

General Requirements4

Weight and Age Divisions5

Golden Score5

Rank Categories5

Veterans (30+)6

Senior Men & Women (16+)6

U20Men& Women6

U17Men & Women6

U15 Men & Women6

U13 Men& Women6
U11Mixed Gender6

U 9Mixed Gender7

U7Mixed Gender7

Rest Period7

Medical Requirements7

Legal and Release Forms8

Shiai Site Sanction Committee8

Post Shiai Reporting8

Sanction Fee8

Release Form – Minor9

Release Form – Adult10



Dojo level (developmental) events are defined as:

1)Not pointable

2)No current or former national level competitors may compete with non-national level competitors without the signed written consent of competitors, parents and the Chief Official

3)Subject to a maximum participation of 50% of the occupancy code regulations of the building’s shiai-jo or dojo capacity

4)Are restricted to registered judoka in good standing of Judo Ontario

5)Examples are; Dojo sponsored “Monthly Shiai” or Invitational Inter-Dojo Shiai


The purpose of this document is to: a) establish the requirements for sanction by the provincial sport’s governing body for judo; b) standardize the operation of Shiai and other events in the Province of Ontario; c) ensure that the event is conducted in accordance with a specific set of rules; d) ensure that the event will be of a high standard and safe; and, e) ensure that referees are qualified and in good standing. See Referee Policy and Procedures v.10-9, available on the Judo Ontario Website.

As a best practice, Judo Ontario will adhere to the principles of the Long Term Athlete Development Model (LTAD), as adopted by Sport Canada (


Any Judo Ontario sanctioned event, cannot be combined in any format with another non-sanctioned event.

Persons or organizations proposing a Shiai shall be members of Judo Ontario and should be aware that if the event is not sanctioned, then:

1)there is no insurance protection via Judo Ontario

2)it will not be valid for the calculation of points toward grading.

2)it will not be valid for selection purposes.

3)no grants of funds will be available.

4)no equipment will be available

5)no technical support will be available.

6)referees and other officials who are members of Judo Ontario are not be allowed to participate.

7)members and dojos,knowingly participating in a non-sanctioned event,will have their Judo Ontario membership suspended and shall be referred to the Risk Management/ Discipline Committee (including appeals process).

8) Judo Ontario logo may not be used.


1.Applications for sanction, plus a copy of the Shiai flyer, must be forwarded to the Sanction Chair8 weeks prior to the event. If the organizers are applying for an annual sanction, then 8 weeks prior to the 1st event of the season. Promotional material is not to be distributed stating the Shiai as being sanctioned until the application has been approved and signed by the Sanction Chair. Distribution may take place provided that the promotional material states clearly in bold“Pending Judo Ontario Sanction”. Event organizers must contact the Chief Referee of the Regionat least 8 weeks prior, to request theapproval of a Chief Referee. The sanction chair will forward the approved invitation to Judo Ontario for posting on the Judo Ontario website.

2.TheShiai Director cannot act in the roles of: Chief Referee or Chief Official. For Shiai Director, also see items: 1, 4, 16, and 17, Medical Requirements, Legal and Release Forms & Post Shiai Reporting. For Chief Official, see items: #2 in definitions on page #3, 6, 13, 16 & Legal and Release Forms.

3.NSO (National Sports Organization) Rules apply.

4.The Shiai Director shall have a copy of this document available for the Chief Official.

5.All weigh-ins will be held on the day of the shiai. There are to be no unofficial weigh-ins. Weight categories cannot be combined or altered without the expressed consent of all the participants involved in those categories. Final approval of changes must be signed by the Chief Official. In situations where the participants are under 18, their parents or legal guardian must agree. (See Release Forms)

6.Participation in a sanctioned Shiai is restricted to the rank of gokyu (yellow belt) and higher. A white/yellow belt combination, or similar, is considered to be a white belt.

