Minutes of the meeting held on 3 July 2007 at 19:00 in the Board Room, Woodstock Police Station.
PRESENT:Mr Teun Baartman in the chair – see attendance register.
Mr Baartman opened the meeting and welcomed all those present.
The minutes of the June 2007 meeting were adopted. Errol Johns proposed and
Helen Swart seconded the adoption.
3.1There was a balance of R4,926.20 in the bank account at the end of June 2007.
3.7The bank charges were considered high considering that there was only one expense for the year which expense was lower than the bank charges. Perhaps a savings account instead of a cheque account would be preferable if the CPF is not going to need a cheque book that often. ONGOING TB
3.12A total donation of R1,000 was received from St Michael’s Church being their R500 monthly donation for May and June. The amount in trust for the Trauma Room totals R1,700.
4.1Supt Van Der Riel reported on June 2007 and gave a list of Hot Spots for all four sectors. Van Der Riel mentioned that crime was lower, in all categories, when compared to 2006. The crime report sheet for 2006 indicated a number of red areas which have now changed to green. He further reported as follows:
Contact crimes: decreased by 7%
(crimes against a person, rape/attempted rape, murder/attempted murder, assault and robbery)
Contact related crimes: increased by 12% with
(the threat to do bodily harm)
Property related crimes: decreased by 26%
(house/business burglaries, theft of/out of motor vehicles)
Other serious crimes: decreased by 26%
(theft, fraud, commercial crimes)
Policeable crime: increased by 69%
(possession of illegal fire arms, drug related crimes, drunken driving)
4.8Dir Flemmert stated that it must first be established that all the dockets are in order and that investigations have been done properly. A Court often releases suspects as the SAPS Officers are not at the Court on the day of the bail application and this is a cause for concern. Before meeting with the Public Prosecutor, it should first be established why the suspects were released. We cannot ask the Prosecutor to be stronger in opposing bail if he does not have sufficient facts before him to do so. It was agreed to postpone the meeting by a month in order to do research first.
4.14Mr Furtak asked if the crime stats can be made public. Supt Van Der Riel explained that due to the moratorium, these stats can only be mentioned to the CPF members at the meeting.
4.15Mr Furtak mentioned child prostitutes he observed in the Lower Main Rd, Woodstock and asked what SAPS does with regard to child prostitution. Supt Van Der Riel explained that they follow the law regarding arresting child prostitutes. However, the SAPS has been accused by SWEAT, an NGO defending prostitute’s rights, of violating their human rights . SWEAT have also obtained an interdict against SAPS, which interdict is now being challenged.
4.16The question of how many burglary suspects are actually from within and without the Woodstock precinct was raised. This is difficult to determine but at present it seems as if 60% of suspects are local.
4.17Supt Van Der Riel reported back on clause 4.13 of the June minutes regarding CPF members attending the Justice Meetings. He made enquires and was told that allowing ‘outsiders’ to attend these meetings has not been done before. However, the Magistrate feels that this should not be a problem but clearance will need to be obtained. Supt Van Der Riel will advise further at the next meeting. Supt VDR
4.18Helen Swart mentioned a bag snatching incident in Rotchester Rd but there was no report with SAPS of this. Renen Watermeyer spoke about his house burglary which was well handled by the Woodstock SAPS and he extended his appreciation to SAPS.
5.30Mr Watermeyer mentioned that he read in the media that there will be a restructure of CPF mechanisms. Dir Flemmert stated that he has not received anything regarding this issue as yet. ONGOING
5.42Mr Baartman mentioned his meeting with the PC regarding Dir Flemmert’s resignation. The PC did not commit himself and stated that the post of Station Commissioner still had to be advertised. He has, however, noted our concerns.
5.43With regard to the station visits (see 5.32) finger prints are still being checked. A roster will be drawn up and presented at a meeting on 12 July at 19:00 in the CSC during which Raymond Wentzel will brief us.
5.44Further to clause 5.33, photographs will also be taken at the meeting on the 12th of July as per clause 5.43.
5.45Further to clause 5.35, Supt Van Der Riel advised that a new telephone – 021 442-3117 – has been installed in the CSC which can be used for outgoing calls. He mentioned that the numbers 021 442-3122/23 should be used when calling the CSC instead of 021 442-3100.
5.46The difficulties experienced by callers especially with regard to language was discussed. Supt Van Der Riel advised that four new civilians will be employed to answer the telephone in the CSC only. They are currently undergoing training.
5.47Further to clause 5.34, Mr Baartman has finally received a copy of the budget, which Brovain Macnab is perusing. He will comment on this budget at the next meeting. BM
5.48Mr Baartman asked if records were kept of response times. Supt Van Der Riel said that these are being monitored and he will make a report available at the next meeting. Supt VDR
5.49Mr Baartman advised that a letter was received from the Provincial Head attaching an agenda CPF’s must adhere to. They also mentioned that CPFs must submit their meeting minutes within three days of the meeting. This is not reasonable and not possible. Mr Baartman will respond to this communication. TB
6.33Mr Watermeyer reported that nine sites were inspected of which 3 will receive a negative response.
