want to make sure that you “freshen up” any listing that has recently been ran, so that it does not look exactly the same.

(Please note that the screen shot example, was a unique situation and you should usually have 6 spaces not 5.)

The Fill/Promos button is for when you need something in a space that is not a listing.

To edit a listing in the box, you would click the edit button in that box, and it will turn pink. Then you will see options appear in the area on the left. Sometimes you may need to adjust the picture, or remove text overflow.

At anytime while creating the ad, if you wish to see your progress, you can click the view proof button. NEVER approve the ad without permission from Dawn.Make sure that when you view the proof, that you don’t see any red overflow text on the ad.

Upon reviewing the proof Dawn will usually approve the ad herself, always make sure she is aware of upcoming deadlines, and have ad ready to proof several days before it’s due.

Before the ad can be approved, each listing needs its own unique ID# for the hotline.

The ID# needs to be in each listings text, so interested customers can call the hotline, plug in the ID# and hear more about the home.

Here are the instructions:



  • Call 1-800-499-1093
  • Enter in 6039 as soon as you hear greeting
  • Enter in ID# 3039
  • Enter in #2 to Manage Scripts
  • Follow directions.
  • To re-record press 1
  • To listen press 6 then hit * to go back to previous menu
  • To delete press 4

Use this script and fill in blanks:

Thank you for calling the McCurdy Real Estate Home Hunter Hotline. At the conclusion I will explain how you can receive a free information package including a copy of this listing.

Thank you for your interest in the property located at ______in the town of ______. Proudly offered to you at $______.

Property description: _-dawn will provide-______.

We have arranged for several different home loans for this property, many of which require as little a zero down payment.

You can receive a free information package including all of the details of this home, information on financing such as how you can buy a home with no money down, plus a special report on the 6 biggest mistakes buyers make and how to avoid them.

To receive your free information package simply leave your mailing address after the tone and we will send it to you free of charge and always without obligation.

Thank you for calling and make it a great day.


Continually update listings to air on TWTV channel.

Keep an updated word doc at for Dawn, so that she knows at all times, which listings are using spots. This is currently labeled – TWTV Ad Spots.

Each week, log into TWTV and “freshen up” the listings there, since they are on TV, you don’t want them to look exactly the same each time.

Clicking on the active spots link will show you which listings are currently active.

There are 8 active ad spots available that will run on TV.

5 should be Dawns, and 3 should be Pat’s or other Listing Agents on the team.

Listings that are pending should be removed from TWTV so that they are not taking up a spot. You would simple click stop spot and confirm.

Please keep in mind that most actions have to be approved by TWTV staff, they are not instant. It usually takes a day or two.

Times Union

Open houses are submitted to the times union.

Dawn will let you know if she needs this done, when there is an open house for a listing.

You will use the blank Times Union Form to fill out the open house information.

For example:



____ In-Column Ad__X __In Column Ad

Deadline: 1 PM Tuesday Deadline: 1 PM Thursday

Complete: Run Date(s): Date: Sunday April 27 th, 2008

Complete: CountyRun in: SARATOGA

AD COPY: Please note: The ad will publish exactly as it appears below. Typed copy is preferred. The Times Union can not be accountable for copy errors if the material faxed is not clearly legible. Be sure to include everything necessary for a successful ad as it applies i.e. Location, Open House Time, Price, Agent Name, Phone Number, Directions, Open House, etc.

MLS:28101037 : will appear in Times Union Open House SECTION

NOTE: There cannot be more than 31 characters per line: Please Perform a WORD COUNT from the TOOLS MENU above (spaces are included in the count.) BOLDING makes a difference in the word count- keep to a minimum for maximum wording.

TIME: 1 - 3

LOCATION: 79 B Southbury Road

COPY: Below

OPEN 1 - 3

$379,900.Clift Pk-NEW,1 yr

Col,4 br,2.5 ba,3/4 ac,2400sf


to 79B Southbury.MLS:28101037

McCurdy RE:PAT:376-3055