Are more books written by men or women in the library science field?
Although being a librarian is a female dominated profession, through our research wediscovered that more men have written books about Library Science.
Rutgers-Camden: The library had 519 results for Library Science books. Out of the first twenty-five books, 22 of them were written by men, leaving 3 of them written by women.
Stockton University: Stockton’s library had 249,708 results for Library Science books. Out of the first 25 books, 18 of them were written by men, leaving 7 of them written by women.
Why is it that men are mostly writing books about a female dominated profession, when it’s proven women have the most experience in this field? Women are also paid less, even though they make up about 75% of librarians. /
Librarians & Feminism
/ Librarians & Feminism /
Leah Davies, Momtahina Afrin, & Marie Perez
General Facts You Should Know About Librarians
•Librarians, librarian technicians, and assistants are predominantly white.•Being a Librarian is considered mostly women’s work, and will continue to be that way.
•In a 2010 survey, men made up about 17.2% of librarians, and 40% of library directors in universities.
•81% of women consist of Library Science students, 4.2% of those students are African American women, 4.1% of them are Hispanic women, and 3% are Asian women.
• Nearly 12 percent of public libraries do not offer a pension, and 17.4 percent do not offer retirement savings. Among academic libraries, 23.3 percent do not offer a pension, and 20 percent do not offer retirement savings
•At a time when libraries and librarians are facing increasing demands, many states and municipalities are threatening to cut their budgets and close branches as a result of budget shortfalls.Libraries and librarians are faced with meeting the challenges of increased usage without increased budgetary support /
Librarians & the Wage Gap
Although in today’s society being a librarian is a mostly female dominated career, women are paid much less then men in the profession. Here are some facts:
- In 2010, the median weekly earnings for women were 81% those of men. The minority gap is even worse.
- African American Women earn 72 cents for every dollar earned by men. Hispanic women make 62 cents for every dollar a man makes. Asian American women is the only group closest to making the same wage as men. (Minority men still make more than womentoo)
- Female librarians weekly median wage is $841, and men’s $921.
- In this profession, women tend to have more years of experience. But when years of experience are equal, men continue to have a larger salary. Women’s average salaries: $69,277, Men’s average salaries (about 3.7% more): $71,953
- The only men salaries that were lower than women’s were directors of ARL libraries.
Stockton University Library Staff: In total there are 31 staff members. Out of these 31 individuals, 23 of them are female, and 8 are male. Our librarian director is MALE.
Rutgers-Camden Library Staff: In total there are nineteen staff members. There are 13 female librarians, and 6 male librarians. The librarian director is MALE.