Woodlands Property Owner’s Association

General Meeting Minutes

Thursday, September 1, 201

7:00 – 9:00 p.m.

First National Bank Bastrop

IN ATTENDENCE: Elected members Alma Lopez, Beth Awtrey, Patty Jackson, Joe Davis, Tracy Hipe


  1. Alma: Introduced the new board members and gave the board election voting results:
  2. Alma Lopez, President – 30 votes
  3. Beth Awtrey, Vice President – 25 votes
  4. Patty Jackson, Treasurer – 22 votes
  5. Joe Davis, Secretary – 21
  6. Tracy Hipe, Member - 18
  7. Alma: Went over the dates of the board meetings up to now:
  8. 1st Board Meeting – 6/23/2011
  9. 2nd Board Meeting – 7/28/2011
  10. 3rd Board Meeting – 8/24/2011
  11. Patty: Discussed the new WPOA web site and handed out PowerPointof the web site because of no internet connection to go live.
  12. Alma: Action items and issues discussed:
  13. Transfer of WPOA bank Account from old to new board
  14. Protocol for bank deposits and withdrawals
  15. Financial statement
  16. Possible plans to address property owners’ violations, including non-payment of dues
  17. Update to property owner’s directory
  18. Mail out of notices/statements of association dues
  19. Access to WPOA P.O. Box
  20. WPOA Web site
  21. Repairs to bulletin board
  22. Contact county regarding road repairs and mowing
  23. Quarterly electronic newsletter
  24. Alma: Discussed the new HOA Laws:
  25. HB 8 – Prohibition against private transfer fees
  26. HB362 – Solar energy devices
  27. SB472 – Voting rights and quorum for voting
  28. HB1228 – Notice to delinquent owners and payment plans
  29. HB1278 – Display of certain religious items
  30. HB1821 – Certified notice to delinquent members
  31. HB2761 – Board meeting notice and meeting minutes
  32. HB2779 – Flag display
  33. HB2869 – Board powers and annual meetings
  34. HB3391 – Rain water harvesting
  35. Alma asks the general membership for new ideas and “what you want the community to look like?”
  36. Vision for our community
  37. Design of community flag
  38. Design of WPOA letterhead
  39. Fall/Spring community clean up
  40. Community garage sale
  41. Farmers market day
  42. Additional bulletin boards
  43. Design and landscape of entrance to our community
  44. Social events such as community picnic WPOA baseball team, potlucks—sharing of favorite recipes, burger and hot dog day, etc.
  45. Discussion with the membership about the WPOA dues. Some said that their 2006 and 2007 dues had been waived by Tom and previous board. We (the current board) said that if they could produce a document saying they were waived we would try to find out who authorized it. This current or previous board does not have the right to authorize any changes in the dues unless the by-laws are amended. Someone suggested a flat fee for all property owners as dues.
  46. Questions and topics from the general membership:
  47. Dog control
  48. How much money is in the bank? Patty reported there is $22,879.22 in WPOA bank account.
  49. Check to see what the cost of street lights would be for main road
  50. Send information to dog owner that is killing cats
  51. Meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.