Worcester Diocese Annual Return for Governing Bodies 2017-18
The DBE values the generous contribution made by all Governors and as the appointing body for Foundation Governors, requires up-to-date information to enable effective communication and an in depth knowledge of each of our diocesan schools and academies.
Thisshort ‘Annual Return Form’helps usto achieve this, providing details that will form part of our database.We will be askingClerks to complete and return this form on an annual basis.
It should betyped(adding extra rows if necessary) and returned, preferably by email, to:
Please note, the email addresses and telephone numbers provided for the Chair of Governors and Clerk to Governors will not be shared externally, and will be used by the Diocesan Education Team only where necessary.
Many thanks in advance.
Mission statement of school:
Name of School ______VA / VC School/ Academy(please delete as appropriate)
Name / Email address / Tel. NumberChair of Governors
Clerk to Governors
Governor’s Name / Category /
Appointed by
(e.g. Ex-officio, DBE, WDAT PCC, Parent, Staff) / Specific Responsibilities /
Sub Cttees
(e.g. Safeguarding, SEN, Training, etc) / Date term of office ends / Re-appointment / Application in progress?
Training undertaken by Foundation Governors in the last year to enable effective contribution to the Governing Board (Diocesan, Babcock, LA):
Course / Name ofFoundation Governor / Date UndertakenTraining by Foundation Governors for the next year to enable effective contribution to the Governing Board:
Please see the Diocesan SLA for the Training Events Programme.
Course / Name of Foundation Governor / Date (if booked)We declare that the details above are accurate (an electronic signature will suffice).
Headteacher: ______
Chair of Governors: ______
Once completed please send, preferably by email, to or by post to Laura Farmer, Department for Education,The Old Palace, Deansway, Worcester, WR1 2JE.