7. The Shiai may include a "beginners" category, where white belts may only compete against other white belts or yellow belts, provided that each and every white belt can perform ukemi satisfactorily.

8.Age groups cannot be combined. An exception may be made where there is a maximum of 1 (one) year difference in age, as long as rank and weight are in accordance with age divisions as stated below. IE: An 8 year old (U9) and a 9 year old (U11) are both yellow belts and are < 32 kg. each (the 15% rule may also apply).

9.A contestant in the U13 or younger categories, may not compete in more than one age/weight division.

10.Males and females may not compete against each other. This rule does not apply to U11 or youngeror Kata.

11.All contestants and participants (including organizers, and referees) must be current, registered members in good standing of Judo Ontario. The participant or parent/guardian must produce, upon request, proof of membership and proof of date of birth. Neither the judoka’s sensei nor parent/guardian can sign a waiver permitting their participation.

12.The minimum outer perimeter safety area is 3m and the minimum safety area between competition areas is 3 m. “No exceptions unless modified competition regulations are used, that define the edge of the combat area as the limit beyond which competitors cannot apply throwing techniques (old judo regulation)”. Then a 2m safety perimeter is accepted.

13.Draw sheets and registration forms are to be made available for inspection by the Sanction Chair or Chief Officialupon request.

14. There will be no Judo Ontario membership registration at Shiai venues.

15. Non- monetary prizes only, may be awarded at Shiai.

16. The Chief Officialshall provide a site inspection and the Shiai Director shall correct any deficiencies prior to the start of the Shiai.

17. All camps, clinics and seminars conducted for and by Judo Ontario members must complete a sanction application.

18. All clinic and seminar facilitators must meet Rank / NCCP / Referee certification suitable to the level of the event. Qualifications must be stated on the sanction application.

19. The name of the event must not be misleading, compromise another organisation’s rights to the name or express an authority that is beyond that of the organising committee (i.e. the IJF has the expressed rights to “World” level events, Judo Canada has the expressed rights to “National” level events, etc.).

All Shiai and related events shall follow all the requirements of this document. No modifications are permitted (see LEGAL).


Concerning Age & Weight Categories:

The age of the competitor is determined by their age as of December 31st of the year of the Shiai oron the date of the Shiai at the discretion of the Shiai Director.

The Shiai Director may alter or combine NSO weight categories (listed in the Provincial Sanction Document) provided that no judoka is more than 15% (fifteenpercent) heavier than the lightest judoka in the category. The utmost safety of all the participants is foremost at all times.

(See Release Forms)

Golden Score

Seniors – 3 minutes, U20, U17 – 2 minutes

Rank Categories

Gokyu & Yonkyu2) Sankyu & up


(3 minute matches, 2 minutes for 60+)

Male & Female Age Categories

30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-65 (Age categories may be combined to a maximum of a 10 year difference)


Minimum 16 years of age

(Maximum 5 minute matches)


Minimum age 16, maximum age 19

(Maximum 4 minute matches)


Minimum age 15, maximum age 16

(Maximum4 minute matches)


Minimum age 13, maximum age 14

(3 minute matches)

U 13 MEN / U13 WOMEN

Minimum age 11, maximum age 12

(2 minute matches)

The following additional actions and waza are prohibited* per NSO regulations.

1)Grip over or around the neck, with or without the judogi.
2) All drop down techniques, which start on one or both knees
3) Tani otoshi
4) Makikomi waza (soto, harai, uchi-mata, hane)

*If an injury occurs as a result of a prohibited waza or an attempt, a match “hansoku-make” will be called.

U11 Mixed Gender(Shiai Director may create separate Boys & Girls Divisions)

Minimum age 9, maximum age 10

(2 minute matches)

The recommended format is Round Robin in which each judoka has three to four matches.

The following additional actions and waza are prohibited* per the NSO regulations.