6.34Amy Grainger handed Brian Gray one new application and one application to transfer the license for the Observatory area.
6.35Amy Grainger will email each Sector a list of all the licensed establishments in their area.
6.36Further to clause 6.28 Supt Van Der Riel responded that they have discussed our request and have prioritised this matter. However, as the station currently has staff shortages, it will take some time to find a suitable person. Supt VDR
6.37Cllr Thomas mentioned that The Cape Venue, one of the establishments we object to, has also had their application for a licence and slot machines refused by Sub-Council.
7.17Sector 1 – The sector managers are both currently on leave due to an administration oversight. Supt Van Der Riel stressed that this will not happen again. However, feedback from the community has been positive and patrols have been regular. All seems to be going well.
Sector 2 – Mr Baartman reported that this sector had two meetings in June, one without any SAPS members turning up. There are still some issues that need sorting out. Visible policing, it is felt, is insufficient. The shared manpower between two sectors must be addressed.
Sector 3 – Response times to callouts was good as well as the ongoing raids. As many houses are of the old semi-detached type, escape by burglars over the roofs of the units is easy and often more than one unit is burgled at a time.
Sector 4 – Handed in a copy of their meeting minutes. Capt Heydenrich gave statistics indicating that several arrests were made in this sector. He also thanked Metro Police for their assistance.
7.18Supt Van Der Riel mentioned that shifts have changed back to 12 hours. There is seldom one patrol vehicle per sector. Due to absenteeism staff have to be moved around. There is also the problem of lack of drivers. This issue must be discussed further.
7.19Cllr Thomas thanked all sectors for their efforts as he rode around the four sectors, for a three hour period, with a Mayco member who was very impressed with the visible policing
7.20Mr Wentzel mentioned that the Sector 4 community are very impressed with Const Andreas and Capt Jeftha and asked him to convey their thanks.
7.21Cllr Thomas asked if there was a better communication instrument such as the Tatler as he felt that the community is not saying enough publicly. They obviously want to give their input and also thank SAPS but do not know how.
8.13Further to clause 8.8, Ms Swart advised that a lady has promised a monthly donation of R500 for the Trauma Room only and will not give this donation if the money is to go into the CPF bank account. Supt Van Der Riel stated that the CPF is a legislative body. Donations cannot be conditional. Mr Macnab suggested that the Chairman give this lady a call. ONGOING TB
8.16Mr Baartman apologised to Raymond Wentzel and Helen Swart as he forgot to advise them of a meeting.
8.17Mr Baartman reported that he has made progress with the volunteers. A call out roster will be drawn up by Serg Malila which will be posted in the CSC so that not only Berni and Jessie are constantly called on. Their next meeting is scheduled for the 11th of July.
9.11We need to forward to Province our projects for 2007 in order to receive funding.
9.12Sarg Malila and Brian Gray are working on a joint venture between SAPS and the Observatory Civic to hold a Cheese & Wine in the Observatory Community Center on 9 August, National Women’s Day. The objective is to raise funds for the family of Detective Le Roux.
10.28Cllr Thomas thanked the Metro Police for the positive dual operations that have been carried out. It was accepted at full Council that Metro will go into sector policing just as SAPS are doing as the large areas they are covering at present has proved to be very difficult.
10.29It was mentioned that Rens Binneman be requested to give a presentation to SAPS of the system instituted by Mayco of copper, manhole cover, etc theft and the pilot project for our Ward at our next meeting on 2 August.
10.30Cllr Thomas mentioned that the problem of derelict properties being used by criminals must be looked at. The property at 17 Coleridge Rd is giving administration problems as it is private property. Apparently the owner owes the city quite a lot of money.
10.31Mr Wentzel mentioned that Metro Police currently have a budget of R1.8 million for social crime projects. However, money from the previous financial year has not yet been spent which he feels must be tapped into.
10.32Mr Koeries stated that problem precincts must be identified. Schools must be worked with so that children can be made to be street wise. A new strawberry sweet being offered to children is in fact a new drug.
10.33Cllr Thomas asked what is being done with regard to drug lords. Supt Van Der Riel responded that properties in Devon Str have been foreclosed on. Unfortunately it is a long process to get to the attachment of property stage. Foreclosures are handled at province level.
10.34Mr Watermeyer asked if taxi and traffic violations can be put on the agenda of our next meeting. TB
10.35Mr Furtak requested a report on environmental issues to be put on our next agenda.
The next meeting will be on 7 August 2007 at 19:00 in the Woodstock SAPS Board Room.
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