Woodworkers Board Meeting
July 23, 2007
Convened: 7:00 PM
Attendees:Keith Williams
Linda Ross
Ron Helgerson
Gary Robillard
Jerry Sprouse
Carla Crane
Secretary’s Report:July 2nd, minutes reviewed and approved.
President’s report:
Board Member Elections: Nominations are closed for members of the board and election is set for the August 9th, general meeting.
August board meeting has been rescheduled from August 27th to August 20th. If the secretary isunable to attend, Keith will take minutes.
Christmas Toy Project: Keith will schedule aChristmas Project meeting and contact those who signed up. At the meeting decisions will be made regarding leaders, types of toys, and distribution etc.
Vice Presidents Report: This is the last meeting for current Vice President, Lind Ross and Ron Helgerson will be assuming this position after the August elections.
Ron suggested that he be given information on past speakers. He will continue update information on current speakers.
Second Vice PresidentReport: One new member Mike Brown.
An updated CCWA Roster was distributed to the board members. This roster contains information that will not be included on the CCWA general roster. The roster for the general membership will include name, phone number and email address only for each member.
A release form is to be signed by current and new members, which gives consent for contact information to be included in the general membership roster.
The new membership cards will be imprinted with the current year and new cards will be reissued annually in September when dues are paid. Dues will be paid each September and need to received no later than September 30th to maintain active membership.
Treasurers Report: Approximately 400.00 currently in bank account.
Webmasters Report: Website links are being fine tuned to make them easier to use. The website has been divided into separate pages. Icons have been added as a link to each page. There was discussion on how to keep track of number of hits to the website.
Old Business: Carla will bring Christmas Project Sign Up sheet to August general meeting and Keith will ask for anyone interested to sign up during the meeting.
New Business: Jerry suggested that at one general meeting people could bring in their jigs to share.
It was also suggested that we could do a shop tour, or tour other places of interest.
There was general discussion and suggestions of different types of speakers for the general meeting.
It was decided that the website and guest speaker will be included in meeting notices in the newspapers, which will now include the Atascadero paper.
The speaker for the August meeting will be from M L Campbell who will give a demonstration on finishing cabinets. Charlie Karp is the contact for information regarding this speaker.
We discussed possible locations for future board meetings, such as various board members homes or having a breakfast board meeting at a café. While the subject is under discussion, meetings will continue to be held at the SeniorCenter.
Meeting Adjourned: 8:30 PM