1)Grip over or around the neck, with or without the judogi.
2) All drop down techniques, which start on one or both knees
3) Tani otoshi
4) Makikomi waza (soto, harai, uchi-mata, hane)
5) Sacrifice techniques (no sutemi waza)

*If an injury occurs as a result of a prohibited waza or an attempt, a match “hansoku-make” will be called.

U9 Mixed Gender(Shiai Director may create separate Boys & Girls Divisions)

Minimum age 7, maximum age 8

(2 minute matches)

The recommended format is Round Robin in which each judoka has three to four matches.

The following additional actions and waza are prohibited* per the NSO regulations.

1)Grip over or around the neck, with or without the judogi.
2) All drop down techniques, which start on one or both knees
3) Tani otoshi
4) Makikomi waza (soto, harai, uchi-mata, hane)
5) Sacrifice techniques (no sutemi waza)

*If an injury occurs as a result of a prohibited waza or an attempt, a match “hansoku-make” will be called.

U7 Mixed Gender (Shiai Director may create separate Boys & Girls Divisions)

Per the LTAD Model, it is recommended that all participants receive an award

They may participate in: 1)*Randori Demonstration (Gokyu Rank only), 2)Ne Waza Demonstration &/or 3) Ukemi Demonstration, provided age, weight and rank are suitably matched. No shiai competition is allowed.

*The following additional actions and waza are prohibited* per the NSO regulations.

1)Grip over or around the neck, with or without the judogi.
2) All drop down techniques, which start on one or both knees
3) Tani otoshi
4) Makikomi waza (soto, harai, uchi-mata, hane)
5) Sacrifice techniques (no sutemi waza)

*If an injury occurs as a result of a prohibited waza or an attempt, a match “hansoku-make” will be called.

It is recommended that the Shiai Director or designate, demonstrate prohibited waza for clarity and understanding by the athletes, coaches and parents before the shiai begins.


Rest periods equal to the category match time is permitted between matches.


Medical aid must be available at the shiai.The minimum qualifications for Dojo Level Shiaiis;currently qualified in Standard First Aid and CPR.
Each Venue hosting judo competitions must have an Emergency Action Plan. Qualified senior medical aid shall include: Medical Doctor (preferably ER or judo experience), Physiotherapist (with 1st responder certificate), Chiropractor (with 1st responder certificate), ER Nurse, Certified Athletic Therapist, And Certified Paramedic. The medical personnel present must be currently certified and practicing. Personnel and qualifications must be stated on the application for sanction.

The Shiai Director shall have chlorine solvent and bucket to clean and disinfect mat surface.

In addition to the above, each organizing committee hosting judo competitions for Veteran athletes, must offer access to an AED (automatic external defibrillator).


The proper completion of a properly drafted Release form is essential in view of the potential for lawsuits. The Release Forms attached to this Sanction Package shall be used in all sanctioned Shiai in the Province of Ontario. A competitor who does not have a properly completed and signed form will not be allowed to compete. The form for senior competitors is self-explanatory.

The Shiai director cannot shift a competitor into a different weight division without legally acceptable permission (as in the case of Shiai where there may not be enough competitors in a specific grouping). If the competitor is of legal age of majority, they may agree or disagree themselves; if the competitor is a minor, they may be shifted to a new category if and only if their parent(s) or guardian(s) agrees to the change. The Judo Ontario Release Form is acceptable when completed fully.


At any sanctioned Shiai in the Province, the Sanction Committee shall be deemed to consist of the Sanction Chair (or designate for the event), the Chief Referee and either a member of the Executive Committee or the High Performance Committee.

The Sanction Committee may meet for the purpose of determining whether the Shiai meets the requirements of the Sanction Rules. The Shiai Director may make representations at the meeting. The sanction for a particular Shiai may be withdrawn only if approved by a majority of the Sanction Committee.


The following specific documents (available from the Judo Ontario website) shall be forwarded to the Judo Ontario office no later than 28 days after the conclusion of the event.

