Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 26thFebruary 2016 at 7:30pm.
The Woodvale Progress Association Inc. gratefully accepts the invitation of the Woodvale Hall Committee for the use of the Woodvale Community Hall for the purposes of conducting regular quarterly, and special community meetings, as required for the benefit of Woodvale.
Present: Brendan Bartlett (President)Apologies: Jennifer White
Helen Hickson (Secretary)Kerry Errington
Jim Hickson (Vice President)
Andrew Prentis (Treasurer)
Lyn Talbot
David Stuchbery
Mal Hall
Glenys Hall
Gary Davis
Carol Davis
Vanessa Richardson
Ken Stent
Ian Magee
The Meeting was opened by Brendan Bartlett at 7.38 pm. Apologies were accepted:Moved: Gary DavisSecond: Jim Hickson Carried
Copies of previous minutes were circulated by email. Minutes of the previous meeting were acceptedMoved: Glenys HallSecond: Jim HicksonCarried
Business arising:
- Letter to Andrew Helps. Vanessa will forward contact details to HH, who will write to thank Andrew for water testing.
- Re-imbursement to Ian Magee. Cheque to be given to Ian tonight.
- We will briefly look at the Community plan tonight and work out what we need to do to review the plan. Will probably need to arrange a special meeting. Will discuss in general business.
- Lyn provided information about the sign for the Rec Reserve – it is a VicRoads process – Brendan and Kerry to review.
- letter to Minister D’Ambrosio about our concerns about Woodvale Ponds
- Media Release about concerns about Woodvale Ponds
- Receipt of letters from Jacinta Allan
Moved:Gary Davis Second: Lyn Talbot Carried
- Treasurer’s Report. Andrew provided a Treasurer’s report. Cheque account balance is $921, historical markers account is $7,224 and $183 in petty cash.
- Historical markers: Brendan reported that the sign has been printed and should be installed soon. There was a miscommunication with the printerand the map was printed incorrectly. There are labels to correctly identify locations and this has now been rectified.
- Website. Gary reported that the website has had 1,008 visits, 4,702 pages and 65,686 hits. Gary distributed the most recent reports about traffic to the web site.
- Noticeboard. Brendan will update noticeboard as required.
- Hall Committee: Ken reported that the tank stand has a red ribbon around it. It has been inspected and condemned. Ken is working through a process to get it replaced. Ken has been looking at the grant for shade sails, lots of preparation work required and insufficient time to prepare grant application. Committee is looking to get a flag pole for the Anzac Day Ceremony. Have applied to the RSL for a grant to pay for this. David Vaughan and Ken Stent are researching lesser known local returned serviceman. Trees in Avenue of Honour suffering from lack of water. Ken and Godfrey have watered and will take some cuttings. Vanessa offered help from a friend who has expertise in this area.
- Woodvale Recreation Reserve: Ken reported on the latest update plan for the pavilion. Now, just need the funding.
- Clay Target Club – Glenn was not at the meeting so no report tonight.
- Woodvale Fire Brigade: Jim reportedthat there is one new member who will start training at the end of the fire season. The fire station floor has been painted and the Brigade has supported Eaglehawk with increased fires due to a local firebug. It has been a quiet fire season but typical of the end of summer there are lots of bare paddocks and dry dams.
- ERC report.Community members visited Minister D’Ambrosiolast year and this was a very successful visit. She agreed to follow up about the Bond and Management positions and there have been positive changes. Next meeting is on Wed 9th March 2016. Brendan thanked ERC representatives for their dedicated commitment to the closing of the ponds.
- Bendigo Groundwater Reference Group. Brendan reported that there hasn’t been a meeting for ages and the plans are in place to set up the Coliban option.
Motion: Reports are accepted: Moved: Mal Hall Second: Ken Stent Carried
General Business
Community Plan. We will arrange a separate meeting to update the plan, review the survey and review demographic data. Group needs to consider whether to review the plan or to restart the community planning process and repeat the survey and community consultation. Raywood and Neilborough have reviewed their plan and re-launched. There is a combined community meeting in Raywood on Monday night to discuss similarities in their community plan and community needs. There will be a meeting on Thursday 17th March 2016 at 7.30 pm at the Woodvale Hall to review the plan. Lyn will bring supper.
Lyn advised that there will be a combined community meeting at Raywood on Monday 29th February 2016 at 7pm.
Notice board. If a community member wants to there is a notice do we need to check that the business is accredited and meets regulations? Should we use the notice board for community members to advertise their business or services? Moved Vanessa Richardson 2nd that David Stuchbery the there is a sign placed on the notice board with the community advertisements that reads, “notices on this board are not necessarily endorsed by the Woodvale Progress Association and are the responsibility of the local community member/s represented.”
NBN tower. Jim reported that he has received plans for the construction of the NBN tower, which is expected to be carried out between March and September 2016.
The meeting closed at 9.20pm. Next Supper: Mal and Glenys Hall
Next Meeting will be on Thursday 26th May 2016