February 11, 2010
6:00 PM
- CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL – Chairman, Millard called the meeting to order at 6:03PM. Commissioners present were Stephan Millard, Carrol Harvey, Charles Olson, Tom Rollinger, Charles Schroeder, and Mark Stackhouse. Commissioner John Schenk arrived a little late after roll call had taken place. Commissioner Ullo was absent. Staff present was Sally Riley, Scott Woodford, and Maggie Weien.
- ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN AND VICE CHAIRMAN FOR 2010 - Nominations for Chair for 2010 were entertained by Chairman, Millard. Stackhouse moved to place Stephan Millard in nomination for the position of Chair. Nomination seconded by Charles Schroeder. Millard moved to place Carrol Harvey in nomination for the position of Chair. Nomination seconded by Charles Olson. A paper ballot was completed and the results read into the record. Four votes were cast for Carrol Harvey with two votes cast for Stephan Millard.
Stackhouse moved to place Stephan Millard in nomination for the position of Vice Chair. Nomination seconded by Carrol Harvey. Millard moved to place Mark Stackhouse in nomination for the position of Vice Chair. Nomination seconded by Tom Rollinger. A paper ballot was completed and the results read into the record. Four votes were cast for Stephan Millard with two votes cast for Mark Stackhouse.
The Chair for 2010 will be Carrol Harvey. The Vice Chair for 2010 will be Stephan Millard.
Minutes of the Thursday, September 24, 2009 were approved by general consent as presented.
- Chairman’s Report - None
- Planning Director’s Report – Ms. Riley mentioned that there were several documents at each commissioners’ seat which included the 2010 Planning Commission Meeting Schedule, Monthly Reports from September 2009 thru January 2010. A copy of the letter of approval for Las Casas at Forest Edge, a Teller County Habitat for Humanity project at 855 Forest Edge Circle. This is a Permitted Use Site Plan Review for a multi-family project of 7 units.
This portion of the agenda was not televised.Commissioners moved from the dais to tables and chairs and were joined by members of the Community Advisory Committee (CAC) to begin the review of the draft document of the Woodland Park Comprehensive Plan. Tony Perry, Chair of the CAC, gave an introduction to the commissioners about the process that started in May 2009. He addressed all of the hours that have been dedicated to this process and that he felt the document has evolved into a good product reflective of community input.
John Schenk read his comments that he had typed so they could be shared in a detailed and clear manner. First Mr. Schenk thanked all who have participated in this process and complimented everyone for their sense of responsibility to the community. The Master Plan of 1994 & 1999 compares to the Comprehensive Plan but the Comp Plan goes more in depth, with Goals, Objectives and Strategies from the top down. The strength of the Current Plan is that it includes priorities and detailed background in 14 chapters. Mr. Schenk felt that the current draft is an outstanding start, but that the next step is for the Planning Commission to refine the level ofuniformity and eliminate redundancies. The timeframe for completing this review should not be driven by the upcoming election and not move along at a faster pace than necessary. City Manager, David Buttery, clarified for the commissioners that there is not a sense of urgency or a timeline driven by the upcoming elections. Buttery assured the commissioners that they will have ample time to do a complete review of this document.
Various members of the CAC present at the meeting commented on the portion of the document they worked on, their feelings about the Planning Commission draft, and provided background as to the process that has taken place over the past 9 months. All had very positive comments. All were glad that they had had the opportunity to participate in this project and it was a learning experience.
Carrol Harvey read her written comments into the record regarding the legal basis of the Comprehensive Plan. The American Planning Association has recommended steps for municipalities to follow in developing a comprehensive plan and those have been followed by the CAC. Ms. Harvey also reviewedrelevant community issues on pages 3-5, the vision statement on pages 9 & 10, data collection, current and future conditions, economic, social, and transportation issues. Ms. Harvey said that as the document is reviewed by the commissioners, some of the data may not be necessary in the core document and can be moved to the appendix. The core document should stand alone. This document will stand as a policy once it is adopted. This is a fluid document that can be changed over time as needed. Ms. Harvey would like commissioners to review the document format for consistency and note where text could be removed completely or moved to the appendix. For this evenings review, a general overview of some of the chapters will take place, not a word by word review.
Mr. Schenk encouraged the Commissioners to review the Comprehensive Plan priorities.Ms. Harvey implored commissioners to take home the document and study it.
The first page of the Comprehensive Plan is the Executive Summary which highlights “Our Vision” and “Our Guiding Principles” as well as an explanation of “Why a Comprehensive Plan?” The page deals with key planning issues. Branding was discussed with Mr. Perry’s explanation of the importance of the branding process for marketing purposes. It was noted that a task force has been formed to focus on “branding of our community”.
Ms. Harvey continued moving the Commissioners through the Introduction, Vision and Guiding Principles, and Land Use and Growth Chapters.
Sally Riley shared a brief overview of the zoning and comprehensive plan maps.
- ADJOURNMENT – Chair Harvey adjourned the meeting at 8:55p.m.
Recorded by,
Maggie Weien
Administrative Assistant
This ______day of ______, 2010
Carrol Harvey, Chair