1)The Judo Ontario Post Shiai Report.

2)The Judo Ontario Referee Chair’s Post Shiai Report.

3)The Judo Ontario Post Event Report (for clinics & seminars).

4)All disciplinary measures shall be referred by the Shiai Director to the Risk Management / Discipline Committee Chair.

5)A copy of all of the above shall be forwarded to the Ministry of Health Promotion by the Judo Ontario office.

Shiai organizers who do not comply with the above requirements will not have future events sanctioned and they will have their Judo Ontario membership suspended until all details are submitted.

SANCTION FEE (This fee should be sent in the form of a cheque made out to “Judo Ontario”.)

The applicable sanction fee must be submitted with the application for Judo Ontario’s sanction of the event. The sanction fee is;$25.00per event to a maximum of $150.00 or $150.00 for the season (September through August)

Release Form for Minors (Competitors under 18 years of age)

NOTICE: This is a legal document, which must be properly completed and signed, or your entry will not be accepted. PLEASE READ CAREFULLY. It affects your rights. If you do not understand it, obtain legal advice before signing.


IN CONSIDERATION OF the acceptance of the entry of (hereinafter referred to as "the said child") to compete in and /or being permitted to participate in (hereinafter referred to as "this event"), I/We for myself/ourselves and for and on behalf of the said child hereby release, remise and forever discharge, and agree to indemnify and save harmless The Ontario Judo Black Belt Association, , the organizers of this event, their respective officers, executives, directors, officials, agents, servants and representatives (hereinafter referred to as "the Releases") from and against all claims, actions, costs, expenses and demands in respect of death, injury, loss or damage to the person or property of the said child, or myself/ourselves, howsoever caused, arising out ofor in connection with the said child competing or participating in this event and notwithstanding that the same may have been caused by, contributed to or occasioned by the negligence, breach of contract, breach of a common duty of care as an occupier of premises, or otherwise, of or by the Releases or any of them.

I/We agree for myself/ourselves and for and on behalf of the said child to assume all risks, both known and unknown, and all consequences thereof, arising out ofor in connection with the said child competing or participating in this event and to adhere to all rules, regulations and conditions of this event.


1.the said child is in good physical condition and has no injury, disease or disability nor has he/she injected or ingested anything that would impair his/her performance or physical condition or increase the likelihood of injury in competing or participating in this event.

2.No physician, nurse, therapist, trainer, coach, manager or other person has advised me/us not to allow the said child to compete or participate in a body contact sport or in this event.

3.1/We am/are familiar with the sport of judo and the nature of a judo contest. I/We am/are aware that there is a high risk of injury by the very nature of the sport.

4.We are the father and mother of the said child or the Guardian(s) of the said child and the only person(s) entitled to act for and on behalf of the said child.

5.This Release Form authorizes the Shiai Director, after consultation with me, to permit a change in categories. ______(Initialled)


1/We have read this document and I/we understand it fully.


SIGNED: .. .------


Release form for Adults (Competitors 18 yrs old and older)

NOTICE: This is a legal document which must be properly completed and signed or your entry will not beaccepted. PLEASE READ CAREFULLY. It affects your rights. If you do not understand it. obtain legal advicebefore signing.


IN CONSIDERATION OF the acceptance of my entry to compete in and/or my being permitted to participate in  ... (hereinafter referred to as "this event"), I hereby release, remise and forever discharge, and agree to indemnify and save harmless The Ontario Judo Black Belt Association,. , the organizers of this event, their respective officers, executives, directors, officials, agents, servants and representatives (hereinafter referred to as "the Releases") from and against all claims, actions, costs, expenses and demands in respect of death, injury, loss or damage to my person or property, howsoever caused, arising out to or in connection with my competing or participating in this event and notwithstanding that the same may have been caused by, contributed to or occasioned by the negligence, breach of contract, breach of a common duty of care as an occupier of premises, or otherwise, of or by the Releases or any